Friday, 11 October 2019

Health benefits and medical usage of Rasbhari (Cape Gooseberry)

Health benefits and medical use of (Cape Gooseberry).

Name of the Cape Gooseberry

The fruit is called the Cape Gooseberry, as it is first grown in the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa. It is known by different names in different countries:

Rasbhari: India

Cape Gooseberry: South Africa

Pokpok: Madagascar

Poha: Hawaii

Aguaymanto: Peru

Uvilla: Ecuador

Uva: Colombia

Harankash: Egypt

Amour en cage: France

Physalis: UK

Botanical name: Physalis peruviana

Advantages of Cape gooseberry

1. Rasbhari Nutrition Facts: The nutritional value of 100 grams of Cape Gooseberry is as follows: Energy (53 kcal), Carbohydrates (11.2g), Fat (0.7g), Protein (1.9g), Vitamin A (36mg), Vitamin B1 (0.11mg), Vitamin B2 (0.04mg), Vitamin B3 (2.8mg), Vitamin C (11mg), Calcium (9mg), Iron (1mg), Phosphorus (40mg ) etc. The fruit is rich in pectin and has plenty of polyphenols, withanolides, melatonin and carotenoids.
2. Diabetes: Cape gooseberry is rich in fructose and good for diabetics.
3.Anti-inflammatory: Due to the presence of polyphenols and antioxidants, the golden berries are used for many medicinal purposes, such As against asthma, convulsions, sepsis, helmental, anti-inflammatory, laxative, laxative and good for stomach disorders.
4.Hypertension control: Rasbhari controls hypertension due to the presence of phytochemicals such as polyphenols and carotenoids and a suitable percentage of potassium that acts as a hypotensive agent. These biochemical compounds also lower cholesterol levels.
5.Lung cancer: African groundfish contain a reasonable percentage of polyphenols and carotenoids, which have beneficial effects on the cure of lung cancer, as recent research studies have shown. The anti-hepatoma properties of the fruit are also related to the treatment of cancer. In popular culture, Physalis peruviana is prescribed for cancer and leukemia. It is still widely used in folk medicine of Kerala, India.
6.Neurological problems: Physalis peruviana has the ability to control the movement of free radicals, thus helping to prevent many diseases, including neurological disorders.
7.Good looking: Rasbhari is rich in vitamin A and provides 14% of the daily requirement for vitamin A. Vitamin A is good for the eyes, prevents cataracts and protects muscle degeneration.
8.Strengthens the bones: The golden berry has a good percentage of pectin, which supports both calcium and phosphorus absorption and thus strengthens the bones. It is also used to treat rheumatism and dermatitis.
9.Strengthening immunity: The fruit contains vitamin C and meets 18% of the daily requirement. With an abundant amount of vitamin C, it helps to strengthen the immunity of the body.
10.Healthy Liver: In one study, it was confirmed that Rasbhari regulates cholesterol and is good for the health of the liver.
11.Atherosclerosis: The fruit juice contains some important plant substances that are good for the smooth functioning of the heart.
Side Effects of Rasbhari: Do not take unripe fruits as they contain lighter forms of toxic alkaloids that can trigger allergies.

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