Some ways More Sex Can Improve Your Health
There is probably not much more convincing to follow this rule, but you should know, anyway-the more sex you have, the healthier you will be.It can not only help your overall mood(and thereby reduce stress), but studies show there is a tangible way sex slows the aging process, fights disease and even heals wounds.Here is a complete breakdown of the ways it. To save you a trip to the emergency room.
Sex promotes heart health.A men who have sex less frequently. And this was true even after the researchers adjusted for erectile dysfunction. sexual activity once a month or less have risk for cardiovascular disease than men who have sex more than once a week.
The psychic ability, could have sex with a marker for overall health or the exercise of sex could be directly protect against CVD. Or it could be that people who have sex regularly, enjoy better health through stress reduction of a supportive relationship. Whatever the reason, it seems that sex good for the ticker. Sex is a natural sleep aid.Because women know only too well, orgasm is a pretty effective sleep aid for most men.
Gender suffocated like exercise, releases fear, lowers stress hormones, and can help people with mental capacity for at least a week. Those who had sex were the least stressed, and their blood pressure returned to normal faster after the public space back test. People who have had penile-vaginal intercourse twice as good as the people who had only masturbated or no sex at all.
A roll in the hay keeps the doctor away.People who have sex once or twice a week have a stronger immune system than men to have sex less than once a week.
Good love is better than a bandage.wounds healed nearly twice as fast after the positive interaction.
More sex can turn back the clock.People who reported having sex four times a week looked approximately 10 years younger than they actually were. Joy with loving Sex releases hormones, including human growth hormone, which dates crucial in maintaining youth.
Frequent orgasms may protect against cancer.Several studies have shown that frequent ejaculation over many years may reduce prostate cancer risk. Some protective factors can contribute to: ejaculation, the prostate from cancer-causing secretions and the stress-reducing benefits of orgasm may potentially harmful substances that may cause cancer, delete limit.
Love more,live longer.A sexual activity can have a protective effect on health. By comparing men by age and health, researchers found that men who had the highest frequency of orgasms a death rate of 50 percent lower than men who did not have often ejaculate.
men who have more sex, are surprised happier!Married men are 135 percent more likely to report happiness than single men, while only 52 percent of married women are happier than unmarried women.sexual activity by 25 percent to 300 percent greater for married couples compared to non-married people, depending on age.