Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Ideal Weight Loss Diet

Ideal Weight Loss Diet

A decade of size zero models has. Left an impression in our minds about the concept of beauty The image of beauty and general awareness about health has led to mushrooming of health and fitness centers. In this fast paced life we ​​are looking for immediate solutions to all our problems including weight problems. This was done in quacks providing false information and advice on how to lose weight. Produced several drugs ads have brought us to believe that instant weight loss is achievable.

A combination of over eating and lack of exercise usually causes obesity. Obesity can have a devastating impact on health and happiness and can lead to depression and lack of self-esteem. If you burn more calories than you eat to burn during regular daily activities, the excess calories are stored as fat. Apart from that, there are some diseases, such as hormonal problems, where excessive weight gain is.

Physical symptoms of obesity include shortness of breath, aching legs and swollen ankles. Obese people have an above average chance of developing high blood pressure, diabetes, gallbladder problems and gout. They are probably more severe symptoms of diseases such as angina and arthritis that persist and worsen with age, if measures are taken to suffer to lose weight. Obesity has also been linked atherosclerosis, cardiac disorders and certain types of cancer. Excess weight can cause damage to joints caused osteoarthritis in particular the knees and hips.

There is no magic cure for obesity. You can achieve a lower healthier weight by increasing your physical activity and reduction in calorie intake. This can be achieved by regular physical activity, by combining a low fat diet with some form. The energy is measured in kilo calories and the goal of a weight loss diet is about weight loss by bringing your calorie intake of food and drinks and increase your calorie output with exercise, so that the body uses more energy than it receives. For example you have to burn 7000 calories to lose 1 kg in weight.

The most important factor in a successful weight reducing program is motivation. The successful slimmer loses weight slowly and safely and provides a healthy diet and exercise patterns that will last a lifetime. In this way the body's supply of fat tissue is reduced gradually, so that the weight loss is permanent. Obese people should always start with a course of gentle exercise such as brisk walking or swimming.

An ideal weight loss diet all the nutrients the body needs. Since these nutrients to come from a lower calorie intake, it is important to cut down on sweets such as cakes, biscuits, sweets and alcohol, which are relatively high in calories but low in nutrients. A healthy diet should be based on low-calorie nutritious foods such as vegetables, fruits, lean meats, poultry, fish, low fat dairy products, cereals, salads and pulses. Fresh fruit is a good choice for a low calorie dessert.

Fat is the concentrated source of energy. Fat provides more than twice as many calories as protein and carbohydrate. Pure alcohol has. 7 k calories per ml It is a misconception that starchy staple foods such as bread and rice are fattening Starchy foods help to satisfy the appetite, because they will be more crowded than the mast. Preferable to whole grains like whole wheat bread and brown rice are chapatti refined foods as they provide much more vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Reduce fat intake, choose lean cuts of meat, trim all visible fat before cooking. Poultry should be eaten without the skin and fish steamed, grilled, baked or microwave instead of fried. You will lose 1 kg or more in the first week of weight loss diet due to initial loss of water from the body. Later, for a steady weight loss of 450 to 900 g per week, resulting in a reduction of body fat targets.

Include crash diets, replace the low calorie meal as beverages, soups and snacks can not have the same balance of nutrients than regular healthy diet. The success of any crash diet is short lived, because water and protein from the body instead of losing excess body fat. Once normal diet resumed body fluids quickly replaced, and it is an immediate weight gain.

Weight Loss Tips

  • Do not starve.
  • Chew your food properly.
  • Balance the food you eat with physical activity.
  • Replace whole milk with skim milk.
  • Enjoy poached egg instead of fried.
  • Use whole wheat bread instead of white.
  • In sandwiches instead of mayonnaise, use green coriander chutney.
  • Snack on watermelon or papaya instead of fries.
  • A single scoop of ice cream instead of double shovel.
  • Drink plenty of water.


  • Complex carbohydrates found in chappathi brown rice and whole wheat bread.
  • Fresh fruit, vegetables, salads and legumes.
  • Lean meats, poultry and fish.
  • Enjoy fresh fruit juices.


  • Fats of any kind
  • Alcohol
  • Red meat


  • Full fat dairy products
  • Fatty and sugary snacks like cookies, cakes and nuts
  • High fat meats such as sausages, bacon and beef.
  • Carbonated beverages.
  • Excessive intake of tea and coffee.
  • Snacks.
  • Fried foods, refined products, dried fruits, chocolate, and organ meats.
  • no more than 6 to 7 hours sleep.

Not in a hurry to lose weight. A maximum weekly working time loss of 1 kg is less than ideal. Keep a food dairy and note the recording of everything you eat or drink. It will help you get an idea of ​​your eating habits and help you to lose proper changes to weight the healthy way.

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