Thursday, 29 August 2013

Healthier Body & Brain

Tips for a Healthier Body & Brain

How do you change your lifestyle for a healthier happier you

When we think to stay healthy, how things maintaining ideal weight and strong muscles a strong immune system and a healthy heart come to mind. Only recently however was that a lot of attention given to the relationship between physical and mental health. Today, the number of people. Among affective disorders and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease on the rise Note: My family does not support my health goals.

In fact, according to the National Institute of Mental Health 28.8% of the population will suffer from an anxiety disorder and 16.5% of the population is likely to have some form of depression in their life. Moreover according to the Alzheimer's Association one in eight people is at the age of sixty five and over AD. AD has been named as Type-3 diabetes because the brains of people with this disease are deficient and insulin resistance. Persons with type-2 diabetes are also at an increased risk of developing AD.

Despite the fact that some people at increased risk for the development of diseases of the brain one of the best strategies so that it means to be performing at its peak maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Here are five simple tips for a healthier body and brain

1. Eat a balanced whole foods diet

A diet rich in plant foods such as fruits and vegetables provides a wealth of vitamins and minerals needed to protect neurotransmitters and petrochemicals that keep our cells strong and awake to make our DNA and other cellular structures against oxidative damage. Vegetables and fruits may also reduce or prevent inflammation which is important for healthy brain function. To ensure that you always eat a variety of petrochemicals from the colors of the rainbow on a daily basis.

Protein in particular amino acids such as tryptophan and tyrosine are necessary for the construction of chemicals in the brain. These can be found in animal products such as meat, eggs and dairy products as well as nuts seeds, legumes and whole grains. Finally the right kinds of fats in the diet such as saturated fats in butter and coconut oil and monounsaturated fatty acids are found in oily fish, olive oil, avocados, nuts and hemp seeds. They are important for maintaining healthy cell membranes which are important for brain cell signaling.

2. Keep your colon healthy

Not only is it important that our digestive tract healthy proper digestion strong immune system and a healthy metabolism to promote but the two way communication between our courage and our brain affects our moods and ensures a healthy response to stress. People with irritable bowel syndrome for example often suffer from anxiety and low mood swings. Healing her intestines helps to alleviate these conditions.

3. Cut the sugar

In addition to its role as a source of empty calories most cause sugar spikes in insulin which promote fat storage and can eventually lead to type-2 diabetes. Sugar and the body work harder to maintain an alkaline pH, which can contribute to osteoporosis and disrupt the balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

Sugar promotes inflammation and cardiovascular disease accelerates the aging process causes swings in energy and mood as well as irritability and depression. To refined sugar stick with naturally sweetened fruits to replace the fiber and nutrients. Naturally sweet root vegetables such as sweet potatoes onions and beets also serve as an effective substitute for sugar. Use spices like cinnamon nutmeg and ginger to help regulate blood sugar levels.

4. Reduce your exposure to toxins

On any given day we can save hundreds of toxins including car exhausts BPA from canned food bottled water or register deposits are exposed. Unfortunately, pesticides and chemical additives in food and cleaning and personal care products the toxins in our lives. Over time they can accumulate in our fat cells that promote inflammation and may play a role in obesity and metabolic syndrome.

To minimize your exposure to toxins avoid canned or processed foods and bottled water. Buying organic produce meat and dairy products when. Always possible and in the direction of more natural or organically made soaps, shampoos, moisturizers and makeup Also remember to periodically remove a metabolic detoxification of toxins at the cellular level.

5. Exercise

The same advantages that offers exercise to our body are experienced in our brain. Increased insulin sensitivity, decreased inflammation and an increase in oxygen sharpen our thinking, stress and improve our moods. In fact, according to Dr. John Ratey in his book sparks, unlike anti anxiety or anti depressant medication, exercise naturally balances all our chemicals in the brain strengthens connections between brain cells.

This promotes the hippo campus a brain region involved in learning and memory to produce new brain cells. Add at least 30 minutes of exercise daily with a combination of cardio, strength training and stretching. Try yoga, Pilates, recreational sports or take a walk. Also house or yard work produce the benefits.

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