Tuesday, 22 January 2013

how do i get taller

Exercises to increase height

Chakrasana (wheel pose) stretches the body portion of the body, thus helping in the elongation of the body from the abdominal cavity. It relaxes the stiff muscles of the back and sides. Tadasana (shoulder stand) is another recommended Asana increase the height. Is upright on the ground by the back muscles and the shoulder upright. Other forms of exercises include swimming and high jumps in the pool to dive. Swing from a rod and stretching the body down to ground also helps increase the amount of people considerably. Generally, children are recommended to have this pull up and stretch exercises so that their body can grow faster during growth spurts.

The body ceases to grow, if the growth of the bone hindered. The growth of bone depends on the spinal fluid and thus the exercise of Shoulder Stand should be practiced regularly. These exercises not only help you exercise for the back of the spine and supply, but also help to increase the level of the individual.

The Pranayama (breathing exercises) of yoga work wonders for treating a variety of diseases and they help in the overall growth of the body also. The breathing exercise rejuvenates the body for proper growth and metabolism of him. It also helps to relieve acute pain in various parts of the body to provide. These positions are to be carried out for a long time and a person should maintain a particular position to gain better results.

These yoga postures strengthen the nerves and bones of the back, allowing the body to grow in harmony. Yoga also helps in weight loss and tones the body in a perfect manner, so that the body gives an impression of great.

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Effective weight loss exercise

Yoga is an ancient Indian system, which started as a means to spirituality. It is based on the principle of a healthy mind in a healthy body is based. As a result, yoga consists of practices that benefit the body, mind and spirit. Recently, the health benefits of yoga in the West continue caught, with many people practicing yoga in the interests of the physical and mental benefits that it brings, even if they are not on the spirituality behind it.Yoga disagree is considered good because it can be practiced by anyone at any age. It is also good for children, adults and the elderly. It is also recommended for pregnant women and athletes. Particularly in relation to obesity, yoga is as good because the asanas or postures go slow and not by a whole range of motion, gentle stretching as well as contracting different muscles are ready. Yoga is never tiring and can be done as slowly as desired. In fact, in most of the asanas or poses are the benefits to the amount of time a person has determined this asana.

Yoga exercises

Compared to other weight loss exercises

such as aerobics or strength training, which can be compared as the best exercises for weight loss, yoga may not appear to be up there at the top of the list. But recent research has shown that when it comes to effectiveness, yoga is more effective than any other exercise reduce weight. Studies have shown that people on average lost 5.8 kg or 12.7 pounds at the end of the 3 months of yoga. Cholesterol levels started declining at the end of four weeks and showed a steady decline even at the end of two years of yoga. Other studies have shown that light aerobic workout shows not much good either reduce weight or blood pressure (BP), while even mild yoga showed a decrease in BP as well as small reductions in weight. Further studies showed children over a period of 12 weeks, performed an average loss of 2 kg or 4.5 kg and was also coupled with an increase in overall health and self esteem. 

Some of the top asanas(poses) for weight loss are.


Ardha Chandrasana(Half Crescent Moon Pose)

Vrksasana(Tree Pose)

Naukasana (Boat Pose)

Utkatasana (Chair Pose)

Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

Pawanmuktasana (Wind Relieving Pose)

Bhujangasana (Cobra)

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

 Plank Pose 

Yoga is also one of the few exercises that are also suffering from which can be made from coronary artery disease or CAD. Even those who had very high cholesterol levels greater than 200 mg per dL, were able to reduce their cholesterol levels to manageable limits within a matter of weeks. Most people, 1 hour yoga sessions still managed every day for at least a year, bringing their weight to normal levels within this time. However it is recommended that you consult your physician before beginning any yoga regime, especially if you have an underlying disease or illness.


All of these data are the results of scientific experiments and not only in comparison with other methods of weight loss, but show yoga to be better. Since most people who diet to lose weight, lost weight back within a year, and even those who do weight training or aerobics never make it, normal weight levels to achieve within one year.

Yoga Tips

 There are not many yoga tips to reduce weight apart from practicing the postures correctly and do them regularly. Yoga should always be done on an empty stomach and although the simple postures can self taught, it's always better to learn the more complicated under the guidance of an instructor. 


 One of the good things about yoga is that it comes as part of the diet. Although there are no restrictions as such, recommend many serious yogis control diet to maintain a healthy body. If done properly a yoga diet is everything for the body that it needs while. Continue to maintain strict control over excess calories Following a yogic diet is optional, and not recommended for excessive reduction of calories in general. A healthy body needs a certain amount of food and what yoga is, we consume only as much as our bodies need and nothing more.

Mind rejuvenation exercise

The reason why Yoga is as good for weight loss that most yoga asanas are combined with pranayama or yogic breathing exercises. If asanas with pranayama are combined, it increases metabolic rate and burn calories much faster than the mild increase in heart rate does. Also heats the body, providing heat to warm up the joints, reduce pain and inflammation, while increasing blood flow.

 Most yoga sessions always end with a spirit rejuvenation exercise. These can be simple or complex meditation yoga practices. One of the easiest methods is to try and keep the mind empty, focusing thereby calming the mind and also it helps better.

Friday, 18 January 2013

Yoga Tips for Women

Yoga Tips for Women: Plank

The Plank is a moderate position. Works shoulders, abdomen, chest and Arme.

Of the breath downward dog position move forward until your shoulders and arms over your wrist.

Keep your back in alignment, make sure that you keep your midsection intervention.

Hold for 5 breaths and feel to the work in the arms.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Yoga Tips for Women

Yoga Tips for Women: Standing Chest

Stretch Standing Chest Stretch is a great track for the thighs, back and chest. Good to use as a warm up and is a very simple Streaker.

Start with your feet hip width apart, do not rock back on the Fersen.

Clasp your hands together in the small of your back, bend forward at your hips and keep your head neck and back in alignment. To help lift your arms to shoulder height open chest. Keep engagiert.

your core muscles. Hold the pose for 3 to 5 breaths

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Yoga Tips for Women

Yoga Tips for Women: Pyramid

Pyramid Great for stretching thigh, back and hip. This pose is a moderate to strong expansion, depending on the tightness of the thighs and lower back. Great distance for runners!

Start with your feet in width about arm's length away from each other. Their front toes should directly in front of you and your heel should be slightly bent with the toes are in.

Bend your front leg to close over his head on his knee. Bring your arms flat on the mat, the palms on both sides of the lead foot.

Relax your neck keep your back leg straight without locking the knee. Slightly bend and then just get on the front knee to get the most from the course.

Hold this pose easily to the legs of the route are. About 5 to 8 breaths. Then to switch to the other side. MUST come slowly out of this track, so that you do not get dizzy.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Yoga Tips for Women

Yoga Tips for Women: aircraft Pose

Airplane pose slightly moderate position that strengthens and stretches back thigh. This exercise can be used as a warm up.

Start in a standing position with your feet hip width apart. Legs straight, do not rock back on their heels. Bend forward at the hips, you keep your head back and neck in a Flucht.

Elongated the upper half of the body and extend your arms to the side in an airplane like position. Your arms should be away at the same level with his back to the shoulders of your Hals.

Hold the pose for 3 to 5 breaths.

Monday, 14 January 2013

Yoga Tips for Women

Yoga Tips for Women: Standing Split

Standing Splits Stretches the groin, inner thighs and upper thighs. this  is an easy moderieren.Ein position.

Start with your feet in a wide stance with your toes pointing forward. Your feet should be about arms length apart.

Once you bend your feet in the stance phase forward at the hips, holding her head back and neck in alignment. Relax your neck and place your palms flat on the Boden.

When holding this pose to be sure that your core muscles tense. Hold this position for 5 to 8 breaths.

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Yoga Tips for Women

Yoga Tips for Women: Plank and Full Kneeling Side Plank

Kneeling plank and Full Side Plank This is a moderate to strong pose. Great for working / stretching of the abdominal muscles and shoulders.

From plank position a knee drop. The same tree as the deleted knees flat on the mat with your arm. Lift the opposite arm to the sky and stretched the opposite leg.

Open your chest, keeping upper half of the body aligned and the solid core. Your hips should be open and your chin against your hand raised

Extend the full side plank pose, the knees with the other foot. Hold this pose for 3 to 5 breaths.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Yoga Tips for Women

Yoga Tips for Women: Frog Pose

Frog Pose is a simple pose stretches groin. Be a great relaxation use after the body is warm.

This childs pose mimics that you are on your knees with your arms stretched forward elbows bent and forehead to represent stacked fist.

Your legs should be spread in a bent knee split you have to feel a deep stretch in the groin.

Remember to define your abdominal muscles while breathing deeply. Through the nose Keep pushing your hips back, if you need a deeper stretch.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Yoga Tips for Women

Yoga Tips for Women: Seated Straddle Stretch

Seated Straddle Stretch is an easy to moderate routes depending on flexibility. Work on thighs and lower back

Get into the position start from a sitting position.

Bend forward at the hips by hooking your legs spread wide and bend the knees if necessary, so that the track is too intense.

With each breath, try to go deeper into the stretch

Yoga Tips for Women

Yoga Tips for Women: Plough

Plow is a medium to hard route, which can be easily modified. Works abdominal muscles and stretches the lower back.

From relaxation pose on your back bring your legs straight up into the sky and then bend at the waist, they roll over your head until your toes touch the floor behind your head.

Be sure to be in the sky you keep your neck in alignment look very important in this pose so that you do not injure yourself. Keep your legs straight and your toes curl.

Hold stomach and supports the lower back with your hands.

Monday, 7 January 2013

Yoga Tips for Women

Yoga Tips for Women: Shoulder Stand

Shoulder Stand is a moderate to hard position that works your stomach and back.

To start in a pose on her back and lift your legs to get to the ceiling. Use support your hands behind your back and not move his neck.

Engage your abdominal muscles and glutes to lift up to your body. Keep your hands on the small of his back and take it, move your elbows closer together.

For a less pressure on your lower back slightly bend at the waist.

Sunday, 6 January 2013


Set aside a regular time for yoga.

Once you have a decision to make to do something, you are telling yourself that it will happen. If you are new to yoga, it may not be a practical idea to practice yoga every day especially if you are always using yoga in your life. Instead, for at least one week a practice target outside of your regular class and the gradual increase of the day, you practice until it becomes a day without you find a hurdle. As the awareness of the philosophy that found behind yoga and be better at it, the daily practice is soon part of who you have become, there is no point in rushing this natural knowledge - says yoga teacher Christina Brown: "First it wont then it becomes a way of life.then it is you who you are "

Some people find that keeping a routine of the same time and same place every day is most beneficial. Your mind and your body will associate that time and place with yoga sessions, which can serve as a great inner motivation. Be sure to take some time when you are no interruptions or distractions, be as in the early morning or late evening know. The best time to practice yoga will be a sunrise and sunset.

Be kind to yourself when you practice yoga.

Go slowly especially in the beginning and listen to your body. He knows what it can do.Do not exaggerate it. Yoga is not a competitive sport even if you feel that way about it you will not progress. If you make too much pressure, you probably will not enjoy it and you may be injured.

Whenever possible, work with a teacher and use complementary books, videos and websites on your lessons. To stick with him especially. When you practice, you will improve.

Choose routines that work for you now. If you do yoga positions before you are ready or interested, they are trying to do, it's likely that you set up for a fall. Remember that a little is often done always best for you and your body and give 15 minutes of your time per day soon adds up over the week. Eventually you will be able to do more difficult routines how time flies.

Be regular, not strictly.

It is much better to do a little exercise on a regular basis than to push in a long practice at irregular intervals. It does not matter if you can not do certain poses for now. Do those who can do, better yet go you will enjoy. Perfect the before to those who experience more difficulties with it. Remember that it is better that you're doing something than no yoga.

Avoid adopting a negative mindset in which you say you can not do certain poses. You can just may take some time and you will need a lot of practice on the build up that lead to the more difficult. Practice.

Prepare well for each yoga session.

Part of the comfort factor of yoga is derived from how to prepare for it. Make sure to avoid that comfortable clothing that allows for freedom of movement and leaves need to expand the abdomen and chest freely tight clothing. Make the area where you practice comfortable as well. Lay down a sticky yoga mat or a folded blanket and have a pillow handy to support the neck when needed. Make sure that the practice room is quiet and warm, but well ventilated.

Practice yoga on an empty stomach. This is the best time to practice yoga, and it's a good idea to allow the digestion of a meal to be done before practicing yoga, leave 2-4 hours between meals and yoga practice. yoga before breakfast is an ideal option.

If you feel hungry before him of a yoga practice, drink a little diluted fruit juice or warm milk with honey.

If you feel the cold easily, have a blanket to cover up for the relaxation phase of your practice.

Studying any posture.

The practice of yoga exercises or asanas can improve your health increase your stamina and develop your spiritual awareness. Doing the yoga poses require you to study each pose and carried it slowly, how to control your body and your mind. Read online and often in yoga books so that you can both understand the mechanics behind the poses and the philosophical foundations of yoga.

Maintain full awareness while practicing poses. It is much better to stay aware and take it as slowly as a affected by a whole group of them go without pause for reflection represent.

When you get started in yoga, choose the lighter exercises of your yoga book, DVD or teacher stated. Find ones that fit naturally with your body and perfect the basic instructions before demanding to something.

Opt for the best position.

This may change over time depending on what is most comfortable with, but it's important to have a starting position that because of you and prepares you for the rest of the yoga session. A starting position is best if you raise awareness on breathing and the body helps to focus, strengthens the lower back and open the groin and hips.

Sit cross legged with hands on knees. Concentrate on your breathing. Keep your spine straight and push the sit bones down into the ground. Keep the knees slightly lower. If the knees rise above your hips, sit on a cushion or block. This will help keep your back and hips. Take 5 to 10 slow, deep breaths. On the next inhale raise your arms above your head. Exhale and bring your arms down slowly. Repeat 5 to 7 times.

Pause between poses.

Again this should not be rushed in yoga and resting between poses gives you time to think and your body the chance to take a break. Keep all movements slow and breathe calmly.

Fit Yoga in your daily life.

Yoga and dedicated time to practice small elements of yoga throughout the day, as far as possible. There are yoga moves you practice with your office chair, or may simply be waiting. Practice breathing in and out exercises anytime, anywhere. Close your eyes and take a few minutes of quiet reflection amid the bustle everything else going on around you.

Expect gradual improvement, not miracles.

Begin flowing through daily practice, evident in changes in your life, but it will not happen immediately and sometimes you might feel things are not happening at all. Take your time and suddenly you'll find that your daily practice is beneficial and. Positive influence on the rest of the day The body is happiest with regular practice and react well to your daily efforts.

Balance your routine.

As you get more used to yoga and you. Into the swing of daily practice aim for a balance of yoga exercises Yoga expert Christina Brown recommends at least one exercise from each of the following categories:

A flowing activity that increases your awareness of breathing

A standing posture

A side view Stretch

A bend forward

A back bend

A twist

An abdominal strengthener

A balance

An inversion

Another bend forward

Final Relaxation (pranayama and meditation). You can choose as long as you want to spend this last step.

Note that Time always on your side in yoga The more you practice.

the better you will get, but at your own pace, no pace set by a training manual or coach. Yoga is a journey, not a competition or expectation of performance. The great thing about yoga is that you can improve through life continues and age has nothing to do with ability in yoga. In fact practicing yoga every day in your older years is to strive for a goal, as it keeps you fit, confident, strong, flexible, physically and mentally balanced and disciplined.

Do not make a huge issue of missing a day here and there. It happens just pick up where you left off. Body memory is powerful, so let your body ease back into it without having your mind to infect it with the fear of missed practices.