Friday, 30 August 2013

body shap for girls

Simple Ways to Improve girls Body Shape

There is no magic secret or miracle pill that will allow you to achieve and maintain a perfect body for life. If there were we would all have beautiful bodies and never have to see what we eat or do a single lap on the treadmill. As a personal trainer and the president of Browning fitness center I have trained or supervised the training of thousands of people who are struggling with their weight and fitness level.

So I can tell you achieving your ideal body shape takes time, determination and consistency. And sometimes it means saying no to things that you really want to say yes. There is simply no way around that.

But here's the good news. Getting in shape is not a matter of skipping breakfast or lunch and starve or run yourself ragged on the treadmill all week. You do not have to ruin your life just to be fit. Fitness is a state of mind and in shape is to change how you are about the choices you make every day to think about. To get you started here are 10 simple things you can do to begin to shift your mindset and improve. Their body shape for life.

1. As much as possible avoid high-calorie, high-fat foods that will gather around the middle. Try to stay away from cheese, chocolate, butter, cream, mayonnaise and even avocados are healthy but very fattening can be present in excess.

2. Get 15 minutes of intense cardio intervals with a 5 minute warm-up and a 5 minute cool down. You will be amazed how just 25 minutes of exercise every day is the way you look and feel change be amazed. When it comes to exercise choose quality over quantity. It is better 25 minutes of intense cardio that burns calories and gets your heart rate to do a two to hour hike do not burn many calories or take the weight.

3. Remember that your body uses carbohydrates first for energy, protein and then last of all your body uses fat. So if you. Choosing your food remember that if you are a marathon runner to get your carbohydrates from white bread, potatoes and pasta but if you are not in training you have to get your carbs from vegetables.

4. Keep an eye on your portion sizes. All foods have calories and even too many carrots make you gain weight. So again choose quality over quantity when it comes to your calories and remember to exercise portion control at every meal.

5. Drink lots of water. You need to consume at least 6-8 liters of water every day to for your body to effectively filter impurities to work and burn more fat. Plus water makes you feel full so that you do not cheat between meals.

6. The bulk of your diet should come from fiber rather than protein but remember excess vegetables can bloat and make you feel uncomfortable. Too much of a food makes you fat.

7. Pay attention to your posture. Stand straight with your shoulders back and stick your abs and buttocks in tight when you walk. Only maintaining good posture will lead to a healthier body alone and keep you pain free as you get older.

8. Mix up your exercise routines to keep your workouts effective. The body becomes more efficient in dealing with the same movements and so will eventually no longer challenge or burn as many calories. To run one days swimming and turn the other last. This ensures that your heart rate will be constantly challenged and keep you burn maximum amount of calories.

9. If you make an unhealthy choice do not beat yourself. Just to jog back on the treadmill and start running or sprinting. Guilt is a useless emotion and will only make it harder to make a healthier choice the next time.

10. Try to make the most of your food by eating 19:00. This will not only improve the quality of sleep which is an important component of fitness but you are the calories that you consume before you go to bed to burn.

Girl Talk:

What do you think of these tips? How do you do to stay healthy and maintain a great body shape?

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