Wednesday, 22 May 2013

the secret of life

Body maintenance , the secret of life

In many cultures and historical periods women are proud to be great being fat was a sign of fertility, prosperity, ability to survive the. Even in the U.S. today where the fear of fat there is in most sectors of the culture I love some racial and ethnic groups and enjoy large women. For example Hawaiians often very large women very beautiful and studies show that some black women experience greater body satisfaction and less on a diet, fat and weight fluctuations than white women. However the weight loss, medical and advertising across a huge impact on women across racial and ethnic boundaries. These industries all insist that white and thin and beautiful is that obesity is always a dangerous problem in need of correction. The popular notion that some communities are less influenced than others meant that women of color in particular have a hard time seriously when they should have taken eating disorders. A black woman is suffering from an eating disorder says:

After all not black people stay wide hips and fleshy body? Overweight Is not so widespread in our society, because it is actually accepted? Non black women have very positive body images? Anorexia and their relatives allegedly strike only teenagers, middle and upper middle class white girls. women like me are improvised the search for other sisters with the same worries, just wondering if we are alone on this path.

Fat women daily encounter hostility and discrimination. If we are fat health practitioners often attribute our health problems move obesity treatment until we lose weight, we take cheating if we do not make us so ashamed of our size, we do not ask for help and all kinds of assumptions about our emotional and psychological state (You must have emotional problems so fat).

But how many of us have long suspected, it is now recognized that there is cardiovascular fitness, not fat, we need to if we should look concerned about health. Some of our disease than fat women results from the stress of life with fat hatred social ridicule and hostility, isolation, financial burdens resulting from workplace discrimination, lack of exercise, the because of the harassment and perhaps most importantly, the dangers repeated dieting. Low calorie diets have become a national obsession. Many of us believe that. Women afraid to be fat is a form of social control Fear of fat keeps women busy robs us of our pride and energy that keeps us away from taking up space. I do not like heavy, I feel like, thin, lean and spare parts and not like a toad. I thought anti fat taken me so deeply that I hate myself there when I do. Still 10 pounds overweight what am always mean Can we relaxed our weight.

By experimenting with what weight feels comfortable, rather than us trying to be thin especially.

By the more accepting of weight fluctuations through the life cycle.

By developing a better understanding of which health problems are really connected to weight.

Through the exercise and healthy diet to get healthy and let our body weight sat down accordingly.

We need a broad rebellion of the women who are tired of worrying about her weight, which should be understood that weight is not a matter of health or discipline, but our culture uses a weapon against us to keep us in our position and small feel. we must calmly say no to ridiculous weight standards, reassuring us both, that we are good and worthwhile, even if we are not a size 6, and continues to change these defaults to protest more demonstrably, for others as well. decisions require a change in attitude, which while not necessarily rude, rather less tolerant of the daily humiliation to body size women. now as their reason. In other words we begin to have to throw our weight around.

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