Friday, 29 March 2013

about Abs

12 Surprising Facts about Your Abs

No surprise here the six pack is hot topic. It is looking a term for more than 1.2 million times a month on Google alone. But there is more to your midsection as his six sexy segments. In fact the washboard is actually a muscle, the rectus abdominis, which gets its separation made of dense connective tissue called fascia. The muscles on the sides of the fuselage are also considered part of the abdominal muscles: your external and internal obliques help you bend your upper body from side to side and rotate your torso to the left and right. If all this is new to you, while 11 other significant facts about your abs, you probably do not know how to read.

You do not need to train every day

If you perform ab exercises daily in the pursuit of a perfect stomach, you may overtax your muscles. A lot of people go overboard. You will do abs. 7 days a week and will not allow for any rest. That just damages the muscles" He recommends focusing on abs three or four times a week

Abs exercises alone are not enough

It is also important to mix things up: New research in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research shows that doing a routine of core strengthening exercises alone will not slim waist. If volunteers seven trains 5 days a week doing, she had stronger abdominal muscles but they did not know to lose fat and inches. To reveal chiseled abs, you need to train all of your major muscle groups, do cardio and follow a healthy diet.

If you want to Stronger Abs, you'll need a stronger back

If your abs are the star of the show, thinking of the lower back as a supporting actor. When it comes to waist circumference, lower back, factors in this number as well as belly fat.By tightening your lower back, your waistline will look slimmer. Also makes a strong back it possible for you to complete intensive ab focused workout with less risk of injury. You can not be one sided. It's the same problem that we see in athletes who develop on their quads and end up with hamstring injuries. If you neglect your back not only will you have a more difficult time completing exercises from primarily, but you also have a better chance of getting hurt and having to lay aside completely from specific movements while you recover. In other words if you want that six pack, lower back, better be in shape.

From some moves are more effective than others

Exercise infomercials like to lure in buyers with the promise of six packs. But a study was sponsored in 2001 by the American Council on Exercise that will be effective from specific movements actually done at home with minimal equipment. The researchers tested the amount of muscle activity of the participants is required while they performed 13 basic ab exercises. The bicycle crunch, the captain's chair and the exercise ball crunch were named the best moves that require 148, 112 and 39% more muscle activity, respectively than the traditional crunch. And if you want to move an oblique targeted, the reverse crunch them into your workout. It is 140% effective, the sides of the fuselage hit than the traditional crunch.

Some Moves From Are not Worth

The same ACE funded study to determine the least effective from specific exercises. The exercise tubing and pull the lever machine was from the end of the list shall, 8 and 79% less muscle activity, respectively than the traditional crunch.

The First Six Pack on the Silver Screen sensation

Showing off a six pack on the film is now an everyday occurrence. Is there a Ryan Reynolds movie in which he does not find an opportunity to undress? But the first shot from Hollywood sensation. When Clark Gable took off button down and bared his belly in the 1934 movie It happened in one night, it is said that undershirt sales plummeted.

You can see more belly fat than you in the mirror

There are two types of fat: subcutaneous and visceral. Subcutaneous fat is the most common it lives all over the body, just under the skin, but visceral fat is located deep in the body and wraps around your heart, liver and other vital organs. While subcutaneous fat is easy to look in the mirror, visceral fat is difficult to detect without a CT scan or an MRI. In fact it is possible to view a relatively thin and still too much visceral fat. Find out why this is a problem on the next slide.

Not all Fat Is Created Equal

Visceral fat is to recognize not only difficult, but also more dangerous than subcutaneous fat. It is more likely for substances that damage the heart and blood vessels and may your body can produce the ability to interfere with insulin. What's more, large amounts of belly fat increases the risk of serious health problems such as hypertension, stroke, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, sleep apnea, certain types of cancer and heart disease. A study published in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association even found that visceral fat obesity has a greater impact on the cardiovascular health of older women than this. Visceral fat could also impact on mental health: a Kaiser Permanente study comparing people found with different fat that participants who had the most belly fat 145% more likely to develop dementia than the participants were with the least amount of belly fat.

Belly fat may increase the risk of osteoporosis

Because underweight women are known to have increased risk of osteoporosis, it has been assumed that the heavier they are the healthier your bones. But the results of a recent study at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America presents different beat: The researchers found that visceral fat is associated with reduced bone density in obese women.

You Can Eat Your Way to a flatter stomach

A Spanish study published in the journal Diabetes Care found that a diet can be rich in monounsaturated fatty acids actually help to prevent in your abdominal weight gain accurate, the accumulation of visceral fat. Foods such as avocados, nuts and olive oil are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, which are also known to help lower LDL (bad cholesterol)

A strong stomach from injury

A study by the U.S. Army was conducted showed that strong abdominal muscles are connected to prevent injuries. Researchers tracked 120 soldiers during a year of field training and found that those who carry out the position, the sit ups (73 sit ups in 2 minutes) during their initial standard army fitness test had suffered 5 times less likely to be lower body injury than the men who completed less than 50 situps. What's more excellence in other areas of fitness test like pushups and the 2 mile run offered no such protection against injury, suggesting that a strong core to do a more important role in the prevention of injuries than other muscle groups plays.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

The Best Yoga for Women

The Best Yoga for Women

Child's Pose

Stretches hips, quads, back

1. Kneel on the floor with big toes touching and knees about hip width apart. Sit on your heels.

2. Lay your torso between the thighs and bring your forehead to the mat. Stretch. Your arms straight in front of you, palms on the floor Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Stay here for at least a minute.

Downward Facing Dog

Stretches spine, thighs, buttocks, calves, strengthens deltoids, triceps

1. Start hip width apart on all fours with your feet and knees. Position your hands about shoulder width apart and spreading your fingers wide.

2. Pressing firmly with your hands, your knees off the floor and straighten your legs. If you have tight hamstrings, a gentle bend in the knee is OK.

3. Walk your hands forward a few inches and walk your feet back a few inches to lengthen the pose. Squeeze thighs as you press them toward the back wall. Press the heel rearwardly and downwardly toward the ground.

4. Relax your head and neck and let your shoulder blades slide down the back to the feet. Take a deep breath. Hold for at least one minute.

Warrior II

Stretches hips, inner thighs, chest, strengthens quadriceps, abdomen, shoulders

1. From standing, step your feet about 4 feet apart. Turn the right foot so that the toes point toward the front of the mat. Turn your left foot in 30 degrees.

2. Lift your arms to shoulder height, parallel to the floor, face, palms down. Bend your right knee so right shin and thigh form a 90 degree angle.

3. Carefully insert the tailbone down as you pull your belly in. for 5 deep breaths in through your nose and hold. Straighten the right leg and repeat on the opposite side.

Why is it good for you

This powerful pose grant you long, lean, toned arms and legs and firmer core.

Plank Pose

Strengthens arms, back, shoulders, core, quadriceps

1. From below looking dog, press into your palms and bring the chest forward so that you can. Your shoulders directly above your wrists and you are in the top of a push up position

2. Press your heels toward the wall behind you and extend the crown of the head to the front to form a straight line from the top of the head to the heels. Hold for at least 1 minute.

Why is it good for you

Plank is to build a simple yet sophisticated way to upper body strength it works all the major muscles in the arms, back and core and requires only your body weight.

Fierce Pose

Stretches spine, strengthens quadriceps, ankles, back>/p>

1. Stepping your feet hip width apart, spread through your toes to create a stable base. How to raise your arms to the sky, palms each other bend your knees and sit your butt back as if you are sitting in a chair.

2. Draw your belly in every curve in the lower back to remove. Put all your weight in your heels and be sure your knees do not extend past your toes. Keep one for 5 deep breaths through the nose. Pause for a minute. Repeat.

Why is it good for you

This float accident insurance, strengthening quadriceps, which provides stronger support around your knees so that they are less prone to injury. Fierce pose also improves posture.

Tree Pose

Stretches hips, inner thighs, strengthens legs, spine, core

1. Stand together with your legs and feet, the hands on the hips. Transfer weight to your left foot as you bend your right knee and place the sole of your right foot on the inside of the left leg (beginners start at the ankle, advanced yogis, raise your right foot on the inside of the left thigh). Gently press the right foot against the left leg.

2. Bring put the palms together in front of the heart in prayer. Hold for 1 minute on each side. Advanced yogis: Raise your arms straight at the zenith, palms facing in.

Why is it good for you

On days when your mind feels scattered, practice this pose to get centered.

Garland Pose

Stretches lower back, groin, hip and ankle

1. Stand with your feet slightly wider that hip width apart. Bring your palms together in front of your heart in prayer pose. Turn your toes out slightly.

2. Low bend your knees, squatting between your legs. Hold your hands together, gently press your elbows on the inside of the knee, opening the hips. Keep the spine long, chest open. Feel tension in your lower back starts to melt. Hold for at least 1 minute.

Why is it good for you

Should this squat to relieve stomach ailments such as constipation and cramps.

Boat Pose

Strengthens core, psoas, quadriceps

1. Sit with knees bent feet flat on the floor. Lean back slightly, so you are on your seat bones balance. Raise your legs so shins are parallel to the floor, knees bent.

2. Stretch your arms forward facing each other, parallel to the floor palms. Keep your chest up and your core engaged, the legs begin to straighten. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths. Repeat 5 times.

Why is it good for you

Boat a bulletproof core without straining your neck like to do crunches.

Bridging pose

Stretched out in front of the body; strengthens thighs, buttocks

1. Lie on your back, bend your knees and place the soles of your feet flat on the floor hip width apart to. Toes pointing straight at the wall in front of you. Place arms straight along the sides, palms down.

2. Gently press into your feet as you raise your hips to the sky. Let's extend the front of your body with each breath slowly. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths. Repeat 3 times.

Why is it good for you

Bridge opens the chest and rib cage, the deepening of breath and with more oxygen you can re energize the body.

Half Lord of the Fishes

Stretches hips, shoulders, back, neck, strengthens spine

1. Sit sprawled on the floor with your legs in front of you. Bring the sole of the right foot on the floor in front of the left hip (right knee points to the ceiling).

2. Bend your left knee and your left foot on the outside of the right hip. Show right hand on the floor behind the right hip. Raise your left arm toward the ceiling. As you exhale bend your left arm and place your left elbow on the outside of the right knee.

3. Lengthen your spine with each inhale and twist deeper with each exhalation. Press the left elbow to your right leg to help the upper body turns more and more. Look at the wall behind you. Hold for 5 to 10 deep breaths. Repeat on the opposite side.

>Why is it good for you

This pose massages improves digestion and blood flow in the lower abdomen.

Weight lost

Weight Loss Tips: 20 Ways to Lose Weight

1. Set a realistic weight loss goals. One-half pound to 2 pounds a week is about right.

2. Keep track of what you consume. Dieters everything to keep track of what they eat lose twice as much weight as those who do not research shows.

3. Motivate yourself. Get a pair of jeans or pants that are too tight and hang them in the kitchen instead of the closet to keep yourself inspired.

4. Enlist the help of family and friends. Dieters that support from a partner at home who lose more weight than those who do not studies show.

5. Move it to lose it. Research shows that people who do physical activities such as walking or cycling for two to four hours a week during weight loss efforts to lose pounds.

6. Pay attention to portions. A 3 ounce portion of meat, poultry or fish is about the size of your palm or a deck of cards, 1 teaspoon butter or margarine, a standard postage stamp, a cup of cereal, berries or popcorn, a baseball, 4 inch pancake or waffle, the diameter of a CD.

7. Clean out your pantry and refrigerator. Get rid of the foods that sabotage your weight loss.

8. Create a dinner deck. Written to include 10 popular fast and healthy dinner on index cards. Each card should the ingredients for the recipe on the one hand and for the list of directions it. On the other side

9. Avoid hunger. Eat regular meals and snacks.Make sure you have some protein foods such as yogurt, tuna, beans or chicken for most meals Research results suggest that protein helps you feel full longer.

10. Keep produce on hand. Place a bowl of vegetables like broccoli, sugar snap peas, cucumbers or carrot sticks in the refrigerator. You can as a snack or when preparing meals to eat take the edge off your hunger.

11. Refuel impulse fruits. Keep things like grapes, clementines, small apples, small bananas and pears around the house. These foods are easy to eat without having to do much cutting.

12. Make some stealth changes. These firms will be in the family eat healthier. Buy low fat 1% or skim milk, low fat cream cheese and reduced fat cheese instead of full fat versions. Use them in recipes to cut the fat and calories.

13. Cut out liquid calories. Eliminate soda and sugary drinks like sweetened iced tea, sports drinks and alcoholic beverages. Liven up the taste of water by lemon, lime, cucumber or mint. Choose fat and 1% low fat milk.

14. Practice the Rule of One. When it comes to high calorie foods, you will not go wrong if you allow a little tidbit on the day. That could be a cookie or a fun-size candy bar be.

15. Pace not drive. Force yourself to eat more slowly and savor every bite.

16. Hydrate before meals. Drink 16 ounces, or two glasses of water before meals can help you to eat less.

17. Font plates, bowls, glasses, cutlery. With smaller versions of your serving ware will help you eat less food.

18. After 8 is too late. Adopt the motto for snacks after dinner.

19. Buy a pedometer and get moving. Health experts recommend at least 10,000 steps per day. In about 4 to 5 miles, depending on your stride length.

20. Indulge yourself occasionally. If your chocolate craving you get, try diet hot chocolate packets. If you need treatment, go for it or buy small prepackaged portions of ice cream bars. If you love chocolate check, keeping bite size pieces in the freezer.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Exercise for weight loss

Exercise for weight loss: Calories burned in 1 hour

Being active is an important part of any weight loss or weight maintenance program. If you are active, your body uses more energy. And if you burn more calories than you consume to burn, you lose weight loss.

Since 3500 calories equals about 1 pound (0.45 kg) of fat, you need 3,500 calories more than you per se, burn take to lose £ 1. So if you cut 500 calories from your diet each day, you would be about 1 pound a week to lose. Because of changes that occur in the body in the course of time, but may have to be further reduced calories to continue weight loss.

While diet has a stronger impact on weight loss than does physical activity, physical activity, including exercise, a stronger effect in preventing weight gain and maintaining weight loss has.

For most healthy adults, recommends the Department of Health and Human Services this exercise guidelines:

Aerobic activity.

Get at least 150 minutes per week of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity per week. However in order to effectively lose or maintain weight, some people may need up to 300 minutes per week of moderate physical activity. You can also do. Combination of moderate and vigorous activity The guidelines recommend that you spread this exercise over the course of a week and meetings of the activity should be at least 10 minutes duration.

Strength training.

Strength training exercises at least twice a week. Received no specific time for each strength training session in the guidelines.

Moderate aerobic activities include mowing such as brisk walking, swimming and the lawn.

Vigorous aerobic include activities such as running and aerobics. Strength training, the use of weight machines or activities such as climbing or heavy gardening belong.

As a general aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity daily target.

Sunday, 24 March 2013


15 Foods to help you lose

Want to curb your appetite and stop sugar cravings? Then put this on your Grocery List.

Thirty billion euros per year that's how much Americans spend on slim-down products, many of which operate not. A better way to achieve real weight loss results? Go shopping. New research points to more than a dozen foods, from beans, beef, which can help you fight hunger, kick your candy addiction, increase your metabolism and ultimately shed pounds. And some of these super foods deliver health bonuses.

1. Eggs

Skip the bagel this morning. Eggs, which are full of protein will help you feel fuller longer a lot longer. A multi center study of 30 overweight or obese women found that those two scrambled eggs (with two slices of toast and a reduced-calorie fruit spread) consumed less for the next 36 hours than women who had consumed a bagel breakfast equal calories. Other research has shown that protein may also prevent spikes in blood sugar, which can lead to food cravings.

2. Beans

You've probably never heard of cholecystokinin, but it's one of the best weight loss buddy. The digestive hormone is a natural appetite suppressant. So how do you get more cholecystokinin? One possibility, researchers report at the University of California at Davis, is by eating beans: A study of eight men that their levels of the hormone twice were after a meal with beans than after a low-fiber meal containing rice and dry milk. There is also some evidence that beans keep blood sugar on an even keel, so you can stave off hunger longer. Heart-health bonus: High fiber beans can lower your cholesterol.

3. Salad

They tend to fill with food? Taxes that calorie intake by starting with a large salad. In a study of 42 women at Penn State University, those who consumed a large, low cal salad 12 percent less pasta afterwards, even if they were offered as much as they wanted to eat. The secret say researchers is the sheer amount of salad that you feel too full to pig makes. Health bonus: A study in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that people who ate a salad a day with dressing higher levels of vitamins C and E, folic acid, lycopene and carotenoids all disease had fighter than those published didn't add salad to their daily menu.

4. Green tea

The slimming ingredient is not caffeine. Antioxidants called catechins are what. To accelerate the metabolism and fat burning In a recent Japanese study lost 35 men who drank a bottle of oolong tea mixed with green tea catechins weight, boosted their metabolism and had a significant drop in their body mass index. Health bonus: The participants lowered their LDL cholesterol.

5. Pears

They are now considered with more fiber, recognized thanks to a corrected calculation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. At six grams per medium pear, they're great for filling you. Apples come in second with about three grams per medium size fruit. Both contain pectin fiber, lowers blood sugar levels and helps you avoid snacking between meals. This may explain why, in a Brazilian study that lasted 12 weeks, overweight women who ate three small pears or apples a day lost more weight than women on the same diet who ate three oat cookies daily instead of the fruit.

6. Soup

A cup of chicken soup is as appetite blunting as a piece of chicken. This was the finding of a Purdue University study of 18 women and 13 men Why? The researchers suggest that even the simplest soup satisfies hunger because your brain takes it as a filling.

7. Lean meat

It is what it should be for dinner or if you're trying to shed pounds. The amino acid leucine, which is abundant in proteins like meat, fish and dairy products, can help you lose weight and at the same calorie muscle. That's what they have for 24 overweight middle aged women in a study at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. Eating anywhere from nine to 10 ounces of Meat a day on a 1,700 calorie diet helped the women lose more weight, more fat and less muscle mass than a control group consuming the same number of calories but less protein. The beef eaters also had fewer hunger.

8. Olive oil

Fend off middle age pounds with extra virgin olive oil. A monounsaturated fat, it'll help you burn calories. In an Australian study, 12 postmenopausal women one breakfast cereal dressed either with a mixture of cream and skim milk or half an ounce of olive oil and skim milk. The women who ate the oil laced muesli boosted their metabolism. I do not want to add olive oil to your oatmeal? That's fine, it works equally well in salad dressings as a bread dip or for frying.

9. Grapefruit

He's back A 2006 study of 91 obese people at the Nutrition and Metabolic Research Center conducted at Scripps Clinic has found that food helped half a grapefruit before each meal or drinking a serving of juice three times a day people more than three pounds fall for 12 weeks . The fruit phytochemicals reduce insulin levels, a process, you force your body can convert calories into energy rather than flab.

10. Cinnamon

Sprinkle it on microwave oatmeal or whole grain toast to help cure this afternoon sugar slumps. Research findings from the U.S.

Department of Agriculture found that a little cinnamon can control post meal insulin spikes that can help you make you hungry. Health bonus: One USDA study showed that only a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon per day lowered blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides in people with type 2 diabetes.

11. Vinegar

It's a great filler-upper. In a Swedish study, researchers found that people who ate bread dipped in vinegar was fuller than those who had their slices plain. The probable reason: Acetic acid in vinegar can delay the passage of food from the stomach into the small intestine, so your tummy stays full longer. Vinegar can also short circuit the rapid increase in blood sugar after you eat refined carbohydrates occurs as white bread, cookies and crackers.

12. Tofu

It seems to fill too bright, but a study at Louisiana State University showed that tofu does the job. The researchers tested it against chicken as a pre meal appetizer for 42 overweight women and the participants who ate tofu had less food during the meal. The secret: Tofu an appetite-suppression is protein.

13. Nuts

Yes they are thick: A handful of peanuts about 165 calories. But research shows that people who snack on be slimmer than those who do not tend to. Found a study from Purdue University found that when a group of 15 normal weight people added about 500 calories worth of peanuts to their regular diet, they consumed less at subsequent meals. Participants have. Also revved their basal metabolic rate by 11 percent, which they burned more calories, even if means relaxation Health Bonus: Walnuts contain omega 3 fatty acids. And researchers at Loma Linda University recently found that eating 10 to 20 whole pecans daily can reduce heart disease risks.

14. High fiber cereal

Studies show that your appetite by eating a bowl for breakfast curb. But how well does it really work? Researchers at the VA Medical Center and the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis tested the theory against the ultimate diet challenge: the buffet table. They gave 14 volunteers one of five cereals before from the smorgasbord. Who had the highest fiber cereal ate less than those who were not as much fiber did not in the morning. Try General Mills Fiber One or Kellogg All Bran with Extra Fiber.

15. Hot red pepper

Eating a bowl of spicy chili regularly can help you lose weight. In a Japanese study, 13 women ate the breakfast foods with red pepper ate less than they normally have at lunch. The magic ingredient may be capsaicin, which helps suppress the appetite.

Saturday, 23 March 2013

about yoga

What is Yoga: Definition of Yoga and the Six branches Yoga What comes to mind when you hear the word Yoga?

Well if you think of women in seemingly impossible positions, then you may have an idea of ​​what yoga is. But that's just it an inkling. You've got a long way to go before they are fully understood yoga.

Yoga is an ancient Indian body of knowledge comes more than 500 related products container 0 years. The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit word yuj which means to unite or integrate.Yoga is then the union of a person's consciousness and the universal consciousness.

Ancient Yogis had a belief that in order to be in harmony with the man himself and his environment, he has to integrate the body, mind and spirit. To integrate for those three, must be emotion, action and intelligence in balance. The Yogis formulated a way to achieve and maintain this balance and it is done through exercise, breathing and meditation the three main Yoga structures.

In yoga the body is treated with care and respect for them, is the main tool in Man's work and growth. Yoga exercises improve blood circulation, stimulates the abdominal organs and pressure on the glands of the body, which can generally lead to better health.

Breathing techniques are based on the concept that breath is the source of life developed. In Yoga students gain breathing control as they slowly increase their breathing. By focusing on their breathing, they prepare their minds for the next step Meditation.

It is a common misconception that in Meditation, your mind go blank has. It need not be so. In meditation the students bring the activities of the mind in focus, resulting in a quiet spirit. By designing physical poses and breathing techniques to develop awareness of the body, Yoga helps us focus and relieves us from our everyday lives.

Six stores Yoga

Hatha Yoga or Yoga postures

Hatha Yoga is perhaps the path of yoga that you are most familiar as this. The most popular branch of yoga in the West This branch of Yoga uses physical poses, or asanas, breathing exercises or pranayama and meditation to improve health, and spirituality to achieve. There are many styles in this path Iyengar, Integral, Astanga, Kripalu and Jiva Mukti to name a few.

If what you want is to go to a peaceful mind and a healthy body along with it, Hatha Yoga may just be the way for you.

Bhakti Yoga or Yoga of Devotion

Bhakti Yoga is the path most in India. This is the path of heart and devotion. Yogis who practice this branch sees the One or the Divine in everything and everyone. Bhakti Yoga teaches a person surrender to the One or Brahma by developing a person has love and acceptance of all things.

Raja Yoga or Yoga of Self-Control

Raja means royal. This route is considered the King of Yoga and this may be due to the fact that. Most of its practitioner members of religious and spiritual orders Raja Yoga is based on the teachings of the eight limbs of yoga in the Yoga Sutras were found.

A Raja Yogi sees the self as central and as such, to respect themselves and are for all creation critical to this approach. You can reach self esteem by learning first to be master himself.

If you want to learn discipline, then Raja Yoga would perfectly fit this need.

Jnana Yoga or Yoga of the Spirit

Jnana Yoga is the path of yoga that deals basically with the mind and as such, it focuses on human intelligence. Jnana Yogis consider wisdom and intellect as important and they want to combine the two to surpass limitations. Because they want to gain knowledge, they are open to other philosophies and religion they believe that knowing an open and rational mind what matters is the spirit.

Karma Yoga or Yoga of Service

Karma Yoga is the path of service for in this path, it is assumed that the current situation based on your past actions. So by you. Selfless service now, you choose a future that is free from negativity and selfishness Karma Yogis change their attitude towards the good and in the process, change their souls what. To a change in their destiny

Tantra Yoga or Yoga of Rituals

Perhaps the most misunderstood of all the paths Tantra Yoga is to learn about rituals, which is sacred. Although sex is a part of her that sex is not the whole thing, since this path is to find what is sacred, what we do. Tantra Yogis must have certain qualities like purity, humility, devotion, dedication to his Guru, cosmic love and truthfulness among others.

There are a lot of misconceptions about yoga, as yoga is a religion. Yoga is not a religion. It is more likely to find a number of techniques for us to spirituality. In fact, yoga is practiced by a lot of people from various religions such as Christians, Jews, Buddhists and Muslims.

Another misconception is that yoga is a practice of giving an opportunity for us fit. It's partly true, but if you think that yoga is just that, very wrong then. Yoga develops the body since a weak is a hindrance to spiritual growth. It is not easy to focus on the physical, but the mental and spiritual aspects as well.

Yoga in Your Life

You might ask: Yoga for me?

Definitely yes Yoga is for anyone willing to learn its ways and ideas. It does not really need any special equipment or clothing. What it takes is your will have a healthier, stress-free self determination.

First you can take yoga as a way to achieve a great body or to keep fit and that is perfectly fine. Yoga really improving your health can help to stretch your muscles and train your spine and your entire skeletal system.

Do not only use what yoga can offer. Yoga encourages you to reflect on yourself and find your inner peace. It exercises not only your body but your mind. With a healthy body and mind, you're on your way to a fulfilling life.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

What is Yoga ?

What is Yoga Really?

Most of us are accustomed to outside of us to fulfill. We live in a world that conditions us to believe that the outer achievements can give us what we want to live. But again and again our experience shows us that nothing external can fully satisfy the deep longing in something more. Most of the time however we find ourselves striving for that seems to always be just out of reach. We do rather than caught in action rather than consciousness. It's hard for us to imagine a state of complete peace and quiet no longer dancing in the thoughts and feelings in constant motion. Nevertheless it is through such a state of silence that we have a level of joy and understanding impossible to achieve otherwise to touch.

It is said in the Bible: Be still and know that I am God. In these few words, the key to the science of yoga. This ancient spiritual science provides direct assistance stilling the natural turbulence of thoughts and restlessness of the body that allows us to know from what we really are avoided.

Normally our consciousness and energy outward to the things of this world that we perceive, directed by the limited tools of our five senses. Because human reason has to leave supplies in the partial and often misleading data through the physical senses, we must learn to tap deeper and more subtle levels of consciousness, if we would solve the mystery of life, Who am I? Why am I here? How do I realize the truth?

Yoga is a simple process of reversing the normal flow of energy and consciousness, so that the spirit of a dynamic center of direct perception is no longer dependent on the fallible senses, but in a position actually experienced truth.

By practicing the step by step methods of yoga nothing for granted on emotional grounds or by blind faith we come to our oneness with the infinite intelligence, strength and joy gives life to all and that is the essence of our own self knowledge .

In past centuries many of the higher techniques of yoga were little understood or practiced due to limited knowledge of the human forces that run the universe. But today scientific investigation is rapidly changing how we see ourselves and the world. Every existing substance may be a pattern or form of energy and which interacts with other forms compounds are reduced. Traditional materialistic conception of life with the discovery that matter and energy are one essentially disappeared Some of today's most famous physicists one step further identifying consciousness as a fundamental source of all being. Thus modern science confirms the ancient principles of yoga, which proclaim the unity which pervades the universe.

The word yoga itself means union: the individual consciousness or soul with the universal consciousness or spirit. Although many people think of yoga, just as physical exercise the asanas or postures which have gained great popularity in recent decades which are really only the superficial aspect of the deep science of the development of the infinite possibilities of the human mind and the soul.

There are different ways of yoga that lead to this goal everyone is a specialized branch of a comprehensive system:

Hatha Yoga

a system of physical postures or asanas their higher goal is to cleanse the body so that an awareness and control of his inner states and was it for meditation.

Karma Yoga

selfless service to others as part of its larger self without being bound by the results and the performance of all actions with the awareness of God as the Doer.

Mantra Yoga

centering of consciousness in about Japanese or the repetition of certain universal root word sounds representing a certain aspect of the mind.

Bhakti Yoga

all dedication devotion through which one tries to see and to love the divinity in every creature and in all that maintaining an incessant adoration.

Jnana (Gyana) Yoga

the path of wisdom to achieve the application of discriminatory intelligence emphasizes spiritual liberation.

Raja Yoga

The Royal or supreme path of yoga, perpetuated by Bhagavan Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita and formally systematized in the second century BC by the Indian sage Patanjali, which combines the essence of all other paths.

Paramahansa Yogananda God Talks With Arjuna: The Bhagavad Gita in the heart of the Raja Yoga system is a balancing and unifying these different approaches, the practice of definitive, scientific methods of meditation that can enable from the beginning of one of the efforts perceive, insights into the ultimate goal conscious union with the infinite blissful mind.

The quickest and most effective approach to the goal of yoga employs the methods of meditation. Directly with energy and consciousness It is this direct approach, Kriya Yoga, the particular form of Raja Yoga meditation, Paramahansa Yogananda taught characterized

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

weight loss for men

State your weight loss goals and focus

Because, when your eating habits in the long term is the only way to successful weight loss, it is important to spend a little time to think about your goals. There are many good reasons to lose weight, but you can have a priority. It can protect your health to be your self esteem or look more attractive. A clear idea of ​​what you want is a focus, will help you on the right track.

Mental preparation for weight loss

It is important to have a bit of time preparing yourself mentally for the changes that you are going to have to spend, because to be successful you have to think long term. You need to go make some changes to what you eat and make your pattern of food intake. Eat at your favorite places may change, you must, in the morning especially if diet change is the most difficult, but once you have established a routine to facilitate things.

Keep a food diary to monitor weight loss

This should be part of your preparation. Write down what you eat, when and where. Note your mood. All this information can contribute to your goals and the changes that you make to yourself. Unless you understand your relationship with food and your eating habits, you do not need to make the changes that lead to a successful long term weight loss.

You can use a food diary for as long as you think it is helpful to continue. It can help keep you focused, help with discipline, reflect and change eating habits.

7 Weight Loss Steps for Men

lifestyle and weight loss

A lot of the food we eat is packed fast food and so much of it with excessive amounts of sugar, salt and fat. Only by breaking down and pay more attention to the type of food and changing to a healthy alternative means you can still eat well, but you will lose weight at the same time.

Be realistic about weight loss

Aim for a loss of 2 pounds max weight per week. Although we all like to see the pounds fall off quickly, it is not helpful or healthy. More than that and you will only burn muscle instead of fat, slow down your metabolism making it harder to lose weight long term. Weight can fluctuate for all sorts of reasons. Do not be discouraged, because you have struggled for a week, but the scales say you do not have. Stick with it.

Cut out snacks to maintain weight loss

Snacking is too and the majority of snacks are high in calories. The best thing is not to snack between meals, but if you eat too low calorie healthy foods like fruits.

Eat a healthy diet to maintain weight loss

A basic knowledge of nutrition will help you make the right decisions about the type of food you eat to make you. A balanced diet contains:

  • some protein such as lean meat, fish, chicken, turkey, eggs, soy products, legumes.
  • Some carbohydrates, such as pasta, rice, bread, potatoes
  • some fats such as oil, nuts and seeds
  • some fruits and vegetables.

If you have a healthy and balanced diet, you should have to pay any additional vitamins or minerals in tablet form. Build some indulgences into your plan. You want a lifestyle diet, so you need to work a few sins.

Only eat when you are hungry.

Never eat when you are hungry. Eating simply out of habit or boredom will not help you slim.

Exercise helps. Exercise burns calories, keep you fit and keep you toned. It also boosts your metabolism so powerful facilitate weight loss.

Reward yourself. When you reach weight goals, reward yourself with a trip or buy a few treats.

Do not be guided through your head when things go wrong, just new and press on.

For extra motivation, why not considering getting a slimming club. Many people find this helpful as good advice is connected with regular checks. It's also a great way to meet new people.

Tuesday, 19 March 2013


Some fast weight loose tips

If you need more help, I now have a PDF eBook series available that an eBook version of the diet and weight loss tips, which includes follow. Be sure to download my weight loss eBook before you scoot away. Following these tips will be on your computer or your iPhone as a regular reminder, as they serve to maintain your personal health.

Dietary control and exercise.

It's true what they say all you have to do is look at what you eat and expend more energy than you consume. It really is that simple. You can quit reading this list now you now know everything you need to know and do not need to over $ 500 for the privilege of telling me to shell out you the secret of losing weight. You do not need to read a 4,000 page book, you do not have to buy a tape series, you do not stay up watching late night infomercials to understand this basic premise. It is 100% true.

Change your lifestyle.

When you call that's a diet, then you will all the weight back to win in a few months of losing it. Diets do not work. Diets are temporary. If you change your eating habits, but you're changing your habits. And sit on the road to long term / continued success and weight maintenance Not always, tell me, you're on a diet ever. I speak from experience, here a reformed low Carber. Worked well for a while, but ultimately failed because my life has not changed (permanently).

Join an online support group.

In my case, I have my own Fat Blasters. It is important that you do not feel alone, and reaching out to friends (new or old) is typically a smart move. I just listened to Pet Trainer, but do not know about when I started the road to weight loss. You need to know that others are out there for moral support they know things that you could not possibly know, and they've probably been in your shoes at some point in the past. Share stories, laughter, tears, successes and failures share. There are thousands of communities are looking to keep it until you fit for you.

Take before and after photos.

I know it sucks to see yourself as a chunky monkey. However there is no easier way to illustrate your progress. The after photos are far more fun to capture and share admittedly. Find yourself on Flickr! It's good to see yourself as others see you. Do you like how you look? In many ways helped me Flickr losing weight.

Hire a substitute teacher.

Or without thinking first not for the brands you know and love immediately reached. Eggs are good for you, but consider using egg substitutes instead. There are countless lower alternatives for you to try. If anything does not taste good, by all means a better substitute or eat less of the original. In some cases, the substitute may be worse for you than the regular version of the product. The good news is, healthier choices are silently replacing their normal counterparts and they taste just as nice.

Start reading labels.

I know it sucks, but you have to do it and there is no way to avoid this tip. If you do not know what you put in your mouth, you're flying blind. Please assume not, either triple check the ingredients list and serving sizes. You must leave for this, no one else will be able to lose the weight or do the math for you. It's not that complicated a task, but it will require effort. If nothing else, just pay attention to the calories.

What's so funny about bovines?

If you want cheese, you must buy the Laughing Cow brand, and keep several of the suckers in stock at all times. The individually wrapped wedges make for excellent snacks, and are wonderful when melted over just about anything edible. I would be careful, straight-up American cheese, though it's oil, but not necessarily as good for you as a slice of cheddar would be. I have something as calorie light and filling as Laughing Cow to find.

Tell your family.

You're not going to lose the weight alone, even if you ARE alone in losing the weight. If you have a family at home to talk to not first uninterruptedly. Let them know what you are, and that you want (and need) their support. If you do not let them know you're the risk of them inadvertently sabotaging your efforts. You want them to help you get to your goal. You want them to share in your happiness when you've made it to a particular brand. Who knows? Maybe some of your new habits rub off on them and they become healthier people too?

To go public.

I would not admit that I had screwed up, but admitting the problem in public was the first step on the way to ultimate success. I was now the responsibility for my actions and all my friends knew what I was doing. There was no turning back, otherwise I would risk damaging be my integrity. I did not want to disappoint the people who read me on a regular or semi regular basis. Plus it's an easy way to find out which of your friends through the process before gone. And glean tips from their own experiences Then other friends might be inspired to do the same thing you are doing when they are to see that you made the first step.

Identify your practice.

No exercise was the same. You might want to run, run Sun Maybe you want to go jogging so jog. You might want to stationary bikes, so bike stationary. Find that works best for you that is not too much of a task for you to do regularly throughout the week. Not choose a routine that you do not like or you will not want to do it, and you certainly will not stick with it for a long time. I would not recommend buying into this whole no pain, no gain mantra. I've lost weight without hurting myself and you can probably.

Become a Gazelle.

You've probably seen Tony Little on TV, selling his Gazelle glider a low impact exercise machine. I can tell you: it works. It's easy on my legs and really gives me a workout when I apply myself on it. Some people say it's awkward to use, but I love mine and would recommend any other home exercise equipment at this point. Then again I'm a wimpy geek who only wants to burn calories.


There is a reason why people exercise to their favorite music listening to external stimulus takes your mind off of the physical activity. That's the secret to making exercise time fly. If you are concentrating on what your body is doing, the session will drag on, what seems like day. Buy a portable music player, or situate yourself in front of a television.

Never count on live programming.

It is important to stimulate your mind while you exercise your body in other ways. But never on what the TV or the radio leave at the time. Instead of zoning out, you'll get levels between channels and that goes back to the time drag as much as it would if you do not, keeping your mind busy in the first place. Live is a very bad idea. Go with pre recorded programming or go without.

Video games helped me to lose weight.

I can keep to do for some hard. my balance on the Gazelle. As such I plugged an Xbox 360 into the TV and started to play it while I was working. Immediately I found that I sweat more when I just passively watching TV, when I was The reason for running on a single word: adrenalin. Now the only way I am able to sweat when I play a quick game on the game console. Yes even game genre is important, avoid distractions that require long pauses between tasks. Racing games (like Burnout) have worked very well for me. The more mindless the game, the better your burn, the faster the training session will go.

Set realistic goals.

You can lose 50 pounds in a week if you work out 12 hours a day and eat nothing but celery but not if you are human. Slow and steady wins the race. Do not bite off more than you can chew literally. Make small goals on the way to the bigger goal. Can reach at the end you will have more.

Avoid trans fats and high fructose corn syrup.

I offer this suggestion for a few reasons. First they are not good for you anyway. Second, you'll eliminate a lot of the bad foods outright no questions asked. You must become more selective of what you eat by avoiding these two nasty ingredients the more food than you probably care to know.

Not always to listen to your partner.

I've already suggested that you tell your family but sometimes members of your family are trying to be to try to lose weight dissuade. It's simple: you can not want you to succeed where they have failed, whether consciously or unconsciously. Their loss is not always their gain. Watch out for statements such as . Enough You've lost weight" or fact of the matter is, if you do not like the way you are then you are going to have a little I like you the way you are. to do about it, no matter what anyone says. They still love you, even though.

Do not compare yourself to others.

Every body is different. It is obvious that the weight to lose any different. Even if you do exactly the same things I do, you will not lose weight at the same speed. The key is in finding your triggers. Keep your goal in sight, and do what you need to have to achieve this goal. When you start looking at someone else's habits, you are only going to get discouraged and without notice that it is physically impossible to stop anyone but yourself.

Women are not men.

It has been proven that men can lose weight faster than women, probably because of our physiological makeup women are more fat than men, because they are the birth sex. This is not to make sexist statement it's pretty much the truth. As such women should expect to set separate goals than males especially if you lose weight together, working side by side.

Take a magic pill.

Nonsense There is no such thing as a magic pill. Do not fall prey to the commercial hype of the last fat burning drugs. If you read or listen closely, you'll see that every single one of these things is effective when the proper diet and exercise which they also say in their advertising combined. The side effects of these drugs are usually worse than your additional weight anyway.

Vitamins are good for you.

If you plan any pills to take, let them natural supplements like Essential Fatty Acids or multivitamins be. Be careful not to overdo it, but especially with herbal remedies. Too much of anything is a bad thing. You can consult a nutritionist, but always buy on your own and keep these supplements to a minimum. Also remember that certain vitamins not good without specific minerals.

Deck your desktop.

In the beginning, some of my friends sent me complicated spreadsheets to chart progress. Not for me, I'm the kind of guy that likes under the easy way As such I have scoured the Internet for the best desktop tool and remembered CalorieKing. You will not find anything easier to use. Trust me this is the only one that I can keep track of everything I eat to keep and consume without controversy. While the statistic-addicts love CalorieKing for its thoroughness, the program was really designed with non geeks. The CalorieKing Web site and service are good on their own, but the downloadable client is what you really want to get. Pay the registration fee, man how much is your health worth?

Identify your ideal weight.

If you are 5'5 "with a certain build, there is an ideal weight that fits your body type to find. And make that your goal and if you do not know what that might be, you're looking for on the Web. a calculator (though results and calculations will vary by a small margin). Now you have to shoot a weight goal.

Consider the source.

I will make a gross generalization here, but why should I trust an overweight doctor or nutritionist, me proper advice on weight loss? Do as I say and not as I is not a maxim I'm willing to accept from anyone who are qualified to tell me what you would do something. Talk to people who are doing it or who have done it and been successful. You do not have to mirror their regimen, but at least you get some help from someone who is actually there. Or as in the Christmas episode of Two and a Half Men, people who live in fat asses should not throw waffles.

Ignore Ronald McDonald.

You do not have to eliminate fast food completely, but you should avoid it at all costs. Most of it is nasty, bad stuff anyway, if you'd even go so far as to call it food. If you are looking for convenience, find a convenient meal source. It would also most of what they serve as food should not be eating. There is a huge difference as far as your body is concerned. Your blood does not taste buds, I need to remind you?

Scale up If your measurement tool sucks, upgrade.

If it is analog throw it. I have talked to many geeks about their choice in scales and most of them myself included recommend something in the Tanita family. They are high quality, robust and precise devices. Make sure your scale on a hard surface, too as carpet foundations not for accurate weight measurements.

Do not see your weight.

Some people say that you should not weigh yourself more than once a week. I was much happier charting my progress every day. No matter what you weigh at the same time need, at any time. For me the 10:00 every morning or somewhere around is. If you decide to weigh every day, understand that your weight will fluctuate by one or two pounds and that you should only keep a serious eye on the longer trends.

A pound a week.

If you are not losing at least a pound a week on your chosen weight loss regimen, you are stalled, or completed. You may need to push yourself even harder or in some cases can be a little bit while your body plays catch up. If you lose more than a pound a week, then you will do better than average. Expected to lose five pounds a week is just not realistic though.

Maintain your priorities.

Sure your sandwich would taste amazing with an extra tablespoon of mayonnaise but do you really need? Rather it is important that you reach your weight loss goal quicker or have this sandwich taste marginally better? What will happen the next time you are faced with this decision will you cave again? It is a slippery slope, do not lose sight of what the most important to you.

All weight is not the same.

Muscle weighs more than fat, but the last thing you want is to lose muscle For this reason alone it is important to have a regular exercise routine somewhere in your schedule. Without exercise, your body is going to burn through muscle first and you will be filed unbalanced as you were from the start. You want to burn your body fat not muscle. You want to lose weight, but you want fat to lose weight not muscle mass.

Counteraction Rainy Day principle.

If you reduce your calories without necessarily increasing your physical activity is going to crash your body. It will say: I better store these calories as fat because I did not get enough of them and I will not die.Burn When you exercise, you put your body process instead Save.

Do not overdo it.

If you change something in your lifestyle, you are likely to see results but there is a law of diminishing returns in the game. You can train for an extra hour per day for a week and still lose the same amount as if you had exercised only half as much. Give your body time to adjust do not push yourself too hard, or you're just going, your energy on something that is not necessarily going to get you to spend immediate and direct benefit. This of course only for those of you to lose fat not for those who are training for a triathlon.

Patterns are good.

Once you've found your workout groove, do your best to stick with it. Exercise no less than three times a week for 40 to 60 minutes, but do not feel, do the need it more than five times over a period of seven days. Your body will appreciate it probably burn off know more in the morning, but if you need to relieve stress in the evening you are not afraid to adjust your workout schedule accordingly. Plan for building and storage for other areas of your life as important.

Noise sleep.

To be an efficient fat-burning machine requires, your body at least eight hours of sleep per night. If you think you're doing yourself a favor by sleeping less, you're mistaken. Give your body time to rest, both mentally and physically. Sleep is very, very important if only for mental alertness for the following day. If you feel tired, it is likely that your body the opportunity to say: "Shut your eyes, stupid"

Note that the fork is not a shovel.

I eat fast, I swear, I can not help myself. Even though I'm not hungry, I want to shovel everything into my mouth. In less than a minute But my brain does not know that my stomach is full until 20 minutes after it actually is. As such I could stuff myself silly before realizing I did not need as much as I consume. Try eating half of what's on your plate, wait ten minutes and then continue to eat if you are still hungry. You never want to feel full ever. That's when you know you've eaten too much. If you want a real hunger-stopper, try an Omega 3 and omega 6 supplements 20 minutes before a meal.

Become your own snack fairy.

It's okay to snack between meals, really. Small meals throughout the day are enough to keep you satisfied, as much like the feeling of fullness, you'll never feel hungry. Tell your body that get regular therapy with calories. Plus, if you starve yourself for the regular meals, you are likely to eat more before your brain says to stop mouth. Remember, breakfast, lunch and dinner are social constructs at their core.

I love the oil companies.

Just like your car needs high quality oil, so too does your body. Not all oils are created equal, though highly competitive which has it better for you than others. I personally love a good olive oil it is 100% natural and is rich in omega 9 fatty acids. Enova is another that we have found to work quite well in our lifestyle at home. Choose your oil wisely, though your weight loss goal should be more than just cosmetic. It is a good rule of thumb when it comes to food: the more natural something is the better it is for you.

Fat is where it's at.

If you think you can lose weight and keep it off by avoiding all fats, you're sadly mistaken. In fact if you think to go that low fat diet is the only way one could just as well quit now. Your body and your brain needs fat to survive! This is why the scientists they call essential fatty acids 9 omegas 3, 6, and These fats have been stripped from many supermarket shelf items and it is your responsibility to put fat back into your diet plan. Not to avoid eating fat, embrace equally.

Bring balance to the force.

When the same foods over and over eat, you'll get bored unless they're foods you really want really. Feel free to change it up keep your tongue happy. Balancing carbohydrates with proteins and fats though. If you have more of one nutrient for one meal, try more of another nutrient for the next. And for heaven's sake not only in the diet buy the shop. You can still likely eat the same things you've always eaten, just not so much of them at any given time.

Know your daily calorie limit.

When I was in the process of losing weight, it was suggested that I stay under 1700 calories a day. Knowing that number was half the battle. I could do whatever I wanted to eat all day, as long as I stay at or below this number. While I could not track 100% of the items I ate, I was able to make intake estimates and adjust my schedule and ration my remaining calories accordingly. As long as you hit at or below this calorie level for your plan to stay in this sense they are extreme freedom. If you do not know how much you actually take in, is how do we know how much you really on? Sounds redundant, but it's a situation that many dieters are which is why they do not!

Fiber well.

If you start to lose fat, you are likely to get clogged. Yes, it happens more often than we care to admit or shares. You should have a good amount of fiber every day anyway. Fiber is very important for your health and your weight loss goals. Try the Metamucil snack wafers for a quick fiber infusion. Then, magnesium citrate for Stuck moments in which you find yourself from time to time. Keep a bottle or two of that plan in your refrigerator for storage and not going anywhere for 24 hours after taking a dose trust me.

Walk the walk.

You burn calories when you walk, did you know that? Surely you do not expend as much energy as you when you run, but you burn it nonetheless. Consider picking up a good pedometer, if only to gauge how. Many steps in the average day According to others, the Omron HJ112 Premium Pedometer is to beat the it. If nothing else, is to know how many steps you give on the average day you a better idea as to your regular activity you around the house and or office. Plus, you can count those steps as calorie deficits in certain programs like CalorieKing.

Train wrecks will happen.

One of these nights will eat you go out with friends and your weight in steak likely blowing any kind of progress you had made for that day. Instead of repeating the overindulgence, just put yourself back on track the next day. You are to mess up every now and then allowed, as long as you do not have a habit of consuming an excessive amount of food. Right the dining injustice immediately. You'll be okay. You'll be fine. Just do not do it again. And again. And again. And again.

Satisfy cravings with extreme prejudice.

If you are hungry for something to eat it. Do not deny yourself the simple pleasures. If it is possible to eat only half of what you want. Is your craving satisfied, or are you addicted to the taste? Lose weight should not be torture for everyone. One has to wonder: Is it important for me to eat this whole case Fudgesicles, or my brother's wedding to look good? Only you have the answer to this question, and if you ignore logic, you will hurt yourself in the long run. Just take a nibble or two, I will not say a soul.

Water you waiting for?

If you are not drinking enough water, your body will let you know. Thirst is an amazing sensation be deterred. If you're not hydrated, your body will not function at peak levels. Most of your body happens to water by the way. If you're worried about water weight remember that you probably retain more water when you are not giving your body enough of it in the first place. Moreover what these workouts is to help with every other morning. I'm not going to dictate how many glasses you should drink, though as this will vary from person to person.

Join the club soda.

Like most people, I love carbonated beverages. But unlike most people, I love unflavored carbonated beverages and if your tongue is attune to sugary drinks, you're also the kind of person that club soda tastes salty even if it contains no sodium believes. Make the transition to an unflavored drink sooner rather than later. If you need help on the way, lemons and limes can be your best friends. If you are going to have a little more to drink than water, at least ensure that it does not impede the progress. If you have a sugary soda drinkers, they fall out of your daily routine will help you at all ~ are 5 or more pounds in a week WITHOUT doing anything else.

Sugar is evil that tastes good.

You probably do not want to hear, but sugar is a bad thing. The more refined it comes, the more your body will react negatively to it. sugar is in everything, everything, everything. If it's sweet, it has sugar. There are all kinds of sugars are, and all of them will eventually be absorbed by the body. It's a good bet that the sugar in an apple better for you than the sugar in a candy bar though. If you are addicted to sugar, this will be a horrible hurdle to overcome.

Sugar substitutes are just as bad as sugar itself.

Do you really think your body knows how to do something that has been around man? Seriously. These chemically adjusted products do not occur in the wild, there are no Splenda trees in warmer climates nor are there NutraSweet plants in the Arctic. In some cases may actually increase under sugar substitutes in your levels of hunger! Let us not forget about all the health issues that could arise from these unnatural substances. If you are given the choice, it is almost better. With something that your body knows how to go deal with real, unprocessed sugar No, it is much safer and healthier is to stay away from blue, pink and yellow packets entirely. Do a Web search for Artificial sweeteners may damage diet efforts. Then sit there and tell me they're okay? No way.

White bread can not jump.

Did you know that white bread is not good for you? Oh, it's true just ask any diabetic. Research has shown that people who are more refined products like white bread eat are more likely to have belly fat. Why? It is very simple: your body is not getting what he needs. The food industry is not the health industry, okay? You can not trust that they have your best interests at heart despite all their marketing efforts. If you want the taste of white bread, please eat whole wheat bread instead of white bread? Sara lee makes a wonderful loaf, as I can personally attest even though I like rye more than white or wheat. Repeat after me: whole grain white bread, whole wheat bread.

Well if your weight loss goals are achieved, what do you do to keep the fat at bay? The worst thing you can do is something I've done countless times over: lazy. I've conveniently forgotten about all of the above rules a few times and I am back in the same situation I do not want to be in ever again. While I do not have to be as careful as I was during the weight loss, I'm still measuring myself and recording my daily activities. This may turn into a weekly weigh fast enough.

Monday, 18 March 2013

10 most filling foods

10 most filling foods

Noodle soup with ramen noodles and tofu or Quorn made

This aqueous nutritious combination contains all the ingredients to activate your feel satisfied cascade. Generally a bowl ramen noodles contains a lot of water, green vegetables and a source of protein tofu or Quorn and starch rich noodles. Rich in fiber whole wheat noodles are best for feeling as full as possible. Pot Noodles do not count.


Are wonderfully versatile: whether eaten boiled, poached, scrambled or fried eggs, they are an excellent source of protein.


Protein is filling macronutrient more than carbohydrates, fats or alcohol. Lean meat protein is especially during a large part of the muscles is water.

Pea puree

school classic, good old mushy peas on the high satiety index because they are low in fat, low in energy density and high in carbohydrates, protein and fiber are.

Potatoes with skin

Potatoes are full of starches are digested and absorbed more slowly than simple sugars. If they also absorb a lot of boiled water, making them more filling, while the skins on means that the fiber content is also higher.

Tuna chunks in spring water or fresh tuna

tuna canned in water or brine is virtually fat free even if you eat the box. It is very rich in protein, which is great for helping you feel full longer and fairly low energy density.

Mexican style three bean salad

All beans including classic baked beans are rich in protein, low in fat and sugar, high in fiber and high in moisture. Take the time to chew and digest and will fill you for hours.

Boiled wild rice

Wild rice is higher in fiber than white rice and when cooking low fat and high moisture content. By the way do not leave it outside for a few days does not make it wild.

Natural low fat yogurt and skim milk soft cheese

Yogurt know about this one. These are low in fat and rich in moisture and are a good source of protein. For maximum effect on satiety and weight loss efficacy, it is best added yoghurts with soluble fiber, such as insulin, to eat them and to avoid that. Containing added sugar.

Fresh fruit and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are a very low energy density foods that contain high in water content, low in saturated fat and a good source of fiber, a little protein. From apricots, bananas and tomatoes watermelon fills limitless amounts of fruits and vegetables make your best friend and you do not even get a round in.

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Top 10 Weight Loss Tips

Top Ten Weight Loss Tips

Weight Loss Resources Members share the secrets of their success in our top ten tips list. The list also important ideas that come from time to time when the success of our members about their weight loss.

not cut all the foods you can enjoy. I like the occasional takeaway, but now I save calories to have one or earn it. If I am limited only fruit and vegetables I would very quickly. I also found that I still eat my favorite foods when I tweak 'it a bit: instead of low fat cheese, low fat spread of butter, light mozzarella etc. Also the best thing I did was to olive oil spray!

Write everything. Even or especially to splurge on bad/day. It is only when you. Things down you know write what you I'm not saying do not have the Peking duck. I say, at least know what that means with the Peking duck.

I find sticking a wedding invitation or holiday photograph of destinations I want to visit a prominent place in the kitchen. This is a bit more subtle than a fat photograph of yourself and reminds you when you are tempted.

Use scales in the kitchen it's amazing how easy it is to fool you.

I think it is a good idea to buy some new clothes if you are a size or two. This way you will know what you have achieved, and remembers not back to old sizes. Throwing out the old stuff or give away.

Life is too short so build in treats! Ok my weight loss is nice and slow, but I do not feel like I was on a diet, or that I am depriving myself of anything including chocolate and cheese.

Be honest with yourself. Ok if you go over the required chemicals, but keep a record, it is the average calorie intake that counts.

It's not rocket science, but I am convinced that exercising is the key to success with sustained weight loss. I try to vary my routine, including the cross trainer and walking regularly and cycling and swimming occasionally.

Measure consumed more alcohol at home care as it simply, is to deceive oneself.

Not ever give up! You will be bad days or weeks can get, it happens! Only just returned to him and to limit the damage.

Bonus tip

my only tip is really join up for the WLR 24 hours free trial and see for yourself. Everyone seems to fit the page to their needs and if it is for me never a lot of willpower and exercise was a bad word work, then it must be worth a try for everyone trying to lose either a few or many kilos.

Saturday, 16 March 2013

work out exercises

50 Body weight work out exercises

1. Inchworm

Stand up tall with your legs straight and let these fingertips to the floor. Keep the legs straight but not locked! Slowly lower your upper body to the floor and then walk the hands forward. Once in a push up position, start small steps, so that the feet meet the hands. Next bugging out for 4 to 6 reps.

2. Tuck Jump

Standing slightly bent with the knee jump as high as possible pretend Jeremy Lin is watching. And bring your knees toward your chest while the arms straight out. Country jump with the knees slightly bent and fast on it again.

3. Bear crawl:

Embrace that inner Grizzly. Starting on the hands and knees, rising on the toes and pull the core and slowly reach forward with your right arm and right knee followed by the left. Take the crawl of 8 to 10 reps or up to scare you out of your roommate.

4. Plyometric Push Up:

Ready to catch some air? Start on a padded surface and fill in a traditional push up. Then in an explosive movement, push up hard enough to come out of the ground and hang ten for a second. Back on solid ground immediately head into the next repetition.

5. Stair Climb with bicep curl

Turn up the stairs in a cardio machine required no magic wand. Grab some dumbbells or household items. And quickly go up and down the stairs at the same time doing bicep curls to work the entire body.

6. Mountain Climber

Mountain climber From your hands and knees bring the left foot forward right under the chest while straightening your right leg. Keep your hands firmly on the ground and core, jump and switch legs. The left leg should now be extended behind the body with the right knee forward. Next up? Everest.

7. Prone Walkout

Beginning committed on all fours with the core, hands slowly move forward, stay on your toes, but not moving forward. Next the hands move gradually backwards to the start position, maintaining stability and balance. This dance comes next.

8. Burpees

One of the most effective full body exercises around it starts in a low crouch with hands on the floor. Then the feet come back to a push up position, do a push up, then immediately his feet on the squat. Leap as high as possible before crouching and moving back into the push up portion of the show.

9. Plank

Nope we fortunately do not walk the plank. Lie face folded down with your forearms on the floor and hands. Extend your legs behind the body and get off at the toes. Keep your back straight pull the core and hold the position for 30 to 60 seconds or as long as you can hang.

10. Plank to Push up

active From a plank position lift down to one hand at a time into a push-up position with your back straight and core. Then move the arm at a time, back in the plank position on the floor. Repeat alternating the arm that makes the first move.


11. Wall Sit

Who needs a chair when one wall? Slowly slide back down the wall until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Make sure your knees are directly over your ankles and keep your back straight. Go for 60 seconds per set or how long it takes until your legs turn to jelly. Need more light? Add some bicep curls.

12. Lung

Standing with hands on hips and feet hip width apart. Step your right leg forward and slowly lower your body, touch your right knee up close or the floor and bent at least 90 degrees. Return to the starting position and repeat with the left leg. Try taking a step back into a lunge for another variant.

13. Clock lung

time for a challenge. Fill a traditional front lunge, then take a big step to the right and lunge again. Let the half circle with a reverse lunge, then return to standing. And all of this is a repeat! Aim for 10 reps and then switch legs.

14. Lung to Row

Start by placing a normal lunge. Instead bring that forward leg back to the starting position, lifting him off the ground while lifting the arms above the head. Remain the leg should bent at about 90 degrees. Add weights really bring the heat.

15.Lung Jump

Ready to impress some friends? Stand with your feet together and lunge forward with your right foot. Go forward, her arms pushing forward while the elbow flexed. While in the air, switch legs and land in a lunge with the opposite leg forward. Repeat and then switch legs. Try to do 10.

16. Curtsy lung

Let's show a little respect. When lunging step. Left leg behind the right, bending the knees and lowering the hips to the right thigh almost parallel to the floor Remember to keep your upper body upright and your hips square.

17. Squat

Stand with your feet parallel and turned out 15 degrees what is most convenient. Slowly start by bending the hips and knees squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor at least. Make sure the heel does not get off the ground. Press by the heels to return to a standing position.

18. Pistol Squat

No gun permit may require, for this one, but it's still not a joke. Are keeping the arms straight in front of the body and lift your right leg, bending the right ankle and pushed his hips. Then lower the body while the right leg raised. Hold have fun with this, then return to standing.

19. Squat and reach Jump to

and cardio Ready to add pizzazz to this squat? Perform a normal jump squats, but once reaching the arms straight overhead. Aim for 15 reps with. A quick breather before the next block.

20. Chair Squat Pose

Stand with your feet hip-distance and squat until your thighs are parallel to the ground when swinging the arms up. Straighten the legs, then lift your right knee and swings his left arm outside the right knee. Return to standing and repeat on the other side.

21. Step Up

This can be self explanatory, but just in case find a step or bench and place your right foot on the raised surface. Step your right leg straight up. Then start again. Repeat with the goal of 10 to 12 reps on each side.

22. Single Leg Dead lift

Start in a standing position with your feet together. Lift your right leg slightly and lower the arms and upper body while lifting your right leg behind your body. Keep the left knee slightly bent and your arms reach as close as possible to the ground. Raise your upper body and lower right leg. Change legs.

23. Quadruped Leg Lift

From hands and knees, keep a flat back and engage the core. Lift your left leg straight back and stops when the hip foot level and thighs parallel to the floor. Balance for as long as possible, then Lift the lower right foot off the floor, tightening the buttocks, back and abs. Hold for up to 10 seconds, then switch legs.

24. Calf Raises

From a standing position, get up slowly on your toes, keep your knees straight and heels off the floor. They stop briefly, then come back down. Aaaand repeat. Try standing on something higher in order to reach a wider range of motion.

Chest & Back

25. pushup Standard push up

There is a reason that this is a classic. With hands shoulder width apart, keep your feet hip width bent and pull out the core. Bend the elbows until your chest reaches the ground and then push it up .make sure you keep your elbows tucked in close to the body.

26. Dolphin Push up

Start in dolphin pose. think: dog down with his elbows on the ground. Lean forward, lowering the shoulders to the head on his hands. Pull the arms and back to the starting position.

27. Donkey Kick

It's time to embrace the wild side. Start together in a push up position with your legs. Pull the core and occur both legs in the air with your knees bent reaching the feet back towards the glutes. Just try to land softly in reverse back to the starting position.

28. Handstand Push up

Fair warning: This step is for the pros. It lies in a headstand position against a wall and bend your elbows at a 90 degree angle, an inverted push up doing as the head moves toward the floor and your legs remain on the wall. First timer? Grab a friend to your site safety first!

29. Judo Push up

From a push up position, straighten your hips and in one swift movement use your arms to lower the front of the body until the chin is close to the ground. Swoop of the head and the shoulders up and lower the hips, keep the knees off the floor. Reverse the motion to come back to the elevated hip position. Try to repeat for 30 to 60 seconds.

30. Reverse Fly

For DIY dumbbells grab two cans or bottles of water. Stand straight with one foot before the other and the front knee slightly bent. With palms facing each other and the abs engaged, bend forward slightly from the waist and extend arms to the side and squeezed his shoulder blades. Repeat.

31. Superman

Want some super powers? Lie face down with extended arms and legs. Keep your upper body as still as possible, simultaneously lift your arms and legs to form a small curve in the body.

32. Contra lateral Limb Raises

Sounds fancy huh? Here's the breakdown: Place are turned on his stomach with his arms outstretched and palms facing each other. Slowly raise one arm a few inches off the ground, keep it straight without turning the shoulders and hold still the head and torso. Hold the position, then lower the arm back down, moving to the other arm.

Shoulders and Arms

33. Triceps dip

in the vicinity of a step or bench sits created. Sit on the floor with your knees slightly bent, and grab the edge of the raised surface and straighten the arms. Bend them to a 90-degree angle and align it again while pressing the heels on the floor. For a little more fire reached out his right arm and lift the left leg.

34. Diamond Push Up

To get these push ups with a diamond shaped hand position (she arranges so that the thumb and index finger touch) pimped. This manual readjustment give those triceps some additional burning love.

35. Boxer

Starting with feet hip width apart and knees bent, keep your elbows in and extend back one arm forward and the other arm. Embrace the arms arms back and switch as you are in the ring.

36. Shoulder stabilization Series I, Y, T, WE

OK, so it can stay mad, but with us. Lie on your stomach with arms extended overhead, palms facing each other. Move your arms in every letter formation. Gimme a Y, you know you want to!.

37. Arm Circles

Standing with arms at the sides extending perpendicular to the torso. Slowly make clockwise circles for about twenty to thirty seconds about a foot in diameter. Then reversing the motion goes anticlockwise.


38. L Seat

Sitting with your legs extended and feet flexed. Hands on the floor and slightly to the upper body Then lift the hips off the floor, hold for five seconds and release.

39. Rotational push up

do not cut standard push ups? For a variation, after the return to a starting position to push up position, turn lengthen the body to the right and the right hand overhead, forming a T with the arms and torso. Return to the starting position, do a normal push up, then turn left.

40. Dynamic Prone Plank

From a standard plank position, lift your hips as high as they can go, then they cut back down. Continue this movement for as long as possible. Make sure your back is straight and not sink his hips.

41. Flutter Kick

Start lying on your back with arms at sides and palms down. With legs straight, lift your heels off the floor about six inches. Make quick, small up and down pulses with the legs, while the core is engaged. Try 'kicking it hold for a minute straight!

42. Bicycle

Lie down with your knees bent and hands behind head. With the knees in towards the chest, bring your right elbow to the left knee, stretches as his right leg. Continue alternating sides as you pedal!. Only the helmet in the closet.


Before anyone winning Cap'n Crunch remember, form is the key. Lie on your back with bent knees and the feet flat on the floor. With his hands behind his head, put his chin down slightly and pull your head and shoulders off the mat, while the core. Continue curling until the upper back is to the mat. Hold briefly, then lower your upper body back toward the mat slowly.

44. Intersegmental rotation

The aim of this obliques. Lie on your back with your knees bent and core tight, let your knees fall gradually to the left the feeling of a good stretch. Hold for 5 seconds, return to center and repeat on the right side.

45 Shoulder Bridge

Lie on your back bent, knees and feet hip width apart. Show arms at your side and lift your spine and hips. Only the head, feet, arms and shoulders should lie on the floor. Then lift one leg up, hold the core. Slowly bring the leg back down and then lift back up. Try to do 10 reps per leg, then bring your knees in place and spine back on the floor.

46. Single Leg Abdominal Press

Lie on your back bent, the knees and the feet on the ground. Tighten the abdominal muscles and lift your right leg to the knee and hips bent at a 90 degree angle. Press the right hand on the raised knee, using the core in order to create pressure between the hand and knee. Hold for five counts, then lower back down to repeat with your left hand and knee.

47. Double Leg Abdominal Press

Two legs twice the fun. Follow the same run down for each leg press above, but to bring both legs simultaneously, hands shoved in front of the knees.

48. Side Plank

Roll to the side and come on one leg and elbow. Make sure your hips are lifted and the core engaged and hang for 30 to 60 seconds Hard.

49. Sprinter Sit up

Do you want to be a speed demon without getting out of the ground? Lie straight on your back with your legs and your arms at your side elbows bent at a 90 degree angle. Now sit, bring your left knee to your right elbow. Lower your body and repeat on the other side.

50. Russian Twist

Sit on the floor with knees bent and feet together, raised a few inches above the ground. With the back of a 45 degree angle from the floor, the arms move from one side to another in a rotational movement. Here slow and steady wins the race, the slower the rotation, the lower the combustion. Do you feel like a fitness czar yet?

Thursday, 14 March 2013


Cinch Diet Review

Tired of counting calories and after a quick, easy weight loss plan look? Cinch! Conquer Cravings, Drop Pounds and lose inches.

The RCA plan for the targeted women aged 25 and older can radically change your life without taste or food consumption, co author of the Flat Belly Diet.

And it's a cinch if you follow Sass' program portion control, four meals a day and a small piece of healthy dark chocolate daily. The RCA plan will help you feel more full, happy, excited and nourished without feeling deprived and shows you how to put together healthy meals, says Sass.

First 5 Days

RCA is a 30 day plan to jump start with five days of an optional fast forward phase only eat organic eggs, spinach, almonds, raspberries and yogurt or vegan alternatives.

Depending on how much you weigh, you could lose up to 8 pounds during the 5 day fast forward phase. Much of the initial weight loss is water weight and waste relief of constipation it's not all fat.

This rapid weight loss is not marketed as a fat loss plan, says Sass. Rather it helps dieters feel successful, confident, and more motivated to make lifestyle changes. It can also contribute to food cravings and promote an appreciation of the natural flavors of whole foods.

After the first 5 days

After the 5 day fast forward phase have increased the options and above all healthy, unprocessed, nutrient rich foods.

Sass promotes clean eating healthy, natural foods without artificial ingredients, additives or artificial sweeteners.

Dieters together four meals a day with what Sass calls a puzzle that has 5 parts: products, whole grains, lean protein, vegetable fats and spices. A cup of coffee per day is allowed.

What is not on the menu of this Mediterranean style plan is red meat, pork, alcohol and soft drinks until you reach your goal weight. Sass recommends eating five vegetarian meals a week.

RCA includes 100 dishes to choose from healthy meals four times a day. Vegan and vegetarian options are included.

Calories, Physical Activity and Weight Loss

There is no calorie counting on the Cinch Plan. But to the recommended portion sizes calories under control.

Nutrition expert and author Leslie Bonci, MPH estimates RD you. Getting about 1,300 calories a day during the fast forward phase and about 1,600 calories per day to the core plan

But the RCA plan is not only about what you eat.

Sass suggests dieters fall in love with walking especially if you do not like working out. She recommends getting at least 30 minutes of physical activity five days a week except during the fast phase if you skip regular exercise.

Sass also provides what it calls Insight er RCA questions help you to explore and your relationship with food and to determine whether the phase forward is the right one for you.

Dieters can expect to lose about 10 pounds or more in the past 30 days, even if they waive the 5 day fast forward plan, says Sass. How much you lose depends on your weight heavier people tend to lose more weight.

Cinch How It Works

Three simple rules form the basis for the Cinch plan:

  • Like clockwork, starting at breakfast within one hour of rising and meals spaced 3 to 5 hours apart food. Timing is crucial for success, because they regulate blood sugar levels, insulin, hunger hormones and helps speed up metabolism, says Sass.
  • Mix and match the puzzle pieces. Products, whole grains, lean protein, vegetable fats and spices four times a day These foods help promote fullness, the control of blood sugar and deliver the right balance of carbohydrates, protein and fat to promote weight loss.
  • Make your taste focus with slimming and satisfying seasonings as vinegar, citrus, pepper, tea, herbs and spices. These add flavor without excess calories or sodium.

No maintenance schedule included is to keep only the pieces and apply what you have learned during the 30 day plan.

Cinch : Experts Views

Bonci is cinch a big thumbs up for its refreshing take to lose weight with some fun, flavor and flair.

I love the positive, user friendly tone of the book, along with the creative approach to the plate presentation with spices, vegan alternatives considerable healthy snacks and helps readers insight into emotional eating.

They support the concept of a 5-day start for healthy changes to prepare. Five days is simpler diet and monitoring an effective start for those who have felt out of control while eating.

Adding more fruits of the plan would be to bring in line with U.S. government dietary guidelines. Add lean protein as well as the plan would more flexible.

Cinch: Food for Thought

Cinch is a very empowering and motivating book with a great title that takes the mystery out of dieting, make the legwork for you and to follow is really a breeze.

Plea for a holistic approach, the plan is a healthy, low calorie diet with an emphasis on eating clean, nutrient rich foods that are good for you and your waistline.

The foods that are recommended are top tier nutritional superstars that feed, energy and help with weight loss can. But the claims of detoxification, fueling fat burning and recalibrating your body is more about marketing than on scientific evidence.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Ideal Weight Loss Diet

Ideal Weight Loss Diet

A decade of size zero models has. Left an impression in our minds about the concept of beauty The image of beauty and general awareness about health has led to mushrooming of health and fitness centers. In this fast paced life we ​​are looking for immediate solutions to all our problems including weight problems. This was done in quacks providing false information and advice on how to lose weight. Produced several drugs ads have brought us to believe that instant weight loss is achievable.

A combination of over eating and lack of exercise usually causes obesity. Obesity can have a devastating impact on health and happiness and can lead to depression and lack of self-esteem. If you burn more calories than you eat to burn during regular daily activities, the excess calories are stored as fat. Apart from that, there are some diseases, such as hormonal problems, where excessive weight gain is.

Physical symptoms of obesity include shortness of breath, aching legs and swollen ankles. Obese people have an above average chance of developing high blood pressure, diabetes, gallbladder problems and gout. They are probably more severe symptoms of diseases such as angina and arthritis that persist and worsen with age, if measures are taken to suffer to lose weight. Obesity has also been linked atherosclerosis, cardiac disorders and certain types of cancer. Excess weight can cause damage to joints caused osteoarthritis in particular the knees and hips.

There is no magic cure for obesity. You can achieve a lower healthier weight by increasing your physical activity and reduction in calorie intake. This can be achieved by regular physical activity, by combining a low fat diet with some form. The energy is measured in kilo calories and the goal of a weight loss diet is about weight loss by bringing your calorie intake of food and drinks and increase your calorie output with exercise, so that the body uses more energy than it receives. For example you have to burn 7000 calories to lose 1 kg in weight.

The most important factor in a successful weight reducing program is motivation. The successful slimmer loses weight slowly and safely and provides a healthy diet and exercise patterns that will last a lifetime. In this way the body's supply of fat tissue is reduced gradually, so that the weight loss is permanent. Obese people should always start with a course of gentle exercise such as brisk walking or swimming.

An ideal weight loss diet all the nutrients the body needs. Since these nutrients to come from a lower calorie intake, it is important to cut down on sweets such as cakes, biscuits, sweets and alcohol, which are relatively high in calories but low in nutrients. A healthy diet should be based on low-calorie nutritious foods such as vegetables, fruits, lean meats, poultry, fish, low fat dairy products, cereals, salads and pulses. Fresh fruit is a good choice for a low calorie dessert.

Fat is the concentrated source of energy. Fat provides more than twice as many calories as protein and carbohydrate. Pure alcohol has. 7 k calories per ml It is a misconception that starchy staple foods such as bread and rice are fattening Starchy foods help to satisfy the appetite, because they will be more crowded than the mast. Preferable to whole grains like whole wheat bread and brown rice are chapatti refined foods as they provide much more vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Reduce fat intake, choose lean cuts of meat, trim all visible fat before cooking. Poultry should be eaten without the skin and fish steamed, grilled, baked or microwave instead of fried. You will lose 1 kg or more in the first week of weight loss diet due to initial loss of water from the body. Later, for a steady weight loss of 450 to 900 g per week, resulting in a reduction of body fat targets.

Include crash diets, replace the low calorie meal as beverages, soups and snacks can not have the same balance of nutrients than regular healthy diet. The success of any crash diet is short lived, because water and protein from the body instead of losing excess body fat. Once normal diet resumed body fluids quickly replaced, and it is an immediate weight gain.

Weight Loss Tips

  • Do not starve.
  • Chew your food properly.
  • Balance the food you eat with physical activity.
  • Replace whole milk with skim milk.
  • Enjoy poached egg instead of fried.
  • Use whole wheat bread instead of white.
  • In sandwiches instead of mayonnaise, use green coriander chutney.
  • Snack on watermelon or papaya instead of fries.
  • A single scoop of ice cream instead of double shovel.
  • Drink plenty of water.


  • Complex carbohydrates found in chappathi brown rice and whole wheat bread.
  • Fresh fruit, vegetables, salads and legumes.
  • Lean meats, poultry and fish.
  • Enjoy fresh fruit juices.


  • Fats of any kind
  • Alcohol
  • Red meat


  • Full fat dairy products
  • Fatty and sugary snacks like cookies, cakes and nuts
  • High fat meats such as sausages, bacon and beef.
  • Carbonated beverages.
  • Excessive intake of tea and coffee.
  • Snacks.
  • Fried foods, refined products, dried fruits, chocolate, and organ meats.
  • no more than 6 to 7 hours sleep.

Not in a hurry to lose weight. A maximum weekly working time loss of 1 kg is less than ideal. Keep a food dairy and note the recording of everything you eat or drink. It will help you get an idea of ​​your eating habits and help you to lose proper changes to weight the healthy way.