Tuesday, 26 February 2013

About weight loss

Body weight Exercises

Body weight exercises have to be part of the program if you want to be jacked up.

But not only push ups, sit ups and high rep gymnastics.

This is for beginners things that do not build any real muscle.

We look forward to really working hard on the high voltage, advanced body weight exercises that can be done for anywhere between five and ten repetitions, the average talk.

The nice thing about these is that they are very natural and are usually done painlessly by most people.

They can be added to any program with dumbbells, barbells and strongman equipment.

This is the ultimate combination for building high performance mass. Or you can not body weight exercises. The choice is yours.

Below is a list of my top 20 body weight exercises for size and strength.

Pull Up

This exercise will build the lats and biceps very effective. An impressive number of full range is perfect repetitions 20th Everyone should do this at least 50 total reps per week chin of some sort of variation.

The parallel grip chin / pull up is easiest on the shoulders and elbows and is the one I recommend the most. They do on the rings is the safest, as it allows for the most natural movement, but also more difficult.

Rope Climb

Perfect for true functional relative strength. Your goal is to climb a 20 foot rope using only your hands.

Inverted Row

A certain kind of inverted line variation, either at a bar should include rings, ropes or suspension straps for center back thickness and strength.

To increase the difficulty of trying to rep stopped for a few seconds at the top, with Fat Grips or towels by only one leg exposed hidden on the bench instead of two, or both feet in the air in front of the lever.

To the upper back muscles (teres minor, rhomboids, rear delts) you aim your elbows straight out to your side while rowing. If the bar or straps to you they row on neck or face level. Hidden for more lats and middle back, row with his elbows on the sides.

Front Lever

This is one of the absolute best exercises for the activation and the construction of the lats. Maybe even better than pullups. It is also one of the best abdominal exercises that you can do, crunches and sit and sit ups to shame. To proceed in doing the dynamic movement I recommend starting with isometric movements. Four sets of 10 seconds twice a week will be good for most people.

Muscle Up

Very few people ever master the muscle to pull off but if you take the time and dedication, it is very impressive to be able to. Doing five perfect reps is a good goal to shoot.

Handstand Pushup

This will build large shoulders like otherwise and cause less pain and far less destruction than a barbell military press. To shoot an impressive number is te n full range reps. To get started on this, you must first master the handstand.

It has been said by high gymnastics coach, that the ability to handstand one of the main things that you develop to your overall athleticism is improving.

Once you are able to hold a handstand with your feet against the wall for 60 seconds before starting in handstand pushups can.


I would choose some sort of pushup on a barbell or dumbbell press any day of the week. You are that. Effective and beneficial and are much less risk of injury than other options

Some of them I do. Use most often in training or even customers are exposed to the steep incline pushup (with your feet in the straps), suspended regular pushups on rings or the Jungle Gym XT Divebomber pushups and one arm pushups

Planche push ups are probably the hardest option, but you need to be prepared for 1 to 2 years worth of work there, if you can do modified versions of the rings much earlier. A good goal for most people arm pushups 1001. This is strong and impressive.

Ring Fly

The function of the chest muscles is to pull the arm over the center line of the body. Vince and Larry Scott introduced me to this exercise in the early 90's and I was blown blown away by how well it worked.

It is one of the most difficult, but brutally effective moves you can do to build up your chest.

Lower slowly to always be sure to brace your abs, squeeze your glutes and pause in the bottom position. Be prepared for hard work and expect that some bicep growth from this exercise so well see.

Ring Dip

when you do them straight up and down, they will blow up your triceps better than any other exercise. Twenty five repetitions is done this way to shoot a good target.

May sit for another chest you focus forward by bending at the hips and keep your legs in front of you and instead of simply trying to squeeze by pushing your way out of the ground / pull your way up

Inverted Shrug

The big knock on body weight training is that it does nothing for your traps you that yoke look. But that's because people do not know about the inverted shrug. Get on the rings and rotate the head. Once you stabilize your body simply shrug up and down. Even if you are only using your body weight and it is less than you'd normally. Use on a bar, it always seems to provide enough resistance for most people If it can not take on a weight vest.

Hand Walking or Crawling

Walking on your hands is a great way to develop shoulder strength and stability. This can be done upside down in a handstand or it can be done in pushup position with your feet in the Power Wheel.

Happen in the second way, it is your abdominal muscles work harder than anything you've ever done. For 100 yards with perfect form, which means no sagging or A framing hips.

Aside from walking on your hands, any kind of crawl is awesome for full body strength and athleticism.There numerous types of creeps like bear crawls are crawling tigers, crab walks etc.

I suggest the inclusion into your workout at least once a week as a finisher or a warm up.

Pistol Squat

Pistol squats develop every muscle in the lower body along. With great balance, stability, coordination and athleticism Like many of the bodyweight exercises listed here, the gun takes several weeks to prepare properly and to do without pain.

Even if you force that they are doing the first time your connective tissue will not need to be prepared for the load, so please take the necessary steps to work on them.

Looking squats an impressive number of the gun is to shoot 20 times.

Back Foot Elevated Split Squat

Pistols are great, but a lot of people will never be able to do it. This version is more user friendly. Get into a lunge and set foot on a field or a bank of about 6" to 12" in height.

The quads respond very well to high volume attending multiple 10 to 20 reps of this exercise is the preferred plan of attack

Skater Squat

To do this exercise simply bend your knees and squat behind him straight down to the ground. It's like a gun just behind the leg squat instead of just bent in front of you.

Touch the back knee on a padded surface and then stand back up. The range of motion is much less, so this is often a good first progression pistol squats.

Single Leg Hip Thrust

While pistol squats most of your lower body care needs you may want to take some hip extension work to ensure that you cover all your bases.

This is especially important for girls who want an ass you can rest a drink on himself.

A large body weight exercises that will do that for you is the single leg hip thrust.

Set up two benches, put the top back on the one hand and one foot on a different bent to the non working leg up near the chest.

Now let your hips drop down to the ground as low as possible. Take your foot in the bank and lift your hips all the way up, while consciously contracting your glute.

Once you can knock 15 to 20 reps with perfect form as you stabilize your hips and not over stretching your lower back I'd throw a few chains or resistance band over your waist

Single Leg Back Raise or Glute Ham Raise

I love glute ham raises for hamstring development and protect against knee injuries. But they are not 100% necessary.

If you squat low enough, like you do in a pistol squat upset the thigh. The glutes also a pretty good workout from a pistol squats. But this does leave the lower back a bit behind in the pacing department, if all you did was body weight stuff.

So that a part of the body would cover a single leg again raise be a good option. Of course you can do this with two legs, become easy to sets of 20. Then I would switch to one leg variant either parallel or 45 degree angled bench


This exercise is great for developing core competencies and mastering it will show you a world of good and have great carryover to numerous exercises and physical activities. If you have lower back or hip pain cure this exercise often. Start slowly with the bent knee version and progress from there. Four sets of 10 seconds holding two or three days a week is enough for most people.

Hanging Leg Raise

This is an advanced abdominal exercise you work your way up to it slowly over the course of several months. I had the L-sets first is pretty good. If you're a beginner, it can provide up to two years you are, are for this one. The ability to really do 15 to 20 reps a perfect picture without jacking up your lower back is pretty impressive

Side Plank

Each of the exercises listed includes all of the core muscles, but that's the only change that really focuses on the obliques. The obliques are. Crucial in maintaining a healthy back, locking a heavy squat or dead lift and overall core strength and stability

If you have strong obliques chances are good that you have a decent level of functional strength. This exercise can be myself, how easy or as difficult as you will need it, depending on whether you to bend your knees, stretching out with a back extension bench, where to do it or use a weight West

Back Bridge

This is a good practice to improve the health of the spine. Start slowly and be very cautious on this. If you already have existing injuries you may never be able to do this.

Those with healthy backs should be aimed at the point where they can bridge backward from a standing position on the floor and then get back to work

Neck Bridge

Once you able to do a back bridge, be sure to work your way into the neck bridges, both the front and rear axle. A thick neck looks a powerful and instills respect. No walk in with a stack of pennies.

There you have it, the Top. 20 body weight exercises for building muscle mass and strength Of course there are tons more and it was tough narrowing it down.

This is far from a complete list and is only a fraction of body weight exercises that I use regularly. I like that. Mix in with some barbell / dumbbell and strongman exercises, but there is no reason why you could not get with just this alone If you have not already done so add a few of these exercises to your program today and work your way up to the highest level of the individual.

about fitness

Lose Weight

Get Fit for Free

To lose weight and can lead to a healthier you by being active and eating right freely with the right commitment, motivation and information.

Shedding the pounds and inches can be a struggle.

Armed with the right information, a lot of positive thinking and healthier choices, you can achieve your goals.

If you are serious about losing those extra pounds and keep it off, then this site will become one of your best friends.

Found in my search for the perfect workout routines and meal plans for me, I have spent hundreds of hours searching for information on the Internet and have become an expert surfer .

I found the good, the bad and the ugly and sifted through the nonsense and put the best of the best here on this website.

You can find many tips for healthy eating and getting the most out of your workout. Plus, there are tools, videos, recipes and more to help you lose weight today.

There are many pages to explore, you will drive and the motivation to stay fit and healthy, so explore today to help you lose weight.

Be sure that the free fitness videos and tools to help you improve your fitness goals today.

Monday, 25 February 2013

how can i lose weight

Top Yoga Poses for Weight Loss

Yoga is a known stress buster, but it's also one of the most effective workouts for fighting stubborn fat deposits, especially the ones that crop up after the 40th Years. Yes, you can use yoga for weight loss. The reason: Studies show that yoga stress hormones and increases insulin sensitivity, a signal to burn your body to food as a fuel instead of storing it lowers as fat. The following yoga poses for weight loss will do just that, while toning your arms, legs, butt and abs. Now start the weight results in less than 3 weeks to see.

Workout at a glance

How to do it?

Follow this routine at least 3 times a week, every train stops 1 time for 3 to 5 deep breaths, unless otherwise stated. Start with the Main Move for each exercise. If it is too difficult to do it the easier variation. If it's not challenging enough, try it harder option. For faster results: Hold each for 5 to 8 breaths and increase repetitions represented by 2 or 3.

Crescent (Company abs, hips and thighs)

Stand with your feet together, toes forward, and arms at your sides. Inhale and raise arms overhead, reaching fingertips toward the ceiling. Exhale and bend forward from hips and bring your hands to the floor. Inhale, and as you exhale, step right leg (left knee bent about 90 degrees, knees over ankles, extended right leg and foot) back into a lunge. Inhale and raise arms overhead, looking ahead. Hold, then to a halt and you repeat back and stepped back left leg.

Make it Harder:

From end position, inhale and bend looked upper body, arms and head back. Fingertips

Make it Easier:

Lower your right knee touching the ground as you step back into a lunge and rest hands on left thigh

Willow [Firms sides of abs]

Stand with your feet together, arms at your sides. Place sole of the left foot on the inside of the right thigh, knee bent to the side. Touch palms in front of the chest for 2 breaths. On the third inhale, extend arms, fingertips toward the ceiling. Exhale and inhale on the, upper body bend to the left. Inhale and stretch. Repeat 3 to 5 times press, walk in thigh; switch side

Make it Easier

Keep your left foot on calf or touch toes to floor for balance.

Make it Harder

Close eyes as you balance and bend.

Rocking Boat (Firms abs and back)

Sit with knees bent, feet on the floor, hands on your thighs. With upper body straight and head in line with your body, lean back about 45 degrees, raising feet so calves are parallel to the floor, toes. On an extended inhale, arms and legs, keep your legs together. Exhale and as you inhale, lower body and legs 3 to 4 inches so body forms a wider V-shape. Exhale and lift upper body and legs. Repeat 3 to 5 times.

Make it Easier

Hold backs of thighs with hands and keep legs bent. Lower torso only.

Make it Harder

Once in the wider V position, extend arms overhead.

Hover(Firms shoulders, arms, abs, and back)

Start in push up position on toes with arms that. Hands under your shoulders and body in line from head to heels On one, lower chest toward the floor, bending elbows back, arms close to the body, abdominal muscles tense exhale. Keep a few inches above the ground.

Make it Easier

Begin on hands and knees and walk hands forward until body is in line from head to knees.

Make it Harder

While holding the hover, lift left leg 6 to 12 inches, pause and lower. Do 3 to 5 times, then switch legs.

Chair (Firms butt and thighs)

Stand with your feet together, toes forward. Arms at your sides Inhale and raise arms overhead, palms facing each other show. Exhale and lean back about 45 degrees, keeping knees behind toes and abs tight to support back, looking ahead

Make it Easier

Do the move with feet hip distance apart, hands on thighs, and bend only about 30 degrees.

Make it Harder:

After you sit back, lift heels off floor, balancing on balls of feet, gaze up at fingertips.

weight loss women

The Best Weight Loss Exercises for Women at Home

In addition to helping you lose weight, exercise has many benefits, such as improving your cholesterol levels, reducing blood pressure and improving your mood. If you are just starting to exercise, you may find a gym or health club intimidating. Fortunately, there are many exercises women can do at home to help in permanent weight loss. Consult a doctor before you start exercising.

Jumping Rope

Although jumping rope more like a child than a serious pastime seems to be weight loss exercise, fitness website called Real Women Fitness skipping one of the best weight loss exercises for women. Besides burning calories by challenging your muscles can improve your jump rope. Your cardiovascular endurance and footwork that helpful for other sporting activities and sports

Side lunges

Side lunges are useful for weight loss, because they are using your lower body, which contains large muscle groups. The more muscles you use, the more calories you burn, the weight loss make your workouts more efficient. According to Fitness magazine Web site, you can do this exercise by intensifying an upright row which involved your upper body as well. The website suggests starting by weight in each hand at about waist height, and then lift the weights up to chest height as you jump on your side. Reverse the movement and repeat, lunging in the opposite direction.

Interval Jogging

Although high intensity exercise can help you lose weight faster than low intensity exercise, it can be difficult for some time to maintain it. Therefore interval exercises like jogging interval may be better suited. the execution interval jogging help to eliminate stubborn fat in areas such as thighs and buttocks. The website suggests performing 45 seconds of low intensity cardio for 15 seconds all out exercise as an ideal setup interval.


Yoga can be an effective exercise for weight loss. You can perform yoga in your home without additional weights or machines, it may be more convenient than other exercises. Women Fitness found that during the yoga is not intensive, the movements can be burned to mobilize fat in the body.

Weight Loss for women

Weight Loss Exercises for Women at Home

I do not want to hit the gym or walking in the park or doing exhaustive exercises, here are some exercises that will help you, and your body weight is to lose at home.

Shape your butt

The butt is a combination of muscles, which may be shaped and toned. Yoga is an effective and efficient technique to make your butt. Lie flat on a yoga mat, stretch to the maximum extent and to relax. Next, gently lift your right arm and left leg and stretch. Repeat the same with the left arm and right leg. This will help you in toning your butt and legs

Drop inches

Sit on a yoga mat with your legs positioned flat in front of you. Now bend your right leg and wrapped both hands around the right knee. Keep your left leg straight. Lift your leg as high as you can, hold it for 5 seconds and lower it slowly. Repeat with the other leg and repeat as often as you can. Make sure you do not take any sudden movements burden as your ligaments can. This exercise will help you drop weight and lose inches in 2 weeks.

Thigh Blasters

Many women are so conscious of her thighs, they did not even try to rationalize it, the easiest way seems to be hidden, not realizing that your butt and thighs to work on one of the easiest targets. Stand slightly with your hands on your hips and legs apart. Squat a big step forward to the time the left thigh parallel to the floor. In this position, the back leg should be bent and the heel should not touch the ground. Do the same with your right leg.

Flat Abs

Every woman wants a flat stomach. Get rid of bulges with fast exercises for your abs. For exercising your abs, you need a stability ball. Lie on the ball with the face pointing towards the floor. Extend your legs in a V position as to touch the ground. Place both hands on either side of the head and lift your upper body. Repeat 15-20x and increase the number as your body becomes accustomed to this exercise. Exhale as you raise your body, you breathe your body weight on the ball release. Make sure you squeeze your shoulder blades as you raise your body.

Firm Arms

You can now have toned arms in a matter of 15minutes. You do not have to shy away from sleeveless tops anymore. Use a pair of dumbbells, the weight of the dumbbell will depend on your ability to lift them with minimal strain. Stand straight with your legs joined, hold the dumbbells parallel to the floor and at your eye level. Now stretch your arms outside lateral and repeat the same 10times. Repeat the same exercise while lying down at least 10 times. Remember to keep your neck and back muscles relaxed to prevent injury.

Saturday, 23 February 2013

diet foods

Diet foods for body fitness

Gradually adding all this pain free tips to get your eating habits is a feasible and effective means of burning fat without crashing. Bodies are like castles: Even the best have built one brick at a time.

Stomp regular soda. Go instead to nutrition.

Enjoy excess fat on a slice of pizza with a napkin.

Enjoy hamburgers excess fat and grease with a paper towel.

No more Doughnut.Eat a slice of whole grain bread Toast with jam for breakfast.

For salads, hold the croutons please.

When Sunday rolled around a dozen eggs cook as quick snacks for the next week to use.

Pure Egg Excellence: The scrambled eggs or omelets, use only half the yolks.

Eat only vegetables and lean meat for a meal during the day.

Eat turkey bacon instead of regular bacon.

Plain Jane Burger: Order simple hamburger no cheese, mayonnaise, special sauce or bacon!

Order grilled chicken sandwiches instead of crispy. Remember, no cheese, mayonnaise, special sauce or bacon.

Grill to use up extra pieces of chicken for dinner and use the leftovers for lunch the next two days.

Drink a glass of water immediately after waking up every day.

Choose your dessert meal. Choose a dessert for lunch or dinner, but not both.

A week eating lunch, grilled chicken salad with low calorie dressing and a glass of sugar free iced tea.

Eating ice cream on a Sunday.

Hold the cheese on salad.

Use dressings made ​​with olive oil and vinegar instead of Ranch

No french fries, no freedom fries. no fries!

Order water instead of soda at a restaurant.

The elimination of a fast food meal per week.

Drink one less soda per day.

Switch from whole milk reduced fat milk.

Use nonstick cooking spray instead of oil or margarine to fry foods.

Eat an apple with natural peanut butter instead of chips as a snack before bedtime.

Wait for boneless/skinless chicken breasts to go on sale and stock your freezer.

Get outside the box. Purchase food that isn't sold in a can or box.

Only eat candy on the weekends.

Set your alarm 20 minutes early and go for a 15 minute brisk walk, before anything else in the morning.

To start drinking fresh brewed green tea

Make a sandwich with only one slice of bread instead of two.

Pack a lunch and eat in a park rather than in a restaurant.

Keep it green. Eat green vegetables for lunch and dinner.

Stop counting calories and focus on smaller portion sizes

Eat most of your Carbohydrate earlier in the day

Go for a walk with a friend or spouse after dinner.

Use olive oil or macadamia nut oil to cook with.

If your clothes are too tight, lose weight. Don't buy bigger clothes.

Eat veggies at lunch and dinner.

Not order any appetizers.

Invest in a nice pair of walking shoes.

Tune up your workout. Listen to your favorite music while exercising.

Ward to help get involved in a hobby after dinner the evening munchies.

Lift weights at least twice per week.

Do cardio exercise for 30 minutes at least three days a week

Be active with your children or grandchildren. Try a sport with them.

Eat salmon once or twice per week.

Mow your own lawn.

Clean out that old garage.

Last but not least, the 500 mile challenge: Buy a pedometer and walk 500 miles in one year.

Friday, 22 February 2013

in summer

Quick Fix Body Toning

Intercept toning exercises and make you feel more confident by the time you need to wear a swimsuit.

Increase your coronation

If your hair is fragile, fine or too thin trying a course of Kérastase Densitive. You have to take it for a good three months, to see the proper results, as hair grows slowly and it takes time to show improvement. You'll sigh, I'm sure, at the thought of wasting money for a miracle supplement, but I have to tell you that everyone I know who has tried it finds it impressive effectively.

Sorting dry knees and elbows

With a loofah or a body scrub never a good look in shorts or a shift dress, lizard skin elbows and knees into submission in a short time are smoothed by the simple tactic scrub the bath, followed by a decent serving of any thick, moisturizing ointment. Start now and in two weeks, you will not have to worry.

Eat more essential fatty acids

hey strengthen your nails and hair, improve your skin, sharpen your brain, boost your mood and are crucial for cardiovascular health. I have to go? If you can not eat as much salmon or crunch through that many flaxseed try Neals Yard Remedies' Organic Beauty Oil.

Get your eyebrows shaped

A place of expert eyebrow shaping the kind of beauty is quick fix that sounds completely unnecessary, until you try it. The last time I saw the beautiful Shavata Singh, popularly known as London eyebrow queen announced she tinted and waxed my eyebrows in under 10 minutes they had.

Make your feet presentable

A good pedicure is all it takes to keep your feet. Ready for flip-flops Once again, professional hands, the basic hard work have done, you can get by for weeks, but you cack handed with the nail polish (a tip: they beat in the evening, let it all dry and all the splashing bits can be turned off your toes in the shower the next morning to work).

Tackle body hair

If you're quick, you can in a few sessions of laser hair removal, fit the variety, which promises a permanent reduction in the size of your body hair, but stop the treatment for a few weeks before you go away, as it makes skin very sensitive the sun

Dye your eyelashes

Mascara and swimming are not a happy combination. Avoid the problem entirely by your eyelashes dyed before a week and you do not even think about mascara until well after you go there you are again. If you are very fair and find black lashes look weird on you, ask for a dark brown shade instead. If you do not want and ramp going up the volume for blue black.

Try out the fake tan

Experiment with fake tan now and you will find one that you have a good color. And you are sure the application before you leave If you still want a real tan (so bad for the skin), try Imedeen Tan Optimizer tablets , to see the preparation of the skin for the sun, and a longer any tan you pick up.

Hair cut and color

You might think you can by going to save this until after returning from vacation, but your hair in good shape and condition before you go away and you will be doing yourself a favor, says leading colorists

It's the perfect opportunity to any damaged or split ends cut off from exposure to the sun and sea or chlorinated water. Did you protect a euphemism color treatment and also preserve your color and give it a healthy glow.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

fitness programs

Not sure what you need to take your fitness to the next level. Here are the most important things to work.

Train for a fun run

When it comes to body shape change, strength training and high intensity cardio, the undisputed winner. But for some people the patch hits burns fat like nothing else. We all know how hard it is, a long term current program without a specific goal is to keep in mind, it is fun, you can search for any type in your region. Give yourself at least eight weeks to train and retain a strict and consistent program. Once you finish it, why not set your sights on a half marathon

Learn to dead lift

To great results, you need to get great exercises like the dead lift. It targets the thighs, buttocks, back and core. Prevention harder as we get older and back injuries are often due to a lack of skills in this movement. But with a little practice, most women dead lift their own body weight. Remember it will not happen overnight. Remove the weight slowly back your technique is correct.

Go to your full range of motion

It is much easier to do a push up, which is halfway to the ground as a push up, which goes all the way to the ground. The weakest part of a push-up is at the bottom, and this is therefore the part which must be most of the training. This is the case with all exercises, the deeper you go into it without feeling pain in the joints, the better your profits. Keep remember, it is not an exercise, if you have taken it over the entire range of motion. You really feel it the next day!

Do weighted squats

It may not sound very feminine, but strength training must be high up on your list of training his focus this year. Strength training burns serious amounts of fat and tone your entire body. Squats are the first exercise, you should do. Learn to make them perfect, without weight, then add weights as you get stronger. And I'm going in on a little secret. The vast majority of the amazing statements real women who adorn these training sites take this advice. It really makes the job.

Do twists

Old school weight machines only move your body in a row. If you complete a rehab program, ditch the machines use free weights or your body weight and train the way your body in real life by turns. Twist is a controlled dynamite for your core and obliques. Just make sure you do it with control, and you do not experience any back pain. Bring on that toned stomach!

Show your body some love

Between all this training you're getting in some pampering sessions. A regular massage is a great way to reward your body for his hard work. A deep tissue massage therefore encourages all the muscles can relax tight or sore from exercise and release. This is important to avoid injury in the long term. A massage once a month.

Work your core

Most people want a tighter tummy, but do not know what training is required. Sit ups and crunches only tone the six pack muscles, they will not pull your tummy or reduce scope. For that you need nuclear posture work. Almost every exercise, from squats to push ups, a core component. Focus on maintaining your posture during all your exercises, and you will work your core business. Add nuclear specific movements, such as boards and core climbers and you will see results.

Balance your workouts

Be sure to not only work certain parts of the body and neglect others. Here are the tips to get your training right balance.

If you do a pushing motion as a push up, comparing it with a pulling motion like a chin up or row

in some core work and flexibility. Good training may include all of this in less than an hour.

Do not favor the upper or lower body. Both work hard every workout areas.

Make your abs burn

The words feel the burn and no pain no gain may be old school, but if you try to get a six pack is to get up and not feel a serious burn when you work your abs, your chances success are low. The abdominal muscles are inactive but sensitive muscles. They are happy for the muscles around them to do the work and they complain when they are asked. So if you're with them properly, you'll know all about it. Refine your technique until they burn every time.

Train with kettle bells

Vodka and Maria Sharapova are not the only great things come from Russia. Kettle bell training has infiltrated the fitness industry in a big way. There is another option for strengthening and toning your body with whole body movements that are actually quite fun. Make sure that you refine your technique first any direction and you've won another great tool for your fitness arsenal.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

yoga for weight loss

If you do yoga, obesity is definitely going. Yoga rejuvenates the system and brings so much meaning to you that you do not overeat. Once a certain level of awareness is created in your body, your body so it will only eat what is needed for them. It will not eat anything more. This is not because the control or regulation of your life in some way or because someone tells you to go on a diet. With yoga practices, you do not have to control yourself. You just do the practice. This takes care of the system in such a way that it is not permissible to eat more than necessary. If you do some other exercises or diets processes, you are always trying to control himself. This is the big difference with yoga.

When you begin kriyas, certain people start to lose weight, some people start to gain weight. If your digestion is poor and their ability to convert food into meat was not good if you practice start kriyas, get the digestive fire is activated and will be more efficient and you start gaining weight because of the improvement in digestion, the conversion of food into flesh.

If your digestive fire have been okay and you do start again kriyas improve the conversion rate. But the food instead of meat, it will turn into a food subtle dimension of energy. Now, however much you eat, you will notice you are losing weight. If you practice the kriyas are, you may even find that if you eat a larger quantity, still not put on weight, you can even lose weight. Or it can be the other way around: your food comes quantum dramatic,

but still do not lose weight. This is simply because the exchange ratio is being changed.

We do not teach yoga to reduce weight. It's not something you can do to slim down or. For your back pain or headaches Yes, these things happen anyway always healthy, always peaceful, loving, gentle these are the side effects of yoga, not the focus of yoga. The focus of yoga is another dimension of living in you, the set of physical. Only when this is active, the existence slowly opens up to you in a million different ways. Things you never thought himself was a living reality for you because a dimension beyond the physical alive.

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Complete diet plans

Your food plan

Stick to this diet for two weeks to start your weight loss. It is best to start on a weekend when you have more time to be ready for everything. Plus, you will not feel so stressed or rushed, which means that you are less likely to succumb to an afternoon chocolate.

1 Day Breakfast

Omelet made with three egg whites and filled with 75g chopped mixed peppers and a handful of spinach

Mid morning snack

100g chicken with ½ red pepper, sliced


A grilled chicken breast, lettuce, red peppers, green beans and ¼ tbsp olive oil

Mid afternoon snack

100g turkey breast with ¼ cucumber, sliced


100 grams of grilled chicken breast with steamed Broccoli

Day 2 Breakfast

Baked chicken breast with a handful of fried cabbage

Mid morning snack

100g turkey breast and ½ green pepper, sliced


Baked haddock fillet with mixed green salad with ½ tbsp olive oil

Mid afternoon snack

100g turkey breast with 75g steamed broccoli


A salmon steak with chopped dill and steamed green beans

Day 3 Breakfast

100g smoked salmon, plus spinach

Mid morning snack:

100g chicken breast with ½ yellow bell pepper, sliced


A grilled chicken breast with garden salad and ½ tbsp olive oil

Mid afternoon snack:

100g turkey slices with ¼ avocado


A grilled lamb steak or two slices; steamed broccoli and spinach

4 Day Breakfast

Scrambled eggs (one whole, two whites), tomatoes, green beans

Mid morning snack

100g turkey slices with ¼ cucumber, sliced


Baked cod fillet with lettuce, tomato, spinach and ½ tbsp olive oil

Mid afternoon snack:

100g chicken breast with grilled ½ courgette Dinner: 100g chicken breast pan with ½ teaspoon oil and green vegetables


A grilled lamb steak (or two slices); steamed broccoli and spinach

Day 5 Breakfast

200g turkey breast with ¼ avocado and ¼ cucumber, sliced

Mid morning

Two hard boiled eggs with ½ red pepper, sliced


150g grilled shrimp with lettuce and tomato, ½ tbsp olive oil

Mid afternoon snack

100g turkey breast with five almonds


100 g chicken breast with steamed broccoli

Day 6 Breakfast

A grilled haddock fillet with roasted peppers and courgettes

Mid morning snack

100g chicken with a tomato, sliced


150g turkey with green salad, steamed broccoli and ½ tbsp olive oil

Mid afternoon snack:

100g chicken with five pecans


150g to 200g steak served with steamed green beans and broccoli

Day 7 Breakfast:

Three egg omelet, grilled tomatoes and steamed spinach

Mid morning snack

100g turkey with five Brazil nuts


150g chicken breast with steamed asparagus and green salad

Mid afternoon snack

100g turkey with ¼ cucumber, sliced


Grilled, skinless duck breast with steamed oriental greens or broccoli

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Health Benefits

Health Benefits

With more than 60% of Americans are overweight or obese, most of us would benefit from trimming classified.

As is overweight or obese, with an increased risk for developing a variety of diseases, including cancer, diabetes, heart disease and more connected.

But lose a few pounds and you can begin to turn to your health, according to several studies.

Lifestyle changes that have a healthier diet, regular physical activity and weight loss of 7% to 10% include shown phenomenal health benefits that can be more effective than drugs.

Reduction in body weight can reverse or prevent diabetes, low blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides, and improve sleep apnea and other sleep disorders help work with you to feel better.

After Katz 90% of diabetes, 80% of heart disease and 60% of cancers are preventable with a healthier lifestyle and a normal body weight.

We have seen a consistent pattern in our weight loss studies have shown that when patients 5% lose 10% of their body weight, they lower blood pressure, lower bad cholesterol, improve glucose tolerance, and generally lower the risk for cardiovascular disease.

Some doctors have reported that they successfully patients taken off blood pressure and cholesterol lowering drugs after patients lost small amounts of weight.

Saturday, 9 February 2013

for weight loss

Exercise 30 to 60 minutes per day.

If time is limited, exercise for several short periods during the day for example, three 10 minute sessions instead of one 30 minute session.

Eat three healthy meals throughout the day, including a good breakfast.

Skipping meals leads to increased hunger and may lead to excessive snacking.

Focus on fruits and vegetables.

Top off your morning cereal with sliced ​​strawberries or bananas. Stir berries or peaches in yogurt or cottage cheese. Liven up your sandwiches with vegetables, such as tomatoes, lettuce, onions, peppers and cucumbers.

Weigh yourself regularly.

Monitoring your weight can tell you whether your efforts are working and can help you to detect small weight gain, even before they get bigger.

Do not keep comfort foods in the house.

If you are fat, high calorie foods tend to eat when you are angry or depressed or bored, not around it. Availability of food is one of the strongest factors in determining how much a person eats.

Plan a family activity.

Get the family together to go for a bike ride, play disc golf or kick the ball into the court.

Eat healthy foods first.

Eat foods that are healthy and low in calories first so that when it's time to enjoy your favorite is sweets or junk food, for example you are not that hungry.

Pay attention to portions.

Serve meals already dished onto plates instead of placing the bowls on the table. Take a little bit less than what you think you are eating. You can always second, when it is really necessary.

Create opportunities to be active.

Wash your car at home instead of in the wash. Bike or walk to the store. Participate in your child's activities on the playground or park.

Sit down together for family celebrations.

Avoid eating in front of TV. Television influenced how much and what people eat.

Watch what you eat.

Eating directly from a container gives you no sense of how much you eat. Seeing food on a plate or in a bowl keeps you know how much you eat.

Vary your activities.

Change your activity to avoid regular routine exercise burnout. Go a few days, another swim and go for a bike ride on the weekend. Search for new activities karate, ballroom dancing, skiing, tennis or Pilates.

De stress your day.

Stress can cause you to eat more too. Develop strategies that help to relax when you find yourself getting stressed out. Exercise, deep breathing, muscle relaxation techniques and even a good laugh can ease stress.

Eat at home.

People eat more in restaurants than at home. Limit, how often do you eat in restaurants. Eat when you need to decide what and how. Much you are going to eat before you start and the rest to go boxed.

Plan healthy snacks.

The best snacks include fruit, vegetables, whole grains and low fat dairy products. Fruit smoothies, sliced ​​fresh fruit and yogurt, whole wheat crackers and carrot and celery sticks with peanut butter are all good choices.

Start your day with a high fiber breakfast cereals,

such as bran flakes, shredded wheat or oatmeal. Opt for cereals with bran or fiber in the name. Or add a few tablespoons of unprocessed wheat bran to your favorite cereal.

Walk for 10 minutes on your lunch break

get up a few minutes earlier in the morning and go for a short walk.

Plan a week's worth of meals at a time.

Make a detailed shopping list to eliminate the last minute trips to the grocery store and impulse buying.

Look for a distraction when you are fighting a craving.

Call a friend, put on music and dance or sports, to clean the house, pulling weeds in your garden, or errand. When your mind is occupied with something else, the desire away quickly.

Reward yourself.

To lose weight and keep the pounds is a huge accomplishment. Celebrate your success with non food rewards, such as new clothes or a trip with friends.

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Weight Loss

Weight Loss Wish

List Decide how much weight you have to lose Most people start their weight loss journey by claiming xyz pounds overweight. This is not a healthy way to project or want for weight loss. Calculate your desired weight for your height by reliable methods, such as BMI and are a healthy weight loss goal. This is often half the battle won.

Reduce the Calorie

One gram of fat contains twice as many calories as a gram of protein or carbohydrate. Avoid fatty foods, subtract the fat from meat. Include plenty of vegetables (high in fiber) and fruits in your diet. Substitute for a fast weight loss, the oily paratha breakfast with a bowl of whole grain cereal or some lean protein and vegetable

Drink more water

doctors recommend that you drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water a day. Drinking more water helps the stomach feel full and reduces cravings considerably. have you a glass of water before each meal, it is a good way to get your water from overeating.Substitute all sodas, fruit juices, tea, coffee, beer and a glass to keep and you could lose weight quickly.

time management

This is often overlooked in weight loss programs. Decide to practice dedicated to what part of the day when in the week you will stick to food, and when you do the cooking all routine in your current work and personal life. If you do not, now, your days rushed and unplanned, and you will not be able to make your weight loss efforts to support.

our fitness coach reveals the biggest mistakes we make to quick weight loss reach, we believe, help to spend hours in the gym in rapid weight loss, but the truth is the quality issues over time.When it comes to education, you do not need to do 20 exercises in each workout, and neither you need to spend up to 45 minutes on the treadmill. That sounds similar to what you believe.

Sunday, 3 February 2013

ways to lose weight

Painless Ways to Lose Weight

Easy weight loss tips you can slip into your everyday life.

Add not deduct

Forget diet denial: Try to subtract foods to your diet instead.

Add in healthy goodies you really love, like deep red cherries, juicy grapes or crunchy peas. Slide this favorite fruits into your bag lunch and breakfast cereal, add the vegetables in soups, stews and sauces.

Adding in really does take away, never does. but remember to keep an eye on the total calories. And do not forget to add in something physical, even if it at a few dance moves before dinner, shooting, tires or a short walk.

Forget About Working Out

If the word exercise inspires you to creative avoidance, then avoid it. Maybe the trick to a workout can never call it from working.

There is some truth to that. once you start your not calling it exercise plan. you the way good health feels knocks down the roadblocks that prevent you of the exercise were in the first place.

Muscles will burn calories and strengthen beach combing, cycling, grass skiing, making snow angels, hiking, washing the car, playing Frisbee, chasing the dog in the yard or even enjoying great sex. Finally there arose a different name from a.


Go when the weather is nice a super easy way to keep fit. a certified nursing assistant from New York. I enjoy the seasons. adding that even if in the short time she's going for a few minutes. Even a 5 minute walk is a five minute walk.

No sidewalks in your neighborhood? Try these tips for slipping in several steps:

Trade your lawn mower for a push version.

Park your car at the back of the lot.

Get out of the office building and enjoy walking meetings.

Sweep the drive or rake the leaves instead of using a leaf blower.

Get off the bus a few stops earlier.

Hike hit the mall to be sure all the levels.

Take the stairs every chance get.

Crank the music and your heart rate until the next time you mop or vacuum.

It all adds up. If you twice a day for a 10 minute walk and try a few of these tips, you may find yourself with a low impact, 30 minute workout easily tucked under your belt.

Enlighten the foods you already love

One of the easiest ways is again denied without feeling on low-calorie versions of the foods you crave change. A pizza tastes just as good with reduced fat cheese and if you decorate fat ice cream with your favorite toppers, who notices those missing calories?

And while you are trimming fat calories, keep an eye on promoting fiber.

Fiber helps you satisfied longer, so while you lighten family favorites, you can easily amp fiber by adding a cup of whole wheat flour your pizza dough or throw a handful of red pepper on the cake.

Do not forget the drinks go with this meal easier Try. From high calorie favorites to diet soda or light beer or perhaps a splash of seltzer to your wine

Hate low cal drinks? Mix your favorite drink with a splash of low cal option, then increase the ratio as your taste buds adjust. And do not forget to keep casting the ultimate beverage.

Since hydration helps Really

A glass of water before a meal down and you will not feel so famished. Drink a glass of water before a meal helps me see what I am? I just do not hog everything, because I'm not that hungry to eat.

the compulsive snacker it a great idea to hold without calories drinks in hand, as a way to keep your mouth busy and less likely to snack on junk food.

Going to a party? Grab a low cal drink in one hand and hold it there. Not only does it make it harder to graze the buffet, but you'll also be less endless drinking cocktails tried also.

Finally, keep your body refreshed with plenty of water can also help your workout. Stay hydrated means I can exercise more and longer, than if I did not drink water.

Share and Share Alike

With the massive meals to so many American restaurants, it's easy to go Dutch with the plate.

When we go out, I often share a meal with my wife, Anthony tells. We have known for split a dessert, even a beer. So we do not feel full, and save us some money.

You can share more than just a meal. Why not double on a bicycle built for two? Halves on the cost of a personal trainer? Perhaps a membership split in the gym?

If you try to eat better or exercise more may be more successful if you do it with a partner or a group. The community, the partnership, whether online or in person, it really helps.

Twice the motivation, without twice the effort a steal a deal.

Tune In, Tone Up

The American Heart Association knows what we love: television. And they also know we need to get more exercise. So why not combine both, you ask?

Try dancing to the music when you tune into your favorite music show or practice some stress relieving cardio boxing, if you candidate is the least reality in front of the camera.

During commercials pedal slip your stationery bike, walk the treadmill, or in a little strength training to do bicep curls with cans of your favorite fizzy drink as weights. Or be inspired, to really focus: Put motivate in a high energy workout DVD and by the pros on the screen.

It's not just what you do, no matter, as long as you are and active. Aim for at least 15 minutes, says the AHA. But who knows? If you get really engrossed, you could survive the last survivor.

Size Matters

Eat less, fails without feeling as close as your dishes.

This is because while a small portion served on a large plate you leave wanting more, there was a smaller plate, the visual signal that you have been more.

People go through physical cues, when they eat. We know we have enough, because we see the bottom of our bowl or plate.A small plate of food just feels more satisfying than a large plate with the same amount of food on them.

And do not forget smaller bowls, cups and spoons. For example, you try to enjoy a bowl of ice cream with a baby spoon. Not only does this take pleasure longer, but your body has time to register the food that you have eaten.

Participate in, or at least get on the table

If you carry your weight loss efforts to get bored or too much self focus occupied with something else. I eat more when I'm bored,especially when I eat in front of the TV.

So take a break from the siren call of the tube and get busy, things that have nothing to do with food.

For some, it may mean involved with local politics, discovering yoga or enjoy painting. Or you might want to help a child with a science project, repaint the bedroom or take a class. The key: Have a life outside of weight loss.

Already busy enough? Then at least you eat your meals on the table. The TV is disturbing, and I'm not eating consciously, Virginia. As soon as I. At the table with a place setting, I'm much more aware of what I eat

Lose It Today, Keep It Off Tomorrow

Finally, to be patient. During the cultivation of this virtue is not exactly painless, it may help to know that keeping weight to the rule of the time gets easier.

That's the conclusion of a study published in Obesity Research, where researchers found that for people who had lost at least 30 pounds and kept it for at least two years to maintain that weight loss requires less effort over time.

Improved self confidence, an increase in mood and better health cultivate patience So if you are the results of successful losers how long this report. You can make your way to sweet and nearly painless weight loss success.