tips to take your yoga practice to the next level
Here are 5 ideas that helped me bring new energy to have my yoga practice and my life.
Practice gentle breathing exercises (Pranayama).
Breathing is essential to your health and well being. Since oxygen is the fuel for the human body, if you practice a variety of breathing exercises, you are actually oxygenating your cells, causing an amazing feeling of rejuvenation, relaxation and reduce stress naturally.
Just as the various forms of work of breathing begin to practice your yoga practice, think of yourself as excitement is. At every level of life, mind, body and soul
There are many forms of pranayama to integrate into your regular yoga routine. Some of my favorites are: alternative nasal breathing, breathing Kalabhati, Channel Cleansing breathing Shitali Panayama or Bellows Breath.
With breath work, take it slow, be allowed to build up your breathing practice every day. Enjoy the process of developing your pranayama and meditation skills and embodies all of the advantages of deep breathing.
Practice new poses.
The thing I love is yoga, that no matter where you are in your practice, you can always find out more. If you are willing to practice new poses are, prepare yourself by starting with is gentle and strengthening preparation. I always recommend that you prepare your mind and body, both physically and mentally, so that when the time is right, you can effortlessly slip into your new poses.
To practice some of my favorite poses, are variants Crow (Bakasana) headstand (Sirsasana), handstand (Adho Mukha Vrksasana) Forearm Stand (Pincha Mayurasana).
Another good way to go deeper with your yoga is to experiment with gentle backbends. This allows you to build spine flexibility and find more space in your back and spine.
Change your style.
If you are looking for inspiration to go deeper with your yoga practice looking at what you already like to do in your practice and see where you can read more about integrating the yoga mat.
For example, try the music, practice use. Try pop music, sounds from nature or even classical music. It has been said that silence is golden, so one day try to practice the sound of silence and see if that works for you.
Other ideas to help you change your style includes the use of lights. Try it off with colorful lights, dimming the lights or even turning off the lights and practicing yoga by candlelight. You can experiment and play with odors and scents, try it with incense, fragrant candles and modern aromatic scent diffusers.
Try a new location.
Consider setting up a home practice is trying a new type of yoga or exercise with another teacher.
If you continue to innovate, embrace the quality of change on your yoga mat. In this way you can create a joyful, light and playful connection with yourself and in your life
Take a step up
Have you noticed that your yoga practice is often a reflection of your life? When you are ready, more of a challenge or are converting to embrace in your life, it's interesting to see how this can be up on the mat as well. You may want to practice to find a new pose.
Have the courage to take a step with your yoga practice. If you feel drawn intuitively to a yoga class, listen to retreat or teacher training in this sense. Even if you do not intend to continue to have your yoga, yoga training in any form is a powerful way to grow your confidence and self-esteem.
Plus at a yoga retreat or yoga training gives you the opportunity to other like minded, supportive and encouraging to meet people. As in this type of environment will help you to heal and to reach deeper levels of transformation.