What is Yoga Really?
Most of us are accustomed to outside of us to fulfill. We live in a world that conditions us to believe that the outer achievements can give us what we want to live. But again and again our experience shows us that nothing external can fully satisfy the deep longing in something more. Most of the time however we find ourselves striving for that seems to always be just out of reach. We do rather than caught in action rather than consciousness. It's hard for us to imagine a state of complete peace and quiet no longer dancing in the thoughts and feelings in constant motion. Nevertheless it is through such a state of silence that we have a level of joy and understanding impossible to achieve otherwise to touch.
It is said in the Bible: Be still and know that I am God. In these few words, the key to the science of yoga. This ancient spiritual science provides direct assistance stilling the natural turbulence of thoughts and restlessness of the body that allows us to know from what we really are avoided.
Normally our consciousness and energy outward to the things of this world that we perceive, directed by the limited tools of our five senses. Because human reason has to leave supplies in the partial and often misleading data through the physical senses, we must learn to tap deeper and more subtle levels of consciousness, if we would solve the mystery of life, Who am I? Why am I here? How do I realize the truth?
Yoga is a simple process of reversing the normal flow of energy and consciousness, so that the spirit of a dynamic center of direct perception is no longer dependent on the fallible senses, but in a position actually experienced truth.
By practicing the step by step methods of yoga nothing for granted on emotional grounds or by blind faith we come to our oneness with the infinite intelligence, strength and joy gives life to all and that is the essence of our own self knowledge .
In past centuries many of the higher techniques of yoga were little understood or practiced due to limited knowledge of the human forces that run the universe. But today scientific investigation is rapidly changing how we see ourselves and the world. Every existing substance may be a pattern or form of energy and which interacts with other forms compounds are reduced. Traditional materialistic conception of life with the discovery that matter and energy are one essentially disappeared Some of today's most famous physicists one step further identifying consciousness as a fundamental source of all being. Thus modern science confirms the ancient principles of yoga, which proclaim the unity which pervades the universe.
The word yoga itself means union: the individual consciousness or soul with the universal consciousness or spirit. Although many people think of yoga, just as physical exercise the asanas or postures which have gained great popularity in recent decades which are really only the superficial aspect of the deep science of the development of the infinite possibilities of the human mind and the soul.
There are different ways of yoga that lead to this goal everyone is a specialized branch of a comprehensive system:
Hatha Yoga
a system of physical postures or asanas their higher goal is to cleanse the body so that an awareness and control of his inner states and was it for meditation.
Karma Yoga
selfless service to others as part of its larger self without being bound by the results and the performance of all actions with the awareness of God as the Doer.
Mantra Yoga
centering of consciousness in about Japanese or the repetition of certain universal root word sounds representing a certain aspect of the mind.
Bhakti Yoga
all dedication devotion through which one tries to see and to love the divinity in every creature and in all that maintaining an incessant adoration.
Jnana (Gyana) Yoga
the path of wisdom to achieve the application of discriminatory intelligence emphasizes spiritual liberation.
Raja Yoga
The Royal or supreme path of yoga, perpetuated by Bhagavan Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita and formally systematized in the second century BC by the Indian sage Patanjali, which combines the essence of all other paths.
Paramahansa Yogananda God Talks With Arjuna: The Bhagavad Gita in the heart of the Raja Yoga system is a balancing and unifying these different approaches, the practice of definitive, scientific methods of meditation that can enable from the beginning of one of the efforts perceive, insights into the ultimate goal conscious union with the infinite blissful mind.
The quickest and most effective approach to the goal of yoga employs the methods of meditation. Directly with energy and consciousness It is this direct approach, Kriya Yoga, the particular form of Raja Yoga meditation, Paramahansa Yogananda taught characterized
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