Saturday, 21 September 2019

Best Foods to Increase Blood Flow

1. Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper gets its spicy flavor from a herbal ingredient called capsaicin. Capsaicin promotes tissue perfusion by lowering blood pressure and stimulating the release of nitric oxide and other vasodilators or compounds that help dilate your blood vessels. Vasodilators allow blood to flow more easily through your veins and arteries by relaxing the tiny muscles in the walls of the blood vessels. Studies have shown that taking cayenne pepper increases blood flow, improves blood vessel strength and reduces plaque build-up in your arteries. In addition, these hot peppers are often included in pain relieving creams, as they can promote the circulation of the affected area.

2. Pomegranate

Pomegranates are juicy, sweet fruits that are particularly rich in polyphenol antioxidants and nitrates, which are effective vasodilators. Eating pomegranate-as a juice, raw fruit or dietary supplement, can improve the circulation and oxygenation of muscle tissue, which could help particularly active people. A study of 19 active people found that taking 1,000 mg of pomegranate extract 30 minutes before training increased blood flow, blood vessel diameter and exercise performance.
Another study showed that daily intake of 500 ml of pomegranate juice during or before strength training reduced pain, muscle damage and inflammation in Elite Trusted Source.

3. onions

Onions are an excellent source of flavonoid antioxidants that benefit heart health. This vegetable improves blood circulation by helping to dilate your arteries and veins as blood flow increases. In a 30 day study in 23 men daily intake of 4.3gm onion extract significantly improved blood flow and arterial dilation after meals.
Onions also have anti-inflammatory properties that can promote blood flow and heart health by reducing inflammation in the veins and arteries.

4. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a warming spice that has many health benefits-including increased blood flow. In animal studies, cinnamon enhanced blood vessel dilation and blood flow in the coronary artery, which supplies blood to the heart. Rats fed 91mg/lbs (200 mg/kg) body weight cinnamon bark daily for eight weeks showed better cardiac output and better blood flow to the coronary arteries after intense exercise compared to rats in the control group
Studies have also shown that cinnamon can effectively lower blood pressure in humans by relaxing the blood vessels. This improves blood circulation and keeps your heart healthy
In a study of 59 people with type 2 diabetes, 1,200 mg cinnamon per day lowered systolic blood pressure (the highest reading) by an average of 3.4 mmHg at 12 week .

5. Garlic

Garlic is known for its beneficial effects on blood circulation and heart health. Studies suggest that garlic especially its sulfur compounds, which include allicin - can increase blood flow to the tissues and lower blood pressure by relaxing your blood vessels.
In fact, high garlic diets are associated with better flow mediated vasodilation (FMD) an indicator of blood flow efficiency.
In a study of 42 people with coronary heart disease, people who consumed garlic powder tablets containing 1200 mg allicin twice daily for three months experienced a 50% improvement in blood flow through the brachial artery compared to a placebo group.

6. Fatty fish

Fatty fish such as salmon and mackerel are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids. These fats are particularly beneficial for the circulation because they promote the release of nitric oxide, which expands your blood vessels and increases blood flow.
Omega-3 fats also inhibit the clumping of platelets in your blood, a process that can lead to the formation of blood clots. In addition, fish oil supplements reduce blood pressure and improve the circulation of the skeletal muscles during and after exercise.
For example in a study on 10 healthy men, high doses of fish oil 4.2 grams daily for four weeks significantly improved blood flow to the legs after exercise.

7. Turnips

Many athletes complement each other with beet juice or beet powder to improve performance. This is because the beets are rich in nitrates, which your body converts to nitric oxide. Nitric oxide relaxes the blood vessels and increases the blood flow to the muscle tissue.
Beet juice preparations improve oxygen flow in muscle tissue, stimulate blood flow and increase nitric oxide content-all of which can increase performance.
In addition to supporting athletes, beets improve circulation in older adults with circulatory problems. In a study of 12 older adults, those who drank 5 ounces (140 ml) of nitrate-rich beet juice per day found a significant drop in blood pressure, clotting time and blood vessel inflammation compared to those who consumed placebo.

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