Saturday, 31 August 2013

Health Skills for women

The best fitness, diet and health advice you'll ever hear

We interviewed hundreds of experts from top menu planner doctors sex coaches for all essential health tips women need to eat better feel better and look better. What we found fascinating tips and tricks to calm everywhere pack any meal with antioxidants outsmart germs in a public bathroom in a 10 minute workout squeeze and much much more.

Slash your medical bills

Bite back on dental costs. For routine cleaning a dental hygiene clinic where students go supervised by a dentist and dental hygienist to train patients. The Montgomery County Community College Dental Hygiene Clinic in Blue Bell charges $ 15 for a cleaning and exam. Check colleges for clinics or visit the American Dental Association website for a national list of dental schools.

Breathe away more fat

Oxygen helps fuel your fat burning so the more efficiently you breathe the better your training results. The trick is to inhale and exhale through both mouth and nose.

Spot furtive salt

Up to 75% of the salt in our diet comes from packaged foods. This simple trick you can keep your sodium intake in check: Look for a 1 to 1 ratio of sodium to calories or less. If a food has 150 calories per serving, it should be no more than 150mg of sodium. Keep your intake of 1,500mg per day.

Get a great workout in 10 minutes

Too busy for the gym? No problem. Just 10 minutes can burn almost 100 calories and increase your energy by up to 18%. Try this routine compacted by Jessica Dart personal training manager at Equinox Soho in New York City:

Minutes from 0.00 to 00.59 clock: climbing stairs.

Minutes from 1.00 to 01.29 clock: Do Reverse Lunges with overhead presses.

Minutes from 1.30 to 02.00 clock: Do squats.

Repeat the circuit 4 more times. Beginners can integrate up to 30 seconds rest between each cycle.

Never forget a name

Focus on the name as you hear it. People who are good at remembering names interested in them ask how they are written or pronounced. Then do not repeat it once but several times.

Test your attitude

Stand straight and count how long you can hold the place on the left before you have your word of power.

Repeat on the other side. If you can not balance on each leg for at least 20 seconds you are not standing as straight as you think you are or your muscles are too weak to hold them in position.

You have to improve the exercise 3 times a day on each leg.

Scar proof your skin

Scars fade faster if you keep cuts covered and moist. If you develop raised scars tend to scar reducing bandages once skin heals switch studies show that help by reducing silicone sheets collagen production.

Find the perfect doctor for you

The best way to get someone who has experience to find the treatment of your specific condition the physician referral service call at a large university hospital.

Learn the art of label reading

Rule 1: Ignore all front of the box health claims. They are about marketing not health. A low fat or low carb claim says nothing about what else has been added to compensate.

Rule 2: Flip the nutritional value and scan the list of ingredients. Look for a list that is not straight out of a science lab.

Rule 3: Remember that a daily value of 20 % or more or for any nutrient is considered high.

Choose the Right Sports Bra.

Try this dressing room training:

Reach arms overhead and circling it 10 times in each direction. If the bra moves too much slip the straps or do you feel chafing keep looking.

Bend forward at the hips and stretch. Make sure that your breasts do not peek out over the top or sides.

Jogging or jumping in front of a mirror. If your breasts up and down more than an inch or you feel discomfort, you're not enough support.

As someone laugh

Laughter zaps stress improves cholesterol and promotes blood circulation and immunity. Need fresh material? Steal ideas from top comedy manager:

Exaggerating the truth. It's a surprise element but also the recognition of a common truth that makes people laugh.

Poke fun at yourself. Self irony helps people to let down their guard. If I had two faces would I wear this one. Just list your faults and exaggerate.

Be overly enthusiastic. Say yes in a big way even if you do not mean. Her husband wants season tickets in the new football stadium? Offer to move there.

Resist menu words that pack pounds

Delicious descriptions suggest that an unhealthy dish worth the money if it's the same old grub you want to get anywhere is. Some red flags, according to Brian Wansink:

Grandma's homemade apple pie: We have positive associations with certain means of preparation think homemade or traditional that encourage us to order them.

Kansas City Barbecue: We assume regional food tastes better even if the restaurant is not in the referenced locale.

Velvety Chocolate Mousse: Sensory words like creamy, juicy and triple rich induce cravings although products such labels taste the same.

Jack Daniels glazed ribs: If you like a particular brand you think you'll like menu items with their flavors.

More from Prevention: 6 Ways Restaurants Make You Fat

Perform a proper push-up

Push ups are hands down one of the best full body toner the basic movement works your abs, arms and chest. To easily master full push-ups, start in a vertical position, working your way down to do them on the floor as you master the form.

  • Start standing up leaning against a high counter.
  • Lean against a desk.
  • Lean against the stationary seat of a sturdy chair.
  • Leaning against the second step in a staircase.
  • Have them on the floor.

Buy the best catch

Here is a super green list of fish that are not only high in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids but also little contaminants and sustainably raised and caught. Among the best options: Rainbow Trout Oysters and wild caught Alaska salmon.

Get age related deletion brows

Step 1: Cut off the excess. Brush brows straight up then carefully snip hairs that extend over the top of your natural brow line.

Step 2: Tweeze between eyebrows. The inner edge of the end should be the inner canthus.

Step 3: Define the shape. To accent your arch should line up near the outer edge of the iris tweeze two rows of hair from under him. Let the end in the tail slightly extend past the outer corner of the eye.

Cure joint pain at home

For heartburn: Take Deglycyrrhizinated licorice as a chewable tablet 20 minutes before eating to soothe the mucous membranes in the digestive tract and prevent reflux.

For back pain: Try comfrey root ointment, an old but proven again painkillers. Low dog likes the product Kytta ointment from Merck.

For a cold: Sip thyme tea with honey. Place loose leaves in a filter and steep for 3 to 5 minutes. Thyme is an expectorant and mild honey is a known cough soother and antimicrobial.

Find hidden sugar

Avoid products with any form of sugar in the first five ingredients. If the word is a syrup or ends in ose it's an added sweetener.

Get the sleep you crave

A good cardiovascular workout as a 30 minute jog can help you hook more deep sleep deep restorative kind you need to freshen up sleep.

Heal cracked cuticles

If your cuticles are bleeding Super Glue to seal for a few days on the skin. To prevent damage in the first place use an ultra hydrating hand cream it keeps sensitive skin soft and supple and more resistant to wear and tear. Little known fact: digging in your wallet is the most common cause of traumatized skin nail.

A master indoor cycling class

Do not be intimidated! Indoor cycling is super popular even among freshmen physical education and with good reason: The right technology can blow up more than 500 calories in 45 minutes. Kate Hickl shares her top riding tips:

Adjust seat height so slightly bent knees at the bottom of the stroke for more power and comfort.

Draw abs in order to take weight out of your hands and avoid bouncing up and down.

Pedal in circles with the same resistance as you push the pedal forward and down as you pull the pedal back and up.

Do a 5 second health check

Toilet Test: Is it blood in the bowl after a bowel movement? It's probably just hemorrhoids but if you yourself ave never been diagnosed.

Sleep Test: How fast do you fall asleep? If you routinely conk out in less than 5 minutes that's a sign you're sleep deprived. Sleep 30 minutes longer and see how you feel.

Bloating test: Do you tend to bloat and get full easily? This symptom if it is new for you and will take 2 weeks or longer could be a symptom of ovarian cancer. This sign is usually present at the earliest stage but because it is so common women often ignore.

Stop a craving now

Follow these 5 steps:

Name 5 things that you see before you.

ID 4 colors you see.

Describe three things that your body feels itself.

Cause 2 sounds.

State 1 which you can smell.

Why it works: The focus on the senses calm the chatter in your mind so that you can tune into your body's signals better and decide if you are really hungry.

Purer drinking water

p>Home: First, an assessment of the quality of your tap water. If you are on a municipal system use your utility will send you an annual Consumer Confidence Report one could also test your water by a certified laboratory. If you have good water quality a simple carafe filter can improve taste and remove lead. Consumer Reports the Tersano Lotus Clear 20 and smart Brita pitcher named as three top picks for 2010. If your H20 requires more filtration try a faucet mounted filter which removes additional pollutants such as arsenic.

On the jump: Dead filtered tap water in a reusable stainless steel bottle is BPA free. The chemical found in certain plastics can pose health problems.

Relieve muscle soreness after exercise

Gentle stretching can increase the blood circulation and help repair damaged muscle or try one of these other proven healer:

Treat yourself to a beating: Roll a foam roller or tennis ball along your aching body part. Massage can reduce muscle soreness by up to 40 %.

Eating Ginger: A daily dose (one teaspoon raw or in powder form) can facilitate post exercise pain by up to 25 %. In the warm food like a wok or grilled salmon salad.

More from Prevention: 50 healthiest Eco Spas in America

Know your survival court

If you are too exhausted to think about dinner it helps to have a fallback recipe that requires minimal effort and made with ingredients you keep on hand. Find ideas in our recipe channel.

Rewire your brain for happiness

the happiest man in the world. Try this 10 minute exercise adapted from his new book Why Meditate? Work up to 20 minutes or more daily.

Find a balanced position, sitting cross legged or on a chair.

Breathe calmly and naturally. Focus on the passage of air through the nostrils.

If you are clearly aware of your breath imagine approaching an innocent cheerful young child. In your mind's eye looked at him with tenderness and feeling of unconditional love and benevolence.

Bask in mindful awareness of love.

Cut your own bangs like a pro

Step 1: Style hair as normal. Wet hair is longer cutting bangs dry keeps you going too short. With sharp straight edged scissors utility those are usually too boring for cutting hair.

Step 2: Snip vertically starting from the center. Lift a 1 inch section of hair and hold it loosely between the index and middle finger. Hold the ends with scissors up and chip in to the hair upward at an angle a soft fringe never create cross.

Step 3: Be conservative. Cutlet about 1/4 inch at a time. You can always go shorter but grow hair takes weeks.

Keep your laces cozy

Try this simple trick for a reliable sheet: Return your shoes then you take the first step in tying your bow as usual. If you tick usually the right lace over the left right left now bind for example. Experts say, this method leads to more tension in the node regardless of how you begin the process it is close not looser over time.

Whiten teeth up tonight

Try aquafresh white trays. Wear them for 45 minutes in the morning and then again at night can significantly lighten your teeth.

Increase antioxidants at every meal

Herbs and spices can also punch fight disease such as fruits and vegetables provide. Here's how to add low calorie flavors while dramatically increasing your intake of antioxidants.

Fresh tarragon: add scrambled eggs.

Oregano dried: Marinated tomatoes in the bruschetta or chicken breast in olive oil and garlic.

Cloves ground: in the mashed sweet potatoes or acorn squash.

Cinnamon: in the oatmeal, French toast or applesauce.

Thyme fresh: in the fresh orange slices with black pepper and olive oil.

Add fresh corn bread and upholstery.

Turmeric: The curries and bulgur salad with chickpeas and currants.

Stay clean in a public bath

The ladies toilet is a hot spot for bacteria. Here are four surprising ways to keep germs at bay:

Avoid the middle stall: It tends to be used the most and accumulate more bacteria. The first stall is probably cleanest.

Keep your handbag on the floor: Gerba found that one-third of the purse to the bathroom floors had placed feces on the floor. If there is no hook on the door hang your handbag on the shoulder.

Flees after rinsing: The flush usually stronger than the toilet at home nebulized germs in the bowl so before they land on your left.

Suggest a training rut

If you're bored it's your body and your health may reflect that mental boredom. To keep things fresh create a wildcard Jar workout: Write down 20 different routines on scraps of paper skipping rope with your children to a certain interval on foot. You feel a pull from the glass each time the training starts ho hum.

Never skip flossing

You know flossing is important it aids in the removal of bacteria under the gums which can contribute to heart disease but it is easy to forget. Keep it top of mind stashing done by Y shaped brackets floss floss or other helpers near your TV remote control and the job during a commercial break.

Friday, 30 August 2013

curvy figure

How to Turn a Dull body in a sexy curvy figure(teen girl)

Take a good look at yourself. What body type are you? Are you Apple, Hourglass etc.

  • Hourglasses have big breasts a big bottom small thighs and hips
  • Pears have small to medium breasts a small waist big thighs and big bottoms.The lower leg are usually thin but may vary.
  • Apples have big breasts a big waist small to medium soils with thin legs.
  • Rectangles are pretty straight up and down with little bends.
  • Remember things. If you are under 17 or 18 your body is still developing and your body shape may change during this time. you can maximize your good parts and fix the bad spots but you probably won't be able to change your body shape completely. A rectangle should not seek an hourglass but a toned butt and legs is an excellent choice.

Decide what you want to look. They want athletic, slim, petite. the possibilities are endless.

Eat healthy and exercise. You do not have to completely cut out chocolate etc but it's good to have a small amount of it do not eat pork on it.

  • For your chest, do push ups, swimming and bench press.
  • Have windmills and press ups your arms. You could weights too.
  • Do crunches, sit ups and swimming for your waist. Losing weight will usually shrink the waist.
  • Walking, running, cycling and squats for your butt.
  • These are just to name a few and vary your exercises. Don't do strength training every day most of your cardio exercise should be.

Buy clothes that flatter your figure. Baggy T-shirts and jeans might make you feel good but they do not flatter you at all.

Get your family and friends to support your choice. It will give you a big boost and maybe even join in.

Model body image

Model shows off a positive body image for all women

Do I look fat from? For 7 out of 10 women the issue jumps around in her head three times daily according to a recent survey. The survey which was conducted by hotel chain Travelogue also found that 80% of women over the way they look depressed. Although Travelogue can not reputable source for this type of information the survey echoes countless other studies that the vast majority of women have to reveal negative thoughts about their body every day.

Why do women have such a negative view of her body? This is not to say that the men were not of body image issues and to suffer research has shown that the number of men increases with anorexia and bulimia but the number of women with the same problems far outweighs that of men. The above mentioned survey found that it was Cameron Diaz's legs Kim Kardashian's butt and Gisele Bundchen abs that women envied most probable causes of so many women's feelings of inferiority. But who is really responsible? Should we blame the star for their genetic blessings and the media constantly evaluating best physical properties of these celebrities? Or is the fault of women to live to this incredibly high standard of beauty and perfection fail?

The problem of women dislike their appearance is nothing new women have struggled with body image for ages. However shows continuous finger and blind accusations of who is to blame is not helping anyone. What would help is to find a solution to this problem to stop deterioration and perhaps a solution begins with us. We need those that promote health through hotness. Maybe then we can change I feel fat to I feel healthy and fabulous.

There is always the attractive and the media will show it on. However, what we can do to redefine what we call beautiful. A sense of humor can be just as hot as a killer pair of legs and a great smile can be just as alluring as a cheeky behind. The media will never stop highlighting beautiful people, but at least we can say what makes them that way.

Kate Upton loves her body curves and all so why can not we do the same?

body shap for girls

Simple Ways to Improve girls Body Shape

There is no magic secret or miracle pill that will allow you to achieve and maintain a perfect body for life. If there were we would all have beautiful bodies and never have to see what we eat or do a single lap on the treadmill. As a personal trainer and the president of Browning fitness center I have trained or supervised the training of thousands of people who are struggling with their weight and fitness level.

So I can tell you achieving your ideal body shape takes time, determination and consistency. And sometimes it means saying no to things that you really want to say yes. There is simply no way around that.

But here's the good news. Getting in shape is not a matter of skipping breakfast or lunch and starve or run yourself ragged on the treadmill all week. You do not have to ruin your life just to be fit. Fitness is a state of mind and in shape is to change how you are about the choices you make every day to think about. To get you started here are 10 simple things you can do to begin to shift your mindset and improve. Their body shape for life.

1. As much as possible avoid high-calorie, high-fat foods that will gather around the middle. Try to stay away from cheese, chocolate, butter, cream, mayonnaise and even avocados are healthy but very fattening can be present in excess.

2. Get 15 minutes of intense cardio intervals with a 5 minute warm-up and a 5 minute cool down. You will be amazed how just 25 minutes of exercise every day is the way you look and feel change be amazed. When it comes to exercise choose quality over quantity. It is better 25 minutes of intense cardio that burns calories and gets your heart rate to do a two to hour hike do not burn many calories or take the weight.

3. Remember that your body uses carbohydrates first for energy, protein and then last of all your body uses fat. So if you. Choosing your food remember that if you are a marathon runner to get your carbohydrates from white bread, potatoes and pasta but if you are not in training you have to get your carbs from vegetables.

4. Keep an eye on your portion sizes. All foods have calories and even too many carrots make you gain weight. So again choose quality over quantity when it comes to your calories and remember to exercise portion control at every meal.

5. Drink lots of water. You need to consume at least 6-8 liters of water every day to for your body to effectively filter impurities to work and burn more fat. Plus water makes you feel full so that you do not cheat between meals.

6. The bulk of your diet should come from fiber rather than protein but remember excess vegetables can bloat and make you feel uncomfortable. Too much of a food makes you fat.

7. Pay attention to your posture. Stand straight with your shoulders back and stick your abs and buttocks in tight when you walk. Only maintaining good posture will lead to a healthier body alone and keep you pain free as you get older.

8. Mix up your exercise routines to keep your workouts effective. The body becomes more efficient in dealing with the same movements and so will eventually no longer challenge or burn as many calories. To run one days swimming and turn the other last. This ensures that your heart rate will be constantly challenged and keep you burn maximum amount of calories.

9. If you make an unhealthy choice do not beat yourself. Just to jog back on the treadmill and start running or sprinting. Guilt is a useless emotion and will only make it harder to make a healthier choice the next time.

10. Try to make the most of your food by eating 19:00. This will not only improve the quality of sleep which is an important component of fitness but you are the calories that you consume before you go to bed to burn.

Girl Talk:

What do you think of these tips? How do you do to stay healthy and maintain a great body shape?

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Healthier Body & Brain

Tips for a Healthier Body & Brain

How do you change your lifestyle for a healthier happier you

When we think to stay healthy, how things maintaining ideal weight and strong muscles a strong immune system and a healthy heart come to mind. Only recently however was that a lot of attention given to the relationship between physical and mental health. Today, the number of people. Among affective disorders and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease on the rise Note: My family does not support my health goals.

In fact, according to the National Institute of Mental Health 28.8% of the population will suffer from an anxiety disorder and 16.5% of the population is likely to have some form of depression in their life. Moreover according to the Alzheimer's Association one in eight people is at the age of sixty five and over AD. AD has been named as Type-3 diabetes because the brains of people with this disease are deficient and insulin resistance. Persons with type-2 diabetes are also at an increased risk of developing AD.

Despite the fact that some people at increased risk for the development of diseases of the brain one of the best strategies so that it means to be performing at its peak maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Here are five simple tips for a healthier body and brain

1. Eat a balanced whole foods diet

A diet rich in plant foods such as fruits and vegetables provides a wealth of vitamins and minerals needed to protect neurotransmitters and petrochemicals that keep our cells strong and awake to make our DNA and other cellular structures against oxidative damage. Vegetables and fruits may also reduce or prevent inflammation which is important for healthy brain function. To ensure that you always eat a variety of petrochemicals from the colors of the rainbow on a daily basis.

Protein in particular amino acids such as tryptophan and tyrosine are necessary for the construction of chemicals in the brain. These can be found in animal products such as meat, eggs and dairy products as well as nuts seeds, legumes and whole grains. Finally the right kinds of fats in the diet such as saturated fats in butter and coconut oil and monounsaturated fatty acids are found in oily fish, olive oil, avocados, nuts and hemp seeds. They are important for maintaining healthy cell membranes which are important for brain cell signaling.

2. Keep your colon healthy

Not only is it important that our digestive tract healthy proper digestion strong immune system and a healthy metabolism to promote but the two way communication between our courage and our brain affects our moods and ensures a healthy response to stress. People with irritable bowel syndrome for example often suffer from anxiety and low mood swings. Healing her intestines helps to alleviate these conditions.

3. Cut the sugar

In addition to its role as a source of empty calories most cause sugar spikes in insulin which promote fat storage and can eventually lead to type-2 diabetes. Sugar and the body work harder to maintain an alkaline pH, which can contribute to osteoporosis and disrupt the balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

Sugar promotes inflammation and cardiovascular disease accelerates the aging process causes swings in energy and mood as well as irritability and depression. To refined sugar stick with naturally sweetened fruits to replace the fiber and nutrients. Naturally sweet root vegetables such as sweet potatoes onions and beets also serve as an effective substitute for sugar. Use spices like cinnamon nutmeg and ginger to help regulate blood sugar levels.

4. Reduce your exposure to toxins

On any given day we can save hundreds of toxins including car exhausts BPA from canned food bottled water or register deposits are exposed. Unfortunately, pesticides and chemical additives in food and cleaning and personal care products the toxins in our lives. Over time they can accumulate in our fat cells that promote inflammation and may play a role in obesity and metabolic syndrome.

To minimize your exposure to toxins avoid canned or processed foods and bottled water. Buying organic produce meat and dairy products when. Always possible and in the direction of more natural or organically made soaps, shampoos, moisturizers and makeup Also remember to periodically remove a metabolic detoxification of toxins at the cellular level.

5. Exercise

The same advantages that offers exercise to our body are experienced in our brain. Increased insulin sensitivity, decreased inflammation and an increase in oxygen sharpen our thinking, stress and improve our moods. In fact, according to Dr. John Ratey in his book sparks, unlike anti anxiety or anti depressant medication, exercise naturally balances all our chemicals in the brain strengthens connections between brain cells.

This promotes the hippo campus a brain region involved in learning and memory to produce new brain cells. Add at least 30 minutes of exercise daily with a combination of cardio, strength training and stretching. Try yoga, Pilates, recreational sports or take a walk. Also house or yard work produce the benefits.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Glowing & Healthy Skin

Yoga tips for glowing skin

A beautiful and radiant skin is not just about the skin it is a manifestation of a healthy body. A daily 30 minutes yoga routine can go a long way to go in improving cardiovascular health increased blood and oxygen circulation in the body and create a burden not so much that all the outside reflect on your skin.

There are some tips for healthy skin that go beyond maintaining a strict diet and skin care. You can follow yoga to get a holistic and healthy results.

  • Start the day early and drink a liter of water in an empty stomach. This acts as an excellent natural detox that hydrates your intestines and clears your skin.
  • Other glowing skin tips can be found in yoga poses. Morning meditation relieves stress and negative thoughts. Keep your mind free from negative thoughts, negativity reflects on your face.
  • You can try Shavasana and Kapilbhati Kriya to release your tensions.
  • Sirsasana (headstand) and Viparitakarani Kriya (shoulder stand) poses improve blood circulation in the brain and bringing a glow on the face.
  • Eat a diet sattvic also known as yoga diet that comprises of simple vegetarian food and lots of fresh fruit. Drinking fresh fruit juices instead of carbonated drinks alcohol and coffee. Quit smoking.
  • Also try to keep your mind stress free and try to get a good sleep.

How To Get Glowing & Healthy Skin with Yoga Get

A healthy and glowing skin is the dream of every woman and can be accomplished if you are willing to stick to a strict regime changes to adapt to certain healthy lifestyle and had to be careful eaters. You need to remove a regular skin care from cleaning exfoliation and moisturizing to remove debris and dead cells. Avoid getting even with chemical cosmetics on radiant skin but with organic and natural cosmetics that will suite your skin type.

Most skin care experts also recommend yoga for skin glow and an overall healthy skin.

Yoga improves overall health, muscle tightens the skin and prevents wrinkles and sagging. Yoga facial exercises increases oxygen rich blood flow to the face to make it glow.

Here are some tips for healthy skin, you should take into account when performing yoga glow to the skin.

We are what we eat, so follow Sattvic or a yoga vegetarian diet. Include lots of fresh fruits, antioxidants, whole grains, legumes, essential minerals, fats, proteins and vitamins to provide skin nourishment. Drink plenty of water and fresh juices to keep the skin hydrated and detoxified.

Scrap unhealthy fried and fatty foods, coffee and alcohol from your diet.

Yoga Poses for Glowing & Healthy Skin

Here are some common asanas (yoga postures) to stimulate the blood circulation throughout the body, some of them are specifically designed to reduce tension and prevent stress.

Yoga Poses

  • Suryanamaskar
  • Trikonasana
  • Yoga mudra
  • Pawanmuktasana
  • Bhujangasana
  • Ushtrasana
  • Sarvanghasana
  • Halasana

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

skin glow

Yoga for glowing skin

Everyone wants a healthy and young looking skin. Movement and various types of yoga plays an important role in keeping your skin healthy and radiant. Yoga offers freedom from constipation and helps in removing the toxins from the body.

There are many reasons why yoga is good for the body and skin Here are some of the advantages.

Yoga helps provide natural glow to the skin. Yoga helps to flush out toxins from your body. It helps in proper regulation of the excretory system and makes internal cleaning better. Yoga results in glowing and healthy skin. Yoga also helps in removing the dark circles around the eyes.

We will help you relax and ease your muscles. This reduces stress. Stress contributes to lack of sleep that goes on your skin very dull wrinkles and tired skin. Yoga helps in lowering your stress which helps you to have bad skin.

Yoga helps in the healing of skin infections. If your body has skin infections then you should especially avoid further damage to the affected organ. Yoga heals the skin with healing and the blood circulation.

Yoga helps in good sleep. If you lack the proper sleep you may suffer from bad skin. A person needs to sleep at least 8 to 10 hours per day. Lack of sleep makes your skin look tired and dull.

Experts have proven that problem of acne and rough skin are often helped with yoga. Exercise causes sweat which often irritates the skin and causes acne problem. Yoga is a specialized form of exercise where every muscle in your body working much more slowly and so you do not sweat.

Yoga helps in skin is firm and tight. It is performed on every muscle of the body. It helps to improve the circulation of blood and natural skin tightening.

Helps to reduce wrinkles of the skin. Yoga helps in toning the body and keeps the skin firm. Yoga helps skin look younger and radiant.

yoga pose

Matsyasana or fish pose

According to a traditional text Matsyasana is the destroyer of all diseases.

The circulation is increased as cervical thoracic and lumber regions are stretched. Your back muscles are strengthened. It is advantageous for those suffering from cervical spondylosis neck pain and stiffness.

The asana works wonders for the respiratory system and if you take this position, the chest is stretched open and your broe name derives from the attitude of the fact that if you accept the position in the water you will easily float.

This is useful for swimmers who can then their breath under water for longer periods.

Prenchial tubes are widened to promote easier breathing. In time, your chest will expand and this will also encourage you to breathe more deeply. It is good for asthma and bronchitis.

Thssure on the neck also works on the thyroid and parathyroid gland (which regulates the amount of calcium in the body). Balances metabolism and immune system is strengthened.

Most of the abdominal and stomach discomfort are also corrected as your intestines and abdominal muscles are stretched and taut. It is good for constipation and bleeding hemorrhoids.

The pressure on the neck stimulates the energy center that controls the voice and so improved the voice quality.

It tones the nervous system, the pelvic organs and the nerves connected with sexual functions. It also helps to prevent and remove disorders of the reproductive organs.

Contraindications and precautions

High or low blood pressure



Serious lower back or neck pain

yoga for glow skin

basic yoga poses for a glowing face

Come let us first understand how yoga helps to get a glowing skin.

Yoga makes skin glow through the stabilization and improvement of the hormones oxygen-rich blood flow to your skin. Ultimately the toxins responsible for the unhealthy skin is flushed.

Yoga is one of the most natural ways of improving skin health. But you have to understand that exercise alone can not help you with the desired results. You need to maintain a healthy diet not stressed and be regular with your yoga routine.

Practice the following three basic yoga asana is a vibrant and face light up However there are many more yoga exercises for the skin but the following can be difficult for a start-up the other.

Sirasasana The Headstand pose

  • Lock on the fingers and place your forearms on the floor.
  • Place the crown on his head between his hands together.
  • Now straighten the knees lift your hips off the floor pressed toes.
  • Make sure that thebody weight evenly distributed between your head, arms and feet.
  • Lift your legs off the floor and put them in a straight line with your trunk.

Viparitakarani kriya The Shoulder Stand pose

  • Lie on your back and lift your legs to 90 degrees.
  • Be the shoulders and on the ground to help with your hands move your hips on the mat.
  • Close your eyes and take a deep breath.
  • If you find it too difficult then lying sideways through a wall.


  • Lie on your back with your legs straight and your feet together.
  • Rest your hands palms under the thighs.
  • Let's head back inhale and your back.
  • Exhale breathe deeply when you are in this position, keep your lower body relaxed.
  • Raise your head and place it gently back down to get out of the pose.

Saturday, 24 August 2013

yoga poses

Mountain Pose

Stand with your feet together high shoulders relaxed weight evenly distributed through your soles arms at your sides.

Take a deep breath and raise your hands above your head palms facing each other with arms extended. Reach up to the sky with your finger tips.

Dog down

Start on all fours with your hands directly under shoulders knees under your hips.

Go hands a few inches forward and spread his fingers wide pressing palms into mat.

Curl toes under and slowly press hips toward ceiling bringing your body into an inverted V pressing shoulders away from the ears. The feet should be hip width apart knees slightly bent.

Hold for 3 full breaths.


Stand with your legs apart 3 to 4 meters turn right foot out 90 degrees and left foot slightly.

Bring your hands on your hips and relax your shoulders then the arms extend to the sides, palms down.

Bend your right knee 90 degrees, keeping knees over ankles the view of the right hand. Stay for 1 minute.

Switch sides and repeat.

Tree Pose

Stand with your arms at your sides.

Shift weight to the left leg and place the sole of the right foot in the left thigh keeping hips forward.

Once balanced bring hands in prayer position in front of you palms together.

When inhaled the arms extend over the shoulders palms separated and facing each other. Stay for 30 seconds.

Bridge Pose

Lie on the floor with knees bent and directly over heels.

Place arms at your sides, palms down. Exhale and press your feet into the ground as you lift hips.

Clasp your hands under your lower back and press the arms down lifting hips until your thighs are parallel to the floor bring chest toward the chin. Hold for 1 minute.

Make it easier: Place a stack of pillows under your tailbone.

Lowering again and on the opposite side.

Make it easier: Bring your right foot on the inside of the left ankle, keeping your toes on the floor for balance. As you get stronger and develop better balance move your foot on the inside of the left calf.

Triangle Pose

Stretch your arms then bow pages on the right leg.

Stand with feet about 3 feet apart toes turned on the right foot out to 90 degrees left to 45 degrees.

Let it touch your right hand on the floor or resting on the right leg below or above the knee and extend the fingertips of your left hand toward the ceiling.

Turn your eyes to the ceiling and hold for 5 breaths.

Standing and repeated on the opposite side.

Seated Twist

Sit on the floor with your legs straight.

Cross the right foot over outside of the left thigh bend the left knee. Keep addressed the right knee toward the ceiling.

Place your left elbow on the outside of the right knee and right hand on the floor behind you.

Twist right as far as possible from your abdomen both sides keep your butt on the floor. Stay for 1 minute.

Switch sides and repeat.

Make it easier: Keep bottom leg straight and place both hands raised to his knees. If you forward the lower back rounds sit on a folded blanket.


Lie face down on the floor with thumbs directly under shoulders legs extended with the tops of the feet on the floor.

Tighten your pelvic floor and tuck hips downward as you squeeze your buttocks.

Press the shoulders down and away from the ears.

Press with your thumb and forefinger as you raise your chest toward the wall in front of you.

Relax and repeat.

Pigeon Pose

Begin aligned in a full push-up position palms under shoulders.

Place left knee on the floor near the shoulder with the left heel with the right hip.

On forearms and bring further down the right leg below the top of the foot on the floor (not shown).

Keep chest lifted to the wall in front of you, look to the bottom.

If you are more flexible bring chest down to the floor and extend arms in front of you.

Pull your navel toward your spine and stretch the pelvic floor muscles, contract the right side of the glutes.

Curl toes under right foot pressed into the ground, pushing through the heel.

Bend knees to the floor and release do 5 reps total then switch sides and repeat.

Crow Pose

Get in the downward dog position and walk feet forward until your knees touch your arms.

Bend your elbows, heels lift off the floor and knees resting against the outside of the upper arms. Hold toes on the floor abs engaged and legs against arms. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths.

Child's Pose

Sit comfortably on your heels.

Rotate your upper body forward so your forehead to rest on the bed in front of you.

Lower your chest as close to your knees as you comfortably can arms front of you.

Hold the pose and breathe.

weight loss for men

Exercise Tips for Men

Trying to get in shape is a great idea for everyone even for adult men which may be a few years past their athletic prime. To properly train the body people need before they stretch workout and eat wisely. The better combine work with weight running workouts to give the body balance. A solid all around exercise routine can help a person in all aspects of his life including sexual function.

Core Exercises

All exercises to give the core muscles around the midsection a workout helps your muscle tone and the way you feel. Get on an exercise ball and find your balance point. Instead of sit ups on the floor they do on the exercise ball. You need to keep your hands on the side of the ball as you and you will go down parallel to the ground as you descend past the ball. Raise your head and neck about 18 inches before returning to the parallel position below. Do 25 sit-ups a 30 second brake and repeat the sentence.

Bench Press

The bench press is one of the best ways to build upper body strength. While you can do this on an exercise machine as Nautlius you will get the most benefit by doing this. Using free weights Start with 175 lbs. and make sure that you have a helper. Hold the weight at shoulder height while lying flat on your back on a weight bench. Press the weight so that you lock your elbows and keep the weight off for a second. Bring it back to your chest and lift at least 15 times. If you can lift 15 times without struggling take a 30 second break and do it again. If there is a big fight you take a 2 minute break before you lift the weight.

Mile Run

To do the most to get in shape combine running with weight lifting and core exercises. The mile run is not only a great way to find out where you stand compared to your peers it also helps you build strength speed and endurance. To get the most out of this run, run it on a quarter mile track. Most high schools and colleges have quarter mile tracks around the football field. Run at a steady pace until. On the last lap and the pace for the first half of the last lap When you get to the last half of the last lap as fast as possible to build strength and endurance to go.

fitness tips

Basic fitness tips

10 things you need to know to get lean and gain muscle fast.

Do not be surprised if you see more than like Mr. Universe for the first time you get to feel a dumbbell. Learn the proper technique can be somewhat involved when you consider that each exercise movement has its own set of quirks.

Having said that do not confuse somewhat involved for rocket science. So how to trade stocks profitably without a broker if you are willing to educate yourself beforehand you can learn how to properly perform exercises from any number of sources including a competent training partner a group seminar or a reputable media source like ahem Wholesale fitness.

Well designed training programs to arrange these exercises into a coherent comprehensive system equally accessible. But whether you do it yourself or decide to gain the services of a certified personal trainer the following tips to virtually anyone neophytes and grizzled veterans alike apply.

Fitness tips

1. Do not be a workout aholic. Many beginners train feverishly under the assumption that more is better especially when the results appear at first glance. However you are much better off easing into the process. At first your muscles are not ready much more than they were before you do they are willing to do a little more. in Salt Lake City and a spokesman for the American Council on Exercise. You increase your chances of success by moderating your activity a little. On the morning after the workout want you to feel like you trained but you do not want to have to crawl to the toilet.

2. The best rep range for gaining size is eight to 20 To raise the best results for muscle growth from a weight that between 60 percent and 80 percent of what you came for a raise and only one rep. At 80 percent the average person can do eight to 10 repetitions at 60 percent it may 15 to 20 most people have to say anywhere from six to 12 reps is best for muscle growth but six would be more than 80 percent to be.

3. The two most important times to eat when you wake up and after you exercise. You need fuel in the tank to train hard and if you do not fill it till breakfast you'll be running on fumes later. Make sure that the majority of your breakfast consists of carbohydrates proteins with something perhaps in the form of protein thrown in for good measure. Low-fat yogurt or milk and cereal would also fit the bill. It is also important immediately after refueling if your body's cells most receptive to replenishing the energy they just work out for themselves. A premade drink containing both carbs and protein immediately post workout to meet needs in the short term. An extensive menu but consisting of complex carbohydrates and complete protein (chicken breast contains a better amino acid profile than egg whites for example) should be consumed within 90 minutes after training.

4. Difficult exercises are good for you so resist the temptation to avoid them. Most exercises can either be classified as a single joint or multijoint movements. The former includes the barbell curl in which only move your elbow joints. Along with the deadlift and bench press this includes the squat during the ankles knees and hips are all being extended and flexed while your upper body is working hard to make the load stable. Movements are multi joint system the more difficult to master the two species but it is worth the effort to learn their proper execution since they are. Maximum muscle in complex muscle groups such as chest or legs People often get too specific in their choice of exercises.

5.If it is the primary focus of the training do cardio after not before you lift weights Or do it during another part of the day or better yet on another day. If you are first to be able to perform aerobic type exercise you'll be tired for your strength training.

6. Stretching before exercise and warm up before you stretch. Not jump right into your weight loss workout. First about 10 minutes to do with low intensity exercise on a stationary bike or a treadmill. To reduce the risk of injury you must increase your body temperature before you need to do a little more intense. Once your tissues are warm they stretch for five to 10 minutes focusing your efforts on those body parts you plan to train. Change recommends stretching the body part or parts that worked for 15 to 20 seconds after each set. And do not jump right out of your training mode. Having a short cooling phase in which you basically just stay in motion for five minutes or so with five to 10 minutes of stretching.

7. Recovery is just as important as training. If you lift weights you are actually tearing down muscle fibers. It's only after you have finished your workout your muscles to start rebuilding. To allow this process to unfold properly give your body adequate downtime in between workouts. As a beginner do not lift more than three or four times a week never on the same muscle group on consecutive days and never train a muscle group that is still sore from a previous workout. For best results you also need a proper nutrition program for five or six small nutritious meals a day gets to keep. Finally you have to get close enough eye at least eight hours of it. Adequate sleep keeps you mentally and physically strong for your workout and the act of slumber itself accommodates the release of growth promoting hormones.

8. You do over and over is not the same workout. Your body only changes when you force it and it is remarkable to adapt quickly to new stimuli. If you repeat the same workout every training session even for a month your body can probably handle it without an adaptive response. If you like your progress has reached a plateau feel that's probably what happened. The best way to avoid is high levels of periodise your training which simply means arranging it according to discrete phases designed to achieve different albeit related goals including muscle growth strength and definition. This is also the best way to avoid over training.

9. Most guys have an extra 2500 to 3500 calories you consume in a week to build a pound of muscle every week. You can pump iron until you are blue in the face but if you do not expand that your training efforts with enough food and water to dictate the laws of human biology and simple mathematics you do not get any bigger. When it comes to muscle building the most important thing is eating enough calories to your needs both exercise and the metabolic processes to build muscles heat up. Most people who have trouble gaining weight and strength simply are not enough to eat.

10. Women men seem to dig the work. Sports psychologists could speak at length on the subject and certainly relevant studies have been carried out but we know this is true because Karen McDougal tells us it is. Being in shape definitely gives men that extra sex appeal. It is the trust that you the fact to the sex appeal I think. If you are not sure and you do not feel good about yourself why should someone else be attracted to you? Working out leads to self confidence which leads to sex appeal.

Friday, 23 August 2013

fitness & exercise

Workout Secrets

Getting and staying fit can be a challenge. For many of us it is hard just to get off the couch. So what is the secret of the people who managed to practice a kind of have to live?

1 Be consistent

Chase Squires is the first to admit that he is not a fitness expert. But he's a guy who weighed 205 kilograms more than was healthy for his 5'4 frame. Old Colorado resident Squires decided enough was enough cut out fatty foods and went off on a treadmill the pound was and soon he was Marathon. not fast but in the race he ran his first 50-mile race in October 2003 and completed his first 100 miler a year later Since then he has several 100-mile 50-mile and 50k race is finished.

His secret? I am not fast but I am consistent says Squires consistency is his best tip for maintaining a successful fitness regime says.

It all started with 20 minutes on a treadmill he says. The difference between my success and others who have struggled is that I have done it every single day. No exercise program works in the world if you do not do it consistently.

2 Follow an effective exercise routine

The American Council on Exercise recently surveyed 1,000 ACE certified personal trainer about the best techniques to get fit. Their top three suggestions:

  • Strength training. Even 20 minutes a day twice a week helps tone the whole body.
  • Interval training. In its simplest form interval training might involve walking for two minutes running for two and alternating this pattern throughout the duration of the trainin. It is an extremely time-consuming and productive way to train.
  • Increased cardio/aerobic exercises. Bryant beats accumulate 60 minutes or more a day of moderate intensity physical activity lowest such as walking running or dancing.

3 Set realistic goals

Not for perfection or an improbable goal that can not be met aspire. Rather than focus on increasing healthy behaviors.

In other words, do not worry if you can not run a 5K just yet. Make it a habit to walk 15 minutes a day, and add time, distance and intensity from there.

4 Use the buddy system

Find a friend or relative that you like and trust who also wants to establish a healthier lifestyle suggests Thompson. Encourage one another. Practice together. Use this as an opportunity to strengthen to enjoy each other company and to the relationship.

5 Make your plans Fit Your Life

Too busy to get to the gym? Tennis star Martina Navratilova health and fitness ambassador for AARP knows a thing or two about busy and to stay fit.

Make your plan to fit your life advises them in an article on the AARP website. You do not need fancy exercise gear and gyms to get fit.

If you have got floor space floor exercise just try to target areas like the hips and buttocks legs and thighs and chest and arms. Aim for 10-12 repetitions of each exercise adding more reps and intensity as you build strength.

6 Be Happy

Make sure an activity take it really like to do, suggests Los Angeles celebrity trainer Sebastien Lagree.

If you hate weights, do not go to the gym, You can lose weight and get in shape with any type of training or activity he says.

And choose something that is comfortable. Rock climbing can be a great workout but if you live in a city it's not something you do every day.

7 Watch the Clock

Your internal clock that is.If you are an early riser plan your fitness activities early in the day when you perk up as the day goes along plan your activities in the afternoon or evening.

Work while you have the most power to get the best results.

8 Call the professionals

Especially if you are the first time started Theodosakis beats a professional assessment to determine what types of exercise that you need the most.

For some people the attention to flexibility or balance and flexibility may be more important than strength training or aerobic exercise. By getting a professional assessment you can determine your weakest link and concentrate on it. This will improve your overall fitness balance.

9 Get Inspired

Fitness is a state of mind. One of Fine tricks to get and stay motivated is to blogs or websites that show him how others have been successful to read. Who inspires you?

10 Be patient

Finally remember that even if you follow all these tips, it will be ups and downs setbacks and victories advises Navratilova. Just be patient and do not give up it says on the AARP website:Hang in there and you'll see a solid result.

7 benefits of regular physical activity

7 benefits of regular physical activity

You know exercise is good for you but you know as well? From boosting your mood to improving your sex life find out how exercise can improve your life.

Do you want to feel better have more energy and perhaps even live longer? Look no further than exercise. The health benefits of regular exercise and physical activity are hard to ignore. And the benefits of exercise are yours for the taking regardless of your age gender or physical ability. Need more convincing to exercise? Check out these seven ways exercise can improve your life.

1. Exercise controls weight

Exercise can help prevent excess weight gain or maintain weight loss. When you engage in physical activity you burn calories. The more intense the activity the more calories you burn. You do not need to set aside large portions of time for exercise to reap weight loss fruit. If you can not do an actual workout get more active throughout the day in simple ways by taking the stairs instead of the elevator or revving up your household chores.

2. Exercise combats health conditions and diseases

Worried about heart disease? In the hope to prevent high blood pressure? No matter what your current weight active boosts high density lipoprotein or good cholesterol and decreases unhealthy triglycerides. This one-two punch keeps your blood flowing smoothly taking the risk of cardiovascular disease. In fact regular physical activity can help to prevent or manage a wide range of health problems and concerns, including stroke, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, depression, certain types of cancer, arthritis and falls.

3. Exercise improves mood

Need an emotional lift? Or need something to blow off steam after a stressful day? A workout at the gym or a brisk 30 minute walk can help. Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that make you feel happier and more relaxed can. You can also feel better about your appearance and yourself when you exercise regularly to strengthen and improve your self esteem your confidence.

4. Exercise boosts energy

Winded by shopping or housework? Regular physical activity can improve your muscle strength and boost your endurance. Exercise and physical activity deliver oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and help your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. And when your heart and lungs work more efficiently you have more energy to go about your daily tasks.

5. Exercise promotes better sleep

Struggling to fall asleep? Or to stay asleep? Regular physical activity can help you fall asleep faster and deepen your sleep. Just do not exercise just before bedtime or you may be too energized to fall asleep.

6. Practice makes spark back into your sex life

Do you feel too tired or too out of shape to enjoy physical intimacy? Regular physical activity can help you feel energized and looking better which may have a positive effect on your sex life. But there's more to it than that. Regular physical activity to increased arousal of women lead. And the people who play sports regularly are less likely to have problems with erectile dysfunction than men who do not exercise.

7. Exercise can be fun

Exercise and physical activity can be a great way to spend some time. It gives you a chance to relax enjoy the outdoors or simply engage in activities that make you happy to get involved. Physical activity can help with family or friends to join in a fun social environment and you. So take a dance class hit the hiking trails or join a soccer team. Find a physical activity that you enjoy and just do it. If you get bored try something new.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Healthier Cooking

Top 10 Foods for a Healthier Cooking Substitutions

Applesauce for oil butter or sugar

Applesauce is a healthy baker's best friend. Not only does it add sweetness recipes but it does so with significantly less calories than sugar. And without butter you are cutting the saturated fat content of baked goods such as muffins breads and brownies. Not to mention the additional benefits of dietary apples fiber.

Nonfat Greek yogurt for mayo or sour cream

Nonfat Greek yogurt has much less calories and fat than mayonnaise or sour cream but his consistency is quite similar. Next time a recipe calls for ingredients for this mast try it with yogurt instead. You can play around with spices and ingredients but by the swap you can cut the fat while adding an extra punch of protein.

Mashed avocado for butter or oil in baking

Not all fats are bad for your body. the fats found in avocados actually do you any good. Such as olive oil and nuts avocados are a healthy cholesterol level and help ward off heart problems high in monounsaturated good fats that you maintain. In contrast solid fats like butter are high in saturated fats which increase your cholesterol levels and the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Mashed Bananas sugar, butter and fats

Sliced ​​bananas are a tasty addition to cereals and oatmeal but you can give them an even greater role in the kitchen as sugar butter and fat substitute in baking. Bananas are rich in potassium which helps lower blood pressure and they also help your digestive system in check.

Remember when you are with mashed bananas as a sugar substitute reduce the moisture in your recipe with less milk or water. In this way your baked goods will come with the right texture and firmness.

Nuts for croutons in salads or muesli with yoghurt

Unsalted nuts pack flavor and crunch and give food a nice boost of protein. Instead of high-fat salty croutons in salads or super sweet cereal in yogurt replace a handful of nuts. Walnuts and almonds are our favorite heart healthy. Just do not go overboard a small handful is rich in calories.

Rolled oats for breadcrumbs

Craving fried chicken? Instead of using salt containing bread crumbs opt for oatmeal with a little spice. Oats are rich in fiber and healthy carbohydrates and like all whole grains they are packed with nutrients such as B vitamins, iron and fiber.

Soda Water for Tonic Water

Here is a healthy swap for when you are in town. If you drink cocktails then ask the bartender for soda instead of tonic. Tonic water is rich in sugar while soda contains none. Also you should consider getting less juice and more fruity drinks your soda water to cut your sugar content.

This is a swap you will probably find though since tonic is so much sweeter than soda.

Whole Wheat Flour for White Flour

The government My Plate dietary guidelines recommend that at least half of daily grain intake be from whole grains. This means you should buy whole wheat bread and whole grain cereals bread and pasta and make the swap in your jaws. If a recipe calls for flour use whole wheat flour instead of all purpose white flour Or at least go half wheat and half white. It is unlikely that you will notice a difference and you will get more nutrients in your kitchen.

Zucchini ribbons for pasta or spaghetti squash

Use a vegetable peeler or a mandolin too long make thin noodle like slices of zucchini or spaghetti squash. Skip the cooking and baking or simply fry the noodles for a few minutes. You can use the vegetables in side dishes or to replace high carb pasta in dishes like lasagna. It's an easy way to cut the calories in your favorite pasta meals and sneak more vegetables into your dinner.

To thicken happens for Cream Potato Soup

Fall is soup season and there are many ways to pack more nutrients into your favorite varieties. Instead of bulking up your soup with cream paste for example instead of mashed sweet potato. Not only will you be getting less fat but the potassium in sweet potatoes are lower blood pressure and reduce your risk of stroke. Talk about a win win.

Also if you are buying ready made soup from the store it's a good idea to check the sodium always choose low sodium varieties.


10 Easy Ways to Make Exercise a Habit

It's not that hard to start a fitness routine. After all most of us have done it more than once.

The problem is of course comes with sticking with it. Too often our initial enthusiasm and energy wanes we get from other things that distracted in our lives or we do not do that we will see results quickly enough and we throw in the towel.

However many people do it hang in there and would hardly skip their regular training than their morning shower. What is their secret?

Long term exercisers (who had worked for an average of 13 years) were asked to organize what motivates them to keep up with their regime.

Their answers may surprise you. The athletes were not as with powerful pecs and awesome abs as concerned with feeling good and were healthy.

Here's how the study participants ranked their motivators:
  • Fitness
  • Feelings of well-being
  • Pep and energy
  • Enjoyment of exercise
  • Makes exercise a priority
  • Sleep better
  • Feel alert
  • Eased
  • Weight Management
  • Appearance

So if you have your priorities in the right place how can you be loyal to one of the fitness?

Web MD has compiled 10 tips for fitness a habit in your life. To create the list we sought the help of small together with long term fitness buff Roy Stevens and his wife Wanda the transformation of their hit and miss workout plan is an almost daily habit.

Perform a variety of activities that you can enjoy. And remember there is no rule that you have to get to a gym or buy equipment go.

We have our ideas of regimented exercise to physical activity shifted.

With a variety of activities weight lifting, walking, running, tennis, cycling, aerobics classes will ensure that you can do something regardless of the weather or time of day.

Commit to another person.

The social aspect of exercise is important for me. I let myself down but when I agreed to go with a friend after dinner I will not let them.

She is six weeks in an exercise program to help thanks in part to her husband. Roy Stevens who works as a business consultant has their in house personal trainers. They work out together every morning doing a combination of aerobics strength training Tae Bo and stretching. If he is out of town he gives her a wake up call and she takes the dog for a walk.

Make exercise a priority.

It must be a non-negotiable.

He started exercising to manage his weight when he was in the Air Force band about 20 years ago. We would travel and other guys would get off the bus and go eat wings and drink beer. Would I go running. He even maintained the exercise habit during his years working 70 hours a week as a restaurant owner.

It is a further advantage of the exercise not negotiable. Friends and family members learn that it is part of your identity and specify say things like: Why do not you take today easy.

Exercise first thing in the morning.

With two preschoolers Wanda Stevens could not find the time to figure out except on a hit and miss basis. Any number of things could go sabotage their good intentions or go to Pilates class after dinner. But all gone their excuses when they get up before the kids started so they could work.

I do not think I was a morning person. But it's working for me.

Experts agree that a morning hours is best. If you go to a gym it should be located between your home and work. Exercise take a shower and you are dressed for the day.

exercise on the way home from work.

The next best solution is to exercise first thing in the morning is to do it on the way home from work.

Do not go home first. I have learned that the hard way. There are not many people who are so motivated that they go home and change clothes to go out and train again.

Exercise even if you are too tired.

Chances are you will feel better after exercising.

It encourages us. You breathe deeply and your body makes better use of the oxygen exchange. You are an exercise induced euphoria during the activity and for some time to get to.

When Wanda Stevens thinks she's too tired to get up and exercise Roy showing her any sympathy. She is angry but then she feels better afterwards.

Register your activity.

Write down the things that are important to you. It might be how much time you exercise every day how many steps you walked how far you ran or cycled what you weigh etc.

Some people make a game of it. You can calculate the miles of runners take to walk to their homes to Boston (home of the famous marathon) find out how far they run in an average week and had heard setting a target date for arrival in Boston.

Be aware of all the indicators of progress.

It's great when you fit your clothes better and you can lift heavier weights or exercise longer without exhausted.

But there are a whole host of other status indicators such as:

  • Getting a good night's sleep.
  • Think more clearly.
  • With more energy.
  • Realizing your muscles do not cry after you've helped a friend move furniture while.
  • See your resting heart rate drop over time.
  • Listen to your doctor congratulate you on improved cholesterol, blood pressure, bone density, triglycerides and blood sugar.

Go with a pedometer or a dog.

If you enjoy walking and you have not exercised for a while 10 minutes three times a day will give you 30 minutes.

Use a pedometer and work up to at least 10,000 steps per day.No one starts with 10,000 steps. Find out what your daily average is and the next week strive to walk 300 extra steps every day. Increase your steps per week.

Better yet walk the dog would be. That's how they train their sister motivated. Twice a day she walks with her dog what is good for them and offers both companionship.

Wanda Stevens also enjoys walking her border collie and finds there is a further advantage. It relieves the guilt that I did not gave her enough attention now that we have kids felt.

Reward yourself.

Are you telling yourself that you do not deserve to be rewarded for something you should do anyway or that if you can zip your jeans without lying on the bed which will be reward enough? Well honestly how inspiring is that?

Experts say that makes behavior change is hard and motivating rewards. So decide on a goal and reward and to work towards them. Maybe you buy a video you want after you keep your fitness plan for a month or buy new hiking shoes when you reach 5,000 steps per day. Do what works for you.

Saturday, 10 August 2013

weight loss for men

great fitness tips for men

1 Get kitted

It's easy to start making excuses not to exercise if you are missing any essentials at home gym membership duffel bag even a towel. Make sure that you have everything you need before you start. This will also help you take a practice identity so if you feel and look the part you are more likely for the role but avoid spandex. Unless you are Justin Hawkins.

2 destination for progressive overload

The basis of increasing any measure of fitness strength size or endurance makes your muscles work harder than they are used to. You must increasingly overloaded your muscles advance. In order to gain strength you must always try to handle larger amounts of weight. To increase the size the number of sets or repetitions and build endurance you can increase and decrease rest time between sets sets or repetitions. The keyword is progressive. You should build gradually rather than trying too much too soon though. The concept of overloading the basis for all physical training.

3 Build Pyramids

Muscle grow and gain strength by contracting against heavy resistance. In an ideal world you would raise the maximum weight you could handle eight times for a series of sentences without warm up to build size and strength. But would do in the real world everything is hurting. That is where comes in. pyramiding with about 60 percent of the maximum amount you could lift for a repeat start and do 15 reps. Then reduce the weight and increasing the repetition 10 to 12. Finally add weight to about 80 percent of your maximum and do 5 to 6 reps. This allows you to handle heavy weights after warming maximizing the benefits and minimizing the risks of injury.

4 pre exhaust itself

This can help if you have muscle imbalances within a group. Pre exhaustion involves the use of a single joint before moving on with a multi joint exercise. Suppose that your quads are strong but your glutes and thighs give up squats before your gluteal muscles to get pumped. With pre exhaustion you do leg extensions first then proceed to squat with quads a bit tired. In this way you work all your muscles so close to their maximum potential as possible. Other examples are lateral raises before military courts presses and flyes before bench press.

5 Focus on core training

Your core the back and stomach is your body's engine. A strong core to stabilize and maintain posture and prevent injuries so do not neglect your abdominal and back muscles exercises. They have to start a session before you get tired for maximum benefit.

6 Avoid bites

A stitch is caused when the blood flow to your internal organs and reduces redirected to the working muscles. To beat it run slower than normal for the first third of your view and then accelerate. Slowly increasing your activity level blood flow may change more time.

7 Keep a balance

If you are a sport that one side of the upper body works more than the other for example play tennis your chest muscles can lead to unbalanced. Perform dumbbell presses to isolate individual muscles and stretch to lengthen the muscles evenly.

8 In treadmill incline to

A flat treadmill is not the same as running in the park. A gradient even as low as two percent it is a propulsive component to force you to work harder and come closer to simulating real running.

9 Start in Spring

New Year's resolutions often do not because it's mid-January until dark when you get up dark when you get home and sub-zero outside if it's not muddy it's icy. Start in the spring when the winter comes around again so you have established your routine.

10 Planning ahead

Do not leave it until you are on your shorts pulls us into the locker room to start planning your training. Have a clear idea of ​​what you going to do before you arrive. It builds anticipation and helps you to work harder and more efficiently.

11 Power up

When most people think they only work on their fitness really a part the stamina part. You might spend 30 to 40 minutes on a treadmill but would be much more use out of it when it is mixed with some really high intensity work the key bits in sports arrive how to perform in short bursts. These half seconds and milliseconds. but few of us actually on the job.

12 shoot like Thierry Henry

Strikers rarely get more than a hint to find the back of the net. Practice with a friend and for him to tap into balls in different heights and speed the Arsenal star. Try attack says to hit the ball and the goal for the first time without extra touch.As well as honing your skills it is a great cardio workout which also helps to increase explosive power and flexibility.

13 Enhance your breast

The straight arm stroke comes from your fingertips. Recreational swimmers often allow their pull on to long instead of leaving while ago. A long train it is difficult hands again. To its original position practice very short strokes and keeps the train complete front of the body.

14 breathe properly

Most people do not think about breathing and thus at the end exhale and quickly. This stimulates the flight fight mechanism and is very inefficient. If you are elongated and can control each exhalation you improve your cardiovascular conditioning.

15 points like Ronaldo

Sex a few hours before the game is the key to success according to Brazilian footie ace and World Cup winner Ronaldo. Who are we to argue?

16 stick with it

For most men what starts off as a new and exciting hobby can be more like hard work after only a few weeks especially if you do not see immediate results. Rest assured this is normal. You have come so far so persevere. It usually takes about three months for training to become a habit to leave and by that time you will begin to look and feel better. In the meantime remind yourself why you are doing it and reward yourself for sticking with it. A high quality massage is one example but also a treat as a snack is better than quitting.

17 Think positive

Exercise releases feel good chemicals called endorphins so you feel happier and less stressed after training. Never use stress as a reason not to exercise.

18 cleverer

People who Exciting and Recorded goals are Specific Measurable Agreed Realistic Time framed more likely to succeed than those who just do their best. You would not go to work and I am so much of my work as I can do in the next few months and see what happens. Do not do it in the gym either.

19 Go for quick fixes

Short term goals can be useful. Set two each week can help you to become fitter and healthier whether it. Bike to work or eating five servings of fruits and vegetables per day Small changes can have big effects.

20 Working in a team

Exercise can be social and it's easier to stay motivated when you. A partner or a friend have to join you They also say hello to the regulars at your gym to make it a friendlier place.

21 Manners

It's okay to ask for on a machine if someone resting a fast rate between them but do not ask it. And not possessive either.

22 press-ups before bedtime

Too busy to exercise? That's no excuse. Have press ups (with hands shoulder width apart and your back straight) for five minutes or until before going to bed every day and you do not feel stronger within a month.

23 Get in the sauna

Saunas a good way to relax after a workout than the dry heat relaxes tired muscles and helps to flush out toxins and impurities, such as lactic acid, which have built up during the training.

24 Concentrate

A lack of concentration in the exercise can lead to injuries. Try the following exercise: sit in a comfortable position relax and clear your mind. Slowly count to ten think of the numbers alone. If your mind wanders to start again. Repeat several times. Happen once a day you will relax and improve your focus.

25 Visualize Success

With all your senses.Not only see the things that they hear what's going on smell taste the sweat in your mouth and feel the steel rod and what it is going through the motions. This will benefit ordinary people to lift weights as much as it helps top athletes.

Monday, 5 August 2013

for summer

Fitness Tips For Summer

Let's face it we are more active in the summer when we are usually other parts of the year. Well why not incorporate that in some of your fitness efforts to help complement your training with some of these tips. Knowledge is power and some new things to your fitness routine could help you break every last plateau or help you.

Stretch More

Stretching is one of the more underrated things in fitness. Increasing your flexibility can make many everyday activities easier. When you stretch a muscle tendon or lengthen the muscle fibers. Worth it to the bone The longer the fibers are the more you can the muscles to increase in size if your strength training.

Workout time

You should try and keep your workout routine by about an hour. After 60 minutes of exercise your body will start more of the stress hormone cortisol can reduce muscle growth. If you want to have a more rigorous routine break the way you work in a morning and an evening session. Try 20 to 30 minutes of cardio and stretching and then your weight lifting or join a class.

Order of exercises

You want to be smart about the exercises you do and the order you should use them in. You barbells,dumbbells and machines, in this order. The reasoning behind this approach is that your smaller stabilizer muscles used with dumbbells more and they tire more quickly than your larger muscle groups. Advances in machines require less help from smaller stabilizing muscles as you grow tired.

Work on your core business

Situps are still one of the staple exercises to build a strong core. They help increase your range of motion that works your abs more. You can switch things through situps on a swiss ball or a reduced situp bench. If situps you keep your feet freely as it helps to use the stabilizing muscles in your core and will contribute to your overall core strength.

Around the time

Life can be full of trying for all of us and as you plan your training time as any other agreement. Even if it. Only for 20 to 30 minutes so you can exercise help improve your productivity and increase your energy It also helps relieve stress and helps you relax. So the next time you think you are too busy to practice or train remember that risk by not exercising that negative effects on productivity that day.

Staying hydrated

Make sure that you stay hydrated is important for your overall fitness. If you are not hydrated your muscles will fatigue faster and your ability to recover will be greatly affected. It is recommended that you have 8 glasses of water per day. This is a general rule but if you have made one of our classes you know how much you sweat. As you are more active you must be sure to increase your fluid intake to ensure that your body has what it needs to perform and recover properly.